Joe the plumber

The American way of life is very varied and not as definable as many like to think.
We are the melting pot, but we stopped melting and blending. We are now more like a chunky hurl.
With each group of chunks thinking their way is right.
We are divided and it is helping us to fall.
Our "leaders" have promoted and helped to create this situation for their benefit.
They are traitors to what America is supposed to be.
The American way of life is very varied and not as definable as many like to think.
We are the melting pot, but we stopped melting and blending. We are now more like a chunky hurl.
With each group of chunks thinking their way is right.
We are divided and it is helping us to fall.
Our "leaders" have promoted and helped to create this situation for their benefit.
They are traitors to what America is supposed to be.

I think it is more like, YOU are a chunky hurl. You read some fucked up socialist bullshit at some point in your life, and it brainwashed you into thinking that Socialism is the way to go, and you stubbornly cling to that devout conviction. No amount of common sense will work on people like you, because you aren't going to be satisfied that it doesn't work, until you see it with your own eyes. It's not good enough to point to the millions of people through history, who have been oppressed by Socialism across Europe, in your mind, there is still validity in the concept, you still think it will work. You have totally bought into the propaganda, through the jealousy and envy of 'class warfare' and think you are doing something courageous by joining in the fight to destroy 'rich people' or at least, redistribute their money.

Joe the Plumber also represents people like Armondo the Pizza Maker, and Olga the Seamstress, immigrants who came to America to realize The Dream. Every year, thousands of people come to America because this is a place of hope and opportunity. Why? Because we are NOT a Socialist nation! We have always been the pentacle of Democracy and free market Capitalism, where a man is free to realize his dreams and do whatever he wants to do in life. There are very few places on the planet like that, but thanks to you and people who think as you, it appears to be on the way out. To be replaced with oppressive dismal Socialism, implemented by fools who don't understand how good we've got it.
You (and Robdawg) are making the mistake of thinking this is about Joe personally. In fact, he could be Nancy the Beautician, Jake the Construction Worker, or Marvin the Comic Book Collector. This is not about Joe's personal circumstances, it is about Americans. Hard working normal Americans, who strive for the American Dream, and hope to one day succeed in business.

Furthermore, it is about this class warfare notion promoted by the left, the constant attacks on 'the rich' and desire to take their money and 'spread it around', which is not 'American' at all, it is a totally Socialist concept. It goes against everything we stand for as Americans, and Joe the Plumber puts a face on it.

It's okay, you can attack Joe all you like, this is not about Joe. It is about Americans and the American way of life. Something you Socialists know little about.

his name is Sam?? why does he call himself joe? i don't get it. he is in arrears in his taxes?? i didn't know that... how much does he owe??
Not sure if Dix is keeping up with current events, but people like Nancy, Jake, Marvin & Sam are going under; they can't keep up with healthcare costs, energy costs, the cost of college tuition, et al.

Obama's plan is much better for them, and hardly keeps people from reaching the American dream. What is McCain going to do about skyrocketing college costs? How many people can reach the dream without higher education?
Not sure if Dix is keeping up with current events, but people like Nancy, Jake, Marvin & Sam are going under; they can't keep up with healthcare costs, energy costs, the cost of college tuition, et al.

Obama's plan is much better for them, and hardly keeps people from reaching the American dream. What is McCain going to do about skyrocketing college costs? How many people can reach the dream without higher education?

And Obama's 'solution' is to pay for all of this stuff, with the money he steals from "the rich" to redistribute to these programs. It is Socialist in every way. Not only does it stifle growth and discourage investment, it will ultimately reduce the tax revenues and create staggering inflation, and unemployment. Why? Because these "rich people" he plans to tax to death and beyond, are the people who create the jobs and invest, and they are about the only ones who still pay any substantial income taxes.

You hear all of these wonderful things Obama is going to bring, but you have peanut butter in your ears when it comes to how he will fund it. In your incompetence, you seem to think "the rich" have all of this money they don't need, and it will easily pay for all of this shit, and it won't. It will ultimately destroy the very mechanism by which revenues are created in this country, and unless we are going to put the nation in deeper debt to China, there will be no way to do everything he has proposed.

As for funding education... that's just what we need, more pinheads being indoctrinated into Socialism at the hands of Liberal professors! Some of the most successful 'rags to riches' examples, have had NO college education. It's not necessary if you have the motivation to succeed and determination to never stop trying. Of course... what will be the point in a few years, when any marginal success is met with unimaginable taxation and penalties?
It's pathetic to hear you rail against the benefits of higher education; that's why the U.S. continues to lose ground in this vital area, needed to remain competitive in the global economy.

I know some people do well without it, and that's great, but it's a very low %. Your views on it are really pathetic.

And Obama's plans are not to steal from the rich & just give everything to the poor. They ARE to make things like healthcare & college more affordable (which you continue to seem to think means "free"). You're really a sad case; you can't read, listen or think for yourself.
Higher taxes on the rich is not what socialism is. I know dumb fuck Dixie would think that. She is wrong about pretty much everything.
Higher taxes on the rich is not what socialism is. I know dumb fuck Dixie would think that. She is wrong about pretty much everything.

When you consider 95% of the taxes are paid by the top 5%, increasing their tax burden to fund even more social programs, is indeed socialistic. You are insisting on continuing to punish success through excessive taxation. Wealth redistribution, which is EXACTLY what Obama articulated he wanted to do to Joe the Plumber, is nothing but pure Socialism. It is an affront to freedom and liberty, and exactly the ideology millions of Americans fought two world wars to defeat.
When you consider 95% of the taxes are paid by the top 5%, increasing their tax burden to fund even more social programs, is indeed socialistic. You are insisting on continuing to punish success through excessive taxation. Wealth redistribution, which is EXACTLY what Obama articulated he wanted to do to Joe the Plumber, is nothing but pure Socialism. It is an affront to freedom and liberty, and exactly the ideology millions of Americans fought two world wars to defeat.

I see you're a history buff. . .
