Jobs sent overseas? How did this happen?

Ok, use a different company then for the same analogy. In a globalized workforce there is not a scarcity of workers to do labor intensive jobs. Companies just aren't going to pay large sums to workers strictly because they are American.

BECAUSE as long as they get theirs, too many people today turn a blind eye to corporate greed.
There is a big difference between the two.

Not really. There has always been displacement as technology and innovations have advanced. America on a whole benefits when its people are working on more productive things. Thus the benefit of sneakers or toys or any other number of items being made overseas. Of course to one who has less education and used to work in a more labor intensive field there's no denying it hurts. And I think it is a good use of government money to help those people who have been displaced. But to continue to be the world's leading economy into the 21st century America isn't going to turn backward and pretend we are living economically in the 1950's.
There is plenty of bi-partisan blame to go around. Technology and globalization has made the U.S., and the world, even wealthier.

I don't know too many Americans who feel wealthier. Certainly those who are bitching about the minimum wage aren't the Robin Leach types. There are 100 million without a job, most of which just gave up looking.

It's also dramatically increased income inequality and the number of people who are being left behind.

Really? There were rich people who made a lot more money than my father. But he showed up for work every day and we lived in a nice house. Not a mansion but a nice place. We had cars. We took vacations. We never felt left behind. How did globalization increase income inequality? (I'm not saying unequivocally, but I'm thinking that the expansion of the welfare state and and the alleged war on poverty has created the worst income inequality of all time.)

Trump claims he's going to pass massive tariffs and bring back manufacturing jobs. No he's not.

That's not what he said. I've read his books as well as his website so I know the truth. He's putting Karl Ichan in charge of China. Karl is a dealmaker. The jobs will come back. China will quit fucking around with its currency or face tariffs.

Why wouldn't Trump do that? Hell, it would help his own bottom line from his company. Who would opposed him in Congress? Think Democrats in union heavy states would say now? Hell, tariffs are HEROIN to liberal/union slave Democrats.

I don't think it will come to that. I think China will realize that America is no longer going to be ripped off. I think China will start acting in its own best interests.
It doesn't work that way and he knows it. He just says it because certain people like to hear it.

The Republican party doesn't want to hear it. Free trade at all cost libertarians don't want to hear it.

You've got to remember that Trump is not a politician. He never had the luxury of making promises he couldn't keep in business without it costing him a buttload of money. Unlike every candidate in this race, he's actually had to face bottom lines and deadlines.

You know this to be true. You've suffered under the dickheads of both parties for a long time. You can see this.
Reason are all your friends poor
There have never been more millionaires or billionaires
The average hourly wage has never been higher.
Why you so depressed
I don't know too many Americans who feel wealthier. Certainly those who are bitching about the minimum wage aren't the Robin Leach types. There are 100 million without a job, most of which just gave up looking.

Really? There were rich people who made a lot more money than my father. But he showed up for work every day and we lived in a nice house. Not a mansion but a nice place. We had cars. We took vacations. We never felt left behind. How did globalization increase income inequality? (I'm not saying unequivocally, but I'm thinking that the expansion of the welfare state and and the alleged war on poverty has created the worst income inequality of all time.)

That's not what he said. I've read his books as well as his website so I know the truth. He's putting Karl Ichan in charge of China. Karl is a dealmaker. The jobs will come back. China will quit fucking around with its currency or face tariffs.

Why wouldn't Trump do that? Hell, it would help his own bottom line from his company. Who would opposed him in Congress? Think Democrats in union heavy states would say now? Hell, tariffs are HEROIN to liberal/union slave Democrats.

I don't think it will come to that. I think China will realize that America is no longer going to be ripped off. I think China will start acting in its own best interests.

The Republican party doesn't want to hear it. Free trade at all cost libertarians don't want to hear it.

You've got to remember that Trump is not a politician. He never had the luxury of making promises he couldn't keep in business without it costing him a buttload of money. Unlike every candidate in this race, he's actually had to face bottom lines and deadlines.

You know this to be true. You've suffered under the dickheads of both parties for a long time. You can see this.

I live in San Francisco. There is a LOT of money here and plenty of people doing well.

You disagree that income inequality is growing and people are being left behind? I don't want to make a crass comment but how much are you following economics in our country? (And I am not complaining about this) Look at the number of billionaires and multi-millionaires that are being created. It's a result of technology, trade and globalization. The downside is lower educated workers get left behind. The war on poverty isn't helping but that's not what's creating the massive amounts of wealth in this country.

You aren't paying attention to Trump then. He's says he's going to put 45% tariffs on China and 35% tariffs on Mexico. Ichan isn't doing jack. Trade wars do not benefit our country. China isn't going to give in to that threat.

Trump is not bringing back manufacturing jobs. What's he done in his business career doesn't matter. He can't force companies to work against their own interest. We aren't a totalitarian government.
When I was young, people without a college degree were able to work regular jobs that paid pretty well. They were able to buy houses, buy cars, take the family on a vacation.
Today, everyone seems to think that you can't make enough money to even pay for a mobile home if you don't have an Ivy League degree. And manufacturing jobs are in the Far East.

HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN over a period of about 50 years?

Here are the reasons we're getting from the political parties.

1. Unions have bid up job costs to where it's worth the cost to relocate a factory overseas.
2. Companies have figured it's cheaper locating to a country where the regulations, taxes and environmental laws are much more lax.
3. American labor just sucks, according to some.
4. America is switching from a manufacturing to a service economy.
5. Illegal aliens have come in and bid down the most mundane jobs, and in some cases are working for well below the legal minimum wage.
6. The minimum wage is too high for companies to make any profit here.

Both sides of the aisle are welcome to chime in. There are no really wrong answers here. It's my belief that BOTH political parties share responsibility for this economic clusterfuck. Over the last 7 years (or I should say since 2010) the Republican Party has basically given Barak Obama everything he wanted legislatively, so both parties share in the blame of there being over 100 million people out of work.

Think it's just one side?
Steve Jobs (a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT icon if there ever was one) decided to have the I-Phone manufactured by FoxConn in China because he said a unit would cost over $900 if it were assembled by American labor. I couldn't possibly make that up.

In my day and age, there weren't any whinings about a "Living Wage." People with even an elementary school education were able to find good jobs.

So what happened? Why did the jobs disappear? You can say high taxes, too much regulation in the same breath as "corporate greed" and you probably wouldn't be wrong.

If you people can figure this out, you'll have a clue as to why Donald Trump is ahead in all the polls as he has declared war on both political parties. Perhaps he's right.

Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale

BECAUSE as long as they get theirs, too many people today turn a blind eye to corporate greed.

You have it all wrong. It's EARNED theirs. Only those who receive things through the social welfare programs you support get something. The rest of us have to do something to EARN what we have.

If you want to see greedy, go to where freeloaders are applying for food stamps, welfare, Section 8 housing, WIC, etc. Those people are demanding that the government TAKE a portion of what someone else EARNED in order for them to be handed something for NOTHING. You call those who did something for what they have greedy because they'd like to keep what they EARNED and are OK with those that did nothing getting it HANDED to them. Totally backwards.
It's hilarious when "small-government" conservatives cry because the government didn't save their jobs from cheaper offshore competition.

All of a sudden that free market thing doesn't taste too good...:rofl2:
BECAUSE as long as they get theirs, too many people today turn a blind eye to corporate greed.

Actually, EVERYONE is greedy. Corporations want to pay workers 50 cents an hour and make them work 90 hours a week. Workers want to make $100 an hour, have a three day work week and a paid two week vacation every two months.

EVERYBODY is greedy. Reality is somewhere in the middle. The corporation has to pay a little more. The worker has to take a little less. That's how it has always worked.

Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?
I live in San Francisco. There is a LOT of money here and plenty of people doing well.

As long as they aren't caught on the streets when an illegal alien decides to kill someone.

You disagree that income inequality is growing and people are being left behind?

I don't deny that income inequality exists. I just have a different theory from you fairy tale liberals as to the cause. As far as people being left behind, perhaps you should look at the first post in this thread. The massive high school diploma population being left behind is what this thread is all about.
I don't want to make a crass comment but how much are you following economics in our country?

A lot more than you liberals, apparently. You don't seem to know either Jack nor Squat.
(And I am not complaining about this) Look at the number of billionaires and multi-millionaires that are being created. It's a result of technology, trade and globalization. The downside is lower educated workers get left behind.

Again, check back to the first post of this thread. (Are you liberals REALLY as dense as this? Right now, you make Strontium 90 look porous by comparison.) THIS THREAD IS ABOUT LOWER EDUCATED WORKERS GETTING LEFT BEHIND.

And since YOU LIBERALS ARE THE ONES WHO ARE CLAIMING THE RICH ARE GETTING RICH OFF THE BACKS OF THE POOR, (which is one of the dumbest ideas ever to come out of your pieholes) I created this discussion to ask why a few people are becoming billionaires while those with high school or less can no longer afford to be single breadwinners, buy houses, cars, etc. I've asked everyone here WHY. So far, you're just vomiting liberals class envy talking points. Perhaps you liberals should start thinking outside of the box for a change.
The war on poverty isn't helping but that's not what's creating the massive amounts of wealth in this country.

I believe the war on poverty has created a permanent underclass, first with blacks and now with latinos and poor whites. I never said the WOP created massive amounts of wealth.

You aren't paying attention to Trump then. He's says he's going to put 45% tariffs on China and 35% tariffs on Mexico. Ichan isn't doing jack. Trade wars do not benefit our country. China isn't going to give in to that threat.

You apparently aren't paying attention to Trump. You're just vomiting some Huffingonacrackpipe Post talking points. Before you go any further, you need to educate yourself as to what Trump is actually saying. Here are HIS OWN WORDS.

Trump is not bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Yes he is. That's not even a smart lie.
What's he done in his business career doesn't matter.

Apparently most of America disagrees with you. Trump has had to accomplish monumental achievements in a field where there is such a thing as accountability. That makes him more qualified to run a national economy than a bunch of political hacks in both parties who just run and either win or lose every two years. They just keep fleecing donors.
He can't force companies to work against their own interest.

He never said he would.
We aren't a totalitarian government.

We've had that for the past 7 years.
Reason are all your friends poor

Not that it's relevant, but no.
There have never been more millionaires or billionaires

And you liberals are blaming those millionaires and billionaires for the growing income inequality. It's not MY side of the aisle that's whining about a too small minimum wage.

The average hourly wage has never been higher.

And the average hourly wage has never been worth so little.

Why you so depressed

I'm not depressed. I've got a job I love and soon Donald Trump is going to be elected president and this bullshit is going to end. I'm kind of optimistic for the first time in seven years.
You have it all wrong. It's EARNED theirs. Only those who receive things through the social welfare programs you support get something. The rest of us have to do something to EARN what we have.

If you want to see greedy, go to where freeloaders are applying for food stamps, welfare, Section 8 housing, WIC, etc. Those people are demanding that the government TAKE a portion of what someone else EARNED in order for them to be handed something for NOTHING. You call those who did something for what they have greedy because they'd like to keep what they EARNED and are OK with those that did nothing getting it HANDED to them. Totally backwards.

For purposes of this thread (and truthfully it's something I believe in my heart) EVERYONE has greed. Those freeloaders you refer to are greedy. I'm a middle class wage earner and I'm greedy. Corporations are greedy. EVERYONE is greedy. Everyone wants more than they have. And frankly, that's not such a bad thing. Just because you have a small handful of idiots here who have nothing more intelligent to add to the argument than "corporate greed" (without them even understanding what the fuck it means) doesn't mean greed isn't a factor.

We have an economy because of greed all around. I wouldn't have it any other way.
It's hilarious when "small-government" conservatives cry because the government didn't save their jobs from cheaper offshore competition.

All of a sudden that free market thing doesn't taste too good...:rofl2:

Tell me again where you got the idea of "small government conservatives." And then tell me where you got the idea that conservatives have EVER been for a free market.

At least when it comes to the Republican establishment, small governments and free markets are a joke.
Someone using the term Corp greed
Should go outside and wash the very old dodge

The sign of a great car is the fact that it is old and still in the driveway. So far I've got over 200,000 miles on my Chrysler Town And Country, and it still runs like a top. And it's never even been tuned up before.

(Yeah, I know that sounds cheap. Blame my college Accounting professor. She once said she drives a car until the wheels fall off.)
As long as they aren't caught on the streets when an illegal alien decides to kill someone.

I don't deny that income inequality exists. I just have a different theory from you fairy tale liberals as to the cause. As far as people being left behind, perhaps you should look at the first post in this thread. The massive high school diploma population being left behind is what this thread is all about.

A lot more than you liberals, apparently. You don't seem to know either Jack nor Squat.

Again, check back to the first post of this thread. (Are you liberals REALLY as dense as this? Right now, you make Strontium 90 look porous by comparison.) THIS THREAD IS ABOUT LOWER EDUCATED WORKERS GETTING LEFT BEHIND.

And since YOU LIBERALS ARE THE ONES WHO ARE CLAIMING THE RICH ARE GETTING RICH OFF THE BACKS OF THE POOR, (which is one of the dumbest ideas ever to come out of your pieholes) I created this discussion to ask why a few people are becoming billionaires while those with high school or less can no longer afford to be single breadwinners, buy houses, cars, etc. I've asked everyone here WHY. So far, you're just vomiting liberals class envy talking points. Perhaps you liberals should start thinking outside of the box for a change.

I believe the war on poverty has created a permanent underclass, first with blacks and now with latinos and poor whites. I never said the WOP created massive amounts of wealth.

You apparently aren't paying attention to Trump. You're just vomiting some Huffingonacrackpipe Post talking points. Before you go any further, you need to educate yourself as to what Trump is actually saying. Here are HIS OWN WORDS.

Yes he is. That's not even a smart lie.

Apparently most of America disagrees with you. Trump has had to accomplish monumental achievements in a field where there is such a thing as accountability. That makes him more qualified to run a national economy than a bunch of political hacks in both parties who just run and either win or lose every two years. They just keep fleecing donors.

He never said he would.

We've had that for the past 7 years.

Dude, I'm a lifelong Republican so use the 'you liberals' on someone else.

As has been stated multiple times on this thread workers are getting left behind because of technology and globalization. This isn't the 1950's and 1960's anymore where a guy with a high school diploma can go work in a factory and live a middle class lifestyle. Would you like that to be repeated several more times?

Amazing wealth is being created in our country right now. It's also going to those at the top of the food chain. That's why income inequality is growing. I'm not complaining about it or saying it's a bad thing but it's reality.

Trump LOVES voters like you who believe all he says. Do a simple Google search and you can find where he has said he is going to place tariffs on China and Mexico. Trump is not bringing back manufacturing jobs and Carl Ichan will do nothing to China. China is in fact having its own issues losing manufacturing jobs to cheaper locals such as Vietnam. Trumps whole M.O. is threatening a trade war. Who loses in that the scenario? The U.S.

Trump is a genius when it comes to branding. That is his strength and that's how he became a billionaire (along with owning a couple of the most expensive properties in New York City). As far as accountability he actually never had to report to anyone but himself. He's never run a public company.