John Fetterman’s Reaction to Biden Impeachment Is All We Care About

It's very good to see that parties from Joe Biden to John Fetterman to former military leaders are now standing up, declaring that Trump is a fascist (and they are finally using the word), and laughing and ridiculing the absolute stupidity of the Trump Cult, and the absolute cowardice of the rest of the Republican party. Buckle up Trumpers, it is going to get very bad for you. Your cult is about to be squashed like a bug.
Ah, so you have no comeback to what I posted bother than insults. How usual...
Calling a far RWer a far RWer is truth, not an insult, Terry.

What's to say, Terry? You post an unsubstantiated, far right rant about commies, radical leftists and academics, including an odd statement about the Empire State Building, and expect a comeback? WTFO?

When did you start hating Americans? Specifically, the half of Americans who vote Democrat? Is your wife divorcing you? Do your kids chant "radical Leftist" slogans? Are you the family embarrassment at Thanksgiving? WTF is going on with you that you hate half of Americans enough to want them dead or in prison?
Calling a far RWer a far RWer is truth, not an insult, Terry.

What's to say, Terry? You post an unsubstantiated, far right rant about commies, radical leftists and academics, including an odd statement about the Empire State Building, and expect a comeback? WTFO?

When did you start hating Americans? Specifically, the half of Americans who vote Democrat? Is your wife divorcing you? Do your kids chant "radical Leftist" slogans? Are you the family embarrassment at Thanksgiving? WTF is going on with you that you hate half of Americans enough to want them dead or in prison?

Sez Mr. Tiny Penis who things 70,000,000 Trump supporters should be shot.
Fetterman knows the Reds have nothing on Biden. He essentially is saying "bring it on, you have nothing:". The Repubs wanted to impeach Biden from day one. Years of investigations yielded nothing. So plan B is a public investigation with Repubs making insane and wrong charges for Right-wing TV. McCarthy did that to Hillary and he thinks it will work again.
Doesn't change what I said. She is a communist.

Gisele was born in Brazil and raised in a family of radical Leftist academics who are communists. Not that uncommon in Brazil. She claims she grew up in poverty, yet her mother has a PhD. One of her uncles, Telmo, was imprisoned for illegally wiretapping Brazilian government officials including Brazil's president, for political gain.

She also wears a Empire State Building chip on her shoulder about anything not on the radical Left which is where the bitch part comes in. She's very much the perfect communist apparatchik and very comfortable when surrounded by like minds on the far, radical Left. When she isn't, she can go psycho PDQ.

The Left in media gushes over her. And judging from the articles and incidents, she goes looking for shit to start with the rest of the political spectrum. She isn't shy about that either.

She also plays up her previous status as an illegal immigrant to the max, something expected from a radical Leftist though. I'll give her kudos for being a pro through and through when it comes to politics. She's got that angle down hard and perfect.

She's not a communist, that's ridiculous. She came to the US when she was seven years old to escape violence, and the family didn't speak English. Her mother had a PhD in Brazil but that didn't mean she could immediately get a PhD-level job in the US, so she worked as a maid. The family used thrift shops and food banks, like many people do when they're trying to rebuild their lives in a foreign country. As an adult she chose a career in public service working for food non-profits, yet you think that's something to denigrate.

You've got so much wrong in your post that I'm convinced your only purpose here is to spread right-wing lies and propaganda. You aren't trustworthy and your research sucks.
Fetterman lived with, or off, his parents until he was well into his 40's. The "basement" part was satire on my part.

How convenient, your link is behind a paywall. A quick look at his timeline will show how ridiculous it is that he lived with or off his parents until his 40s.

First, four years as a college undergrad in a PA college, followed by two years getting an MBA from UConn, nowhere near the old hometown. After that graduation he moved to Pittsburgh to work for an insurance company for a couple of years. Then he worked for Americorp, also in Pittsburgh, as a teacher for another few years. Then he went to Harvard to get another master's and stayed there until he graduated in 1999. Then he started working for another insurance company until moving to Braddock in 2004. I'd like to know what your source says that contradicts this.

I'm sure this will kill you but his parents are wealthy conservative repugs. It's true they gave him money when the Braddock mayor position paid only $150/month. People without a chip on their shoulder might call this an advance on his future inheritance or a tax write-off for the parents. You chose to call this sponging. It's a reflection on you, not on Fetterman. For all you know the parents may have gifted all their children money, just because they could.

A deal you can't afford to pass up!

Joey Mannarino


Maybe John Fetterman can't afford a suit.Maybe he needs to invest better.In that case, he should go to

or call 855-339-6446. If he uses my link, he can get up to $10,000 in bonus silver while supplies last. Come on, @SenFettermanPA

Let's get you that suit!

She's not a communist, that's ridiculous. She came to the US when she was seven years old to escape violence, and the family didn't speak English. Her mother had a PhD in Brazil but that didn't mean she could immediately get a PhD-level job in the US, so she worked as a maid. The family used thrift shops and food banks, like many people do when they're trying to rebuild their lives in a foreign country. As an adult she chose a career in public service working for food non-profits, yet you think that's something to denigrate.

You've got so much wrong in your post that I'm convinced your only purpose here is to spread right-wing lies and propaganda. You aren't trustworthy and your research sucks.

She's a communist. Many people in Brazil are, particularly among the intelligencia and academia. Hell, the current president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is a communist. He's a member of Brazil's Worker Party.
She's a communist. Many people in Brazil are, particularly among the intelligencia and academia. Hell, the current president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is a communist. He's a member of Brazil's Worker Party.

I don't suppose you can supply concrete evidence of this. It sounds like your regular knee-jerk excoriation of anybody on the left.
What conspiracy theory? That he's a far left progressive and will kowtow with the far left lunatics? Hell, you said as much.

Seriously, do you have dyslexia? I've repeated several times that the repugs created an ugly conspiracy theory that Fetterman has a body double and you've tap danced around it this entire time. So let me be blunt... do you believe the nutty repug conspiracy theory that Fetterman has a body double?
Seriously, do you have dyslexia? I've repeated several times that the repugs created an ugly conspiracy theory that Fetterman has a body double and you've tap danced around it this entire time. So let me be blunt... do you believe the nutty repug conspiracy theory that Fetterman has a body double?

Lol! I thought it was a joke. I still do. Well maybe.. :thinking: