Jobs sent overseas? How did this happen?

Well, for the record the Democrat party raised their taxes and gave them a reason to build overseas.


Actually, the majority of corporations are donating to the Democrats.

because they want their taxes rasied?

You seem to be living somewhere in 1988. The world has changed a lot since then. Donald Trump is way ahead in the polls because BOTH PARTIES have fucked us.

it your party in a shamble idiot

Really? The Founders created the EPA? The Income Tax? OSHA? You REALLY think Jimmy Carter was a Founder?

they had VERY tufff rules for corporations asshole
Apparently we DON'T have better lives. Everything costs more. 100 million people are out of work. That hasn't happened since the Great Depression. We have record numbers of homeless. And the country is $20 TRILLION in the hole.

Right now India has a better economy than the US.

And I'm not necessarily just blaming the Kenyan Shoeshine boy for all of it, although he shoulders a good portion of the blame. The REpublican Congress who didn't stop him from implementing the policies that caused a lot of this shares a lot of that blame.

My question is WHY a miniscule few rich CEOs had to be made richer just to send the menial jobs overseas so that those here without college degrees wound up either starving or languishing at low paying McJobs. It wasn't like that when I was growing up.
The us economy has never been better ever
Production all time high
Family possessions all time high
Average conservatard weight all time high
My question, (and really that's the purpose of this thread) is HOW could this have been made possible? America CREATED the technology of the Nike to begin with. How did the country of Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket somehow get those jobs? What kind of business climate enabled that country to be able to offer such cheap labor? How did the far east manage to rip off American technology and knowledge to begin with? And what tax and regulatory nonsense made it profitable for companies to offshore.

You're right about companies running the numbers. But Korea, China and Vietnam didn't just spring out of the ground and become capitalist meccas. Our country did something to drive those plants overseas.

Was it confiscatory taxation? Was it socialist regulation? Was it out-of-control union demands? Was it our currency being rendered worthless by trillions and trillions spent on our welfare state?

I believe these questions are valid because they suggest a path BACK to the economic model we had before the Far East took all our jobs.

Companies offshore if they think it's profitable. They run the numbers first of course.

Technology made the world flatter. These countries, to differing degrees, opened up their economy.

Like I said we could go back to post WWII conditions where much of Europe and Japan lay in ruins and Russia and China were communist so things were great for the U.S. (worker) We're in the 21st Century now however and times have progressed.
And average families have way more stuff and are wealthier and fatter than ever.

Not to hear liberals talk. To them ESPECIALLY BLACK PEOPLE, things are worse than ever before.

Nobody is making a "living wage." You libs are squawking about wanting to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour for burger flippers. Doesn't sound like average families are wealthier at all.

People ARE fatter. I'll give you that. Food stamp use is at an all time high and food stamp bums are the fattest people on the planet.
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When I was young, people without a college degree were able to work regular jobs that paid pretty well. They were able to buy houses, buy cars, take the family on a vacation.
Today, everyone seems to think that you can't make enough money to even pay for a mobile home if you don't have an Ivy League degree. And manufacturing jobs are in the Far East.

HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN over a period of about 50 years?

Here are the reasons we're getting from the political parties.

1. Unions have bid up job costs to where it's worth the cost to relocate a factory overseas.
2. Companies have figured it's cheaper locating to a country where the regulations, taxes and environmental laws are much more lax.
3. American labor just sucks, according to some.
4. America is switching from a manufacturing to a service economy.
5. Illegal aliens have come in and bid down the most mundane jobs, and in some cases are working for well below the legal minimum wage.
6. The minimum wage is too high for companies to make any profit here.

Both sides of the aisle are welcome to chime in. There are no really wrong answers here. It's my belief that BOTH political parties share responsibility for this economic clusterfuck. Over the last 7 years (or I should say since 2010) the Republican Party has basically given Barak Obama everything he wanted legislatively, so both parties share in the blame of there being over 100 million people out of work.

Think it's just one side?
Steve Jobs (a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT icon if there ever was one) decided to have the I-Phone manufactured by FoxConn in China because he said a unit would cost over $900 if it were assembled by American labor. I couldn't possibly make that up.

In my day and age, there weren't any whinings about a "Living Wage." People with even an elementary school education were able to find good jobs.

So what happened? Why did the jobs disappear? You can say high taxes, too much regulation in the same breath as "corporate greed" and you probably wouldn't be wrong.

If you people can figure this out, you'll have a clue as to why Donald Trump is ahead in all the polls as he has declared war on both political parties. Perhaps he's right.

You forgot corporate greed. There have been innumerable companies that were profitable and paying good wages here that moved overseas simply to increase the bottom line. There is no cure for that short of regulations.
You forgot corporate greed. There have been innumerable companies that were profitable and paying good wages here that moved overseas simply to increase the bottom line. There is no cure for that short of regulations.

You can call it greed but it's really called competing in a global economy. The U.S. only hurts itself by making the playing field harder for companies based here.
You forgot corporate greed. There have been innumerable companies that were profitable and paying good wages here that moved overseas simply to increase the bottom line. There is no cure for that short of regulations.

Okay. You mentioned corporate greed. First time for that theory. I'm not going to just dismiss it as left wing bullshit because frankly EVERYONE is greedy. Everyone wants more than they have. Some will work harder. Some will steal. Some will use the law and take what doesn't belong to them.

I get that. The question is what caused the companies to move overseas in the first place. You liberals say that it's simply to increase the bottom line. Conservatives say it's because confiscatory taxes, overbearing regulations and union demands drove those businesses overseas.

Here's the problem. Both sides are probably right to one extent or another. Your solution is more regulations. Personally I think there are too many regulations already, and that countries like China and India are sucking our jobs because of a better business climate and lower taxes.

Rich Republicans helped this happen, too. They turned a blind eye to illegal immigrants because they wanted cheap labor. The Democrats helped this happen by embracing illegals for the purpose of registering them to vote Democrat.

All sides created this clusterfuck. And what is so sad is that World War II (a conflict that killed sixty million people) ended and the American economy grew like wildfire. It took the power hunger establishment types from BOTH sides of the aisle to take good jobs away from American high school graduates and give them to illiterate Far Eastern workers.

How does that feel, to know that BOTH sides of the aisle have had a crack at your ass while you were bent over the trash can?

Are you pissed off enough? Pissed off to want to do something about it?

Just remember the name of the one Presidential candidate who is just as pissed off as you are.
You can call it greed but it's really called competing in a global economy. The U.S. only hurts itself by making the playing field harder for companies based here.

We've gotta look at all angles of this. Corporate greed is not automatically a bad theory, particularly from companies that have engaged in rent seeking. Companies that have bought the votes of political candidates from BOTH parties.

But think about this for a second: Yes, the playing field has been made more difficult here. Who is to blame? If you blame liberal Democrats, you're half right.
We've gotta look at all angles of this. Corporate greed is not automatically a bad theory, particularly from companies that have engaged in rent seeking. Companies that have bought the votes of political candidates from BOTH parties.

But think about this for a second: Yes, the playing field has been made more difficult here. Who is to blame? If you blame liberal Democrats, you're half right.

There is plenty of bi-partisan blame to go around. Technology and globalization has made the U.S., and the world, even wealthier. It's also dramatically increased income inequality and the number of people who are being left behind. Trump claims he's going to pass massive tariffs and bring back manufacturing jobs. No he's not. It doesn't work that way and he knows it. He just says it because certain people like to hear it.
A simple and easy response is why would someone like Nike pay $25/hr to make their shoes in the U.S. when they can pay someone $1/hr in Vietnam?

Companies offshore if they think it's profitable. They run the numbers first of course.

Of course, because nothing matters more to corporations than "the numbers".

Not human dignity.

Not concern for their fellow man.

Just the bottom line.
Of course, because nothing matters more to corporations than "the numbers".

Not human dignity.

Not concern for their fellow man.

Just the bottom line.

Where is Nike showing a lack of human dignity or no concern for their fellow man in their actions?
That is very true. And yet, liberals are bashing companies for not paying an alleged "Living wage." In the late Sixties, my father's take home pay was $200 a week, which would be considered peanuts today. And we lived a pretty good middle class life.

Just MAYBE, you might have swerved accidentally into FINALLY defining this whole clusterfuck directly. The problem is people are making more money than ever before but they are poor. The standard of living is dropping. The cost of everything is going up.


In my father's time, people thrived on regular wages.

What happened to separate a person's quality of life from the economy? WHY was it necessary to just piss away the manufacturing jobs? Who benefited? And how the hell would that have been good for America.

What happened was, the cost of EVERYTHING has EXPLODED, while the amount the average American brings home in his/her paycheck has remained relatively the same.

When I was a child, my father could support the family with his paycheck, while my mother could remain home to raise the kids.

Today, my wife and I BOTH must work full time to earn enough to get by.
Where is Nike showing a lack of human dignity or no concern for their fellow man in their actions?

NIKE is based in the USA.

Corporate Executives enjoy a lifestyle of opulence and luxury here in the states.

Customers are charged HUNDREDS of dollars for a pair of their shoes.

Children are GUNNED DOWN IN THE STREETS for their shoes.

Yet they pay underage workers in Viet Namese sweat shops slave wages to make their product...and all in the name of PROFITS>
NIKE is based in the USA.

Corporate Executives enjoy a lifestyle of opulence and luxury here in the states.

Customers are charged HUNDREDS of dollars for a pair of their shoes.

Children are GUNNED DOWN IN THE STREETS for their shoes.

Yet they pay underage workers in Viet Namese sweat shops slave wages to make their product...and all in the name of PROFITS>

Ok, use a different company then for the same analogy. In a globalized workforce there is not a scarcity of workers to do labor intensive jobs. Companies just aren't going to pay large sums to workers strictly because they are American.
You can call it greed but it's really called competing in a global economy. The U.S. only hurts itself by making the playing field harder for companies based here.

You plan on taking a job that pays $1 an hour anytime soon, so the US can once again compete with Viet Nam in the global economy?