John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization nee

The point being what has the guy written that gives anyone the idea that he has changed his views???

I haven't seen anything that he has changed his views. Then we have the other guy who thinks animals have the right to sue. They are nut cases as far as I'm concerned.
You probably don't realize that the book was about a doomsday type scenario involving massive overpopulation to the point of societal collapse, because you're retarded. But that's what it's about.

Not retarted, just willfully ignorant. The little factoid you just introduced will be intensely ignored by our resident neocon parrots. That way, at the next teabagger march, they'll feel all warm and fuzzy as they spew forth this tripe and quote Beck and Limbaugh (or the source of our subject title post).
Not retarted, just willfully ignorant. The little factoid you just introduced will be intensely ignored by our resident neocon parrots. That way, at the next teabagger march, they'll feel all warm and fuzzy as they spew forth this tripe and quote Beck and Limbaugh (or the source of our subject title post).

That's it. Just keep talking to people of our own idiotic persuasion.

you;re too nutless to make an argument to an actual opponent.

Congratulations on your cowardice.
NONE of these ideas are the same as an obstetrician ASKING a woman if she'd like to have her tubes tied. To insinuate that they are is as insipid and disingenuous as one can get.

• Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;
• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food;
• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;
• People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e. undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.
• A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force.

What are you, fucking stupid?!!?

The book was a theorectical opinion as how to handle a global worst case scenario that you're familiar with in "doomsday" sci-fi wasn't about what we must do NOW ("now" being 30 years ago). Have any of your heros on the radio or at WND or NewsMax or Factsbusters (whatever neocon blog site) actually interviewed the man on what was then and what is now?

Like I said, the neocon parrots just ignore facts, latch onto what sounds good to them, and squawk away like they're actually using an 8th of the brains God gave them. Carry on.
I haven't seen anything that he has changed his views. Then we have the other guy who thinks animals have the right to sue. They are nut cases as far as I'm concerned.

Here's a thought...take your head out of the Newsmax, turn of Fox Noise, and turn the radio dial away from Beck.

Did you notice that NONE of your neocon naysaying heros of the media EVER directly interviewed the man? Or that the book you're squawking about was how to theorectically deal with a doomsday scenario akin to "Soylent Green"?

Oh, that's don't see. I forgot how willfully ignorant you neocon parrots are. Carry on.
What are you, fucking stupid?!!?

The book was a theorectical opinion as how to handle a global worst case scenario that you're familiar with in "doomsday" sci-fi wasn't about what we must do NOW ("now" being 30 years ago). Have any of your heros on the radio or at WND or NewsMax or Factsbusters (whatever neocon blog site) actually interviewed the man on what was then and what is now?

Like I said, the neocon parrots just ignore facts, latch onto what sounds good to them, and squawk away like they're actually using an 8th of the brains God gave them. Carry on.

Not even decent spin there mr. ditto head. The guys ideas are outrageously similiar to those of Sanger and Hitler and other propnents of eugenics! His choices being the unmarried and poor. That you can, in any way, make excuses lame as they are about what this guy has proposed for any fucking reason, makes anything else you say impotent. Your ridiculous excuses aside, the guy's a fruit-loop asshole period!
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I haven't seen anything that he has changed his views. Then we have the other guy who thinks animals have the right to sue. They are nut cases as far as I'm concerned.

You probably haven't read the book, either. It says the authors examined all the methods either undertaken or talked about to control population growth. Then they concluded by saying they supported non-coercive measures. Furthermore, the book is over 1,000 pages long and the population portion took up 66 of those pages. The book is online. Below the next two paragraphs is the table of contents. It's clear the book is not a how-to manual on destroying the population.

In one vast 66 page chapter devoted to “Population Policies,” the authors surveyed a gamut of measures that had been undertaken or considered to control human population growth—including the most extreme. Those included coercive or “involuntary fertility control” measures, such as forced abortions and sterilizations.

However, to describe these measures is different from advocating them. And in fact, the Ehrlichs and Holdren concluded by arguing that noncoercive measures were what they suppported: “A far better choice, in our view, is to expand the use of milder methods of influencing family size preferences”—such as birth control and access to abortions.

Title Page
A Note on Documentation
Chapter 1: Population, Resources, Environment: Dimensions of the Human Predicamen t
Section I Natural Processes and Human Well-Being
Chapter 2 the Physical World
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 3 Nutrient Cycles
Additional References
Recommended for Further Reading
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Section II Population and Renewable Resources
Chapter 5 the History and Future of the Human Population
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 6: Land, Water, and Forests
Additional References
Recommended for Further Reading
Chapter 7: A Hungry World
Section III Energy and Materials
Chapter 8 Energy
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 9: Materials
Section IV Understanding Environmental Disruption
Chapter 10 Direct Assaults on Well-Being
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 11: Disruption of Ecological Systems
Section V the Human Predicament: Finding a Way Out
Chapter 12 Humanity at the Crossroads
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 13 Population Policies
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 14 Changing American Institutions
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 15 Rich Nations, Poor Nations, and International Conflict
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 16: Summary
Appendix 1 World Demography
Appendix 2 Food and Nutrition
Appendix 3 Pesticides
Appendix 4 Reproduction and Birth Control
Index of Subjects
Index of Names
Abbreviations and Acronyms
You probably haven't read the book, either. It says the authors examined all the methods either undertaken or talked about to control population growth. Then they concluded by saying they supported non-coercive measures. Furthermore, the book is over 1,000 pages long and the population portion took up 66 of those pages. The book is online. Below the next two paragraphs is the table of contents. It's clear the book is not a how-to manual on destroying the population.

In one vast 66 page chapter devoted to “Population Policies,” the authors surveyed a gamut of measures that had been undertaken or considered to control human population growth—including the most extreme. Those included coercive or “involuntary fertility control” measures, such as forced abortions and sterilizations.

However, to describe these measures is different from advocating them. And in fact, the Ehrlichs and Holdren concluded by arguing that noncoercive measures were what they suppported: “A far better choice, in our view, is to expand the use of milder methods of influencing family size preferences”—such as birth control and access to abortions.

Title Page
A Note on Documentation
Chapter 1: Population, Resources, Environment: Dimensions of the Human Predicamen t
Section I Natural Processes and Human Well-Being
Chapter 2 the Physical World
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 3 Nutrient Cycles
Additional References
Recommended for Further Reading
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Section II Population and Renewable Resources
Chapter 5 the History and Future of the Human Population
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 6: Land, Water, and Forests
Additional References
Recommended for Further Reading
Chapter 7: A Hungry World
Section III Energy and Materials
Chapter 8 Energy
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 9: Materials
Section IV Understanding Environmental Disruption
Chapter 10 Direct Assaults on Well-Being
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 11: Disruption of Ecological Systems
Section V the Human Predicament: Finding a Way Out
Chapter 12 Humanity at the Crossroads
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 13 Population Policies
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 14 Changing American Institutions
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 15 Rich Nations, Poor Nations, and International Conflict
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 16: Summary
Appendix 1 World Demography
Appendix 2 Food and Nutrition
Appendix 3 Pesticides
Appendix 4 Reproduction and Birth Control
Index of Subjects
Index of Names
Abbreviations and Acronyms

Why describe such horrific scenarios if they don't condone them under any circumstances? You're intellectually bankrupt. You are putting all your moral and intellectual credibility on the line defending this criminal. why?
"pay no attention to the man behind the curtain".

People thought hitler was all talk too. Until he started acting. These people are in power and are starting to act.
You probably haven't read the book, either. It says the authors examined all the methods either undertaken or talked about to control population growth. Then they concluded by saying they supported non-coercive measures. Furthermore, the book is over 1,000 pages long and the population portion took up 66 of those pages. The book is online. Below the next two paragraphs is the table of contents. It's clear the book is not a how-to manual on destroying the population.

In one vast 66 page chapter devoted to “Population Policies,” the authors surveyed a gamut of measures that had been undertaken or considered to control human population growth—including the most extreme. Those included coercive or “involuntary fertility control” measures, such as forced abortions and sterilizations.

However, to describe these measures is different from advocating them. And in fact, the Ehrlichs and Holdren concluded by arguing that noncoercive measures were what they suppported: “A far better choice, in our view, is to expand the use of milder methods of influencing family size preferences”—such as birth control and access to abortions.

Title Page
A Note on Documentation
Chapter 1: Population, Resources, Environment: Dimensions of the Human Predicamen t
Section I Natural Processes and Human Well-Being
Chapter 2 the Physical World
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 3 Nutrient Cycles
Additional References
Recommended for Further Reading
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Section II Population and Renewable Resources
Chapter 5 the History and Future of the Human Population
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 6: Land, Water, and Forests
Additional References
Recommended for Further Reading
Chapter 7: A Hungry World
Section III Energy and Materials
Chapter 8 Energy
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 9: Materials
Section IV Understanding Environmental Disruption
Chapter 10 Direct Assaults on Well-Being
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 11: Disruption of Ecological Systems
Section V the Human Predicament: Finding a Way Out
Chapter 12 Humanity at the Crossroads
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 13 Population Policies
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 14 Changing American Institutions
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 15 Rich Nations, Poor Nations, and International Conflict
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 16: Summary
Appendix 1 World Demography
Appendix 2 Food and Nutrition
Appendix 3 Pesticides
Appendix 4 Reproduction and Birth Control
Index of Subjects
Index of Names
Abbreviations and Acronyms

He said it, he owns it.
Are you just as opposed to someone who used to believe in "seperate but equal"?

How many of the founding fathers do you reject for having the belief that certain races were equal to 3/5ths of a human being?

People can reevaluate their prior beliefs and change their minds.

LOL gotta dig up corpses to make a fucking point
LOL gotta dig up corpses to make a fucking point

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. So it's accpetable to go back as far as the 70' to make a point, but any farther is off it!

If you'd split these hairs ahead of time, you wouldn't have to go back and remind me later...just sayin.
Why describe such horrific scenarios if they don't condone them under any circumstances? You're intellectually bankrupt. You are putting all your moral and intellectual credibility on the line defending this criminal. why?

That's just stupid. Books have been written describing such horrific scenarios as the Holocaust or the Spanish Inquisition as methods of punishment, but it doesn't mean the author condones them. Furthermore, I'm not "defending a criminal". I'm looking at an author's published work taken in context, something Kool-aid drinkers like you are loath to do. Talk about intellectual bankruptcy. I gave you a view that differs from the current RW hack cherry-picking, and your response is to ignore the message and fall back on name-calling. You're a prime example of craziness that some libs just won't bother responding to. No style, no substance, no thought.
The fact that the left-wing is defending this rebirth of Hitler just goes to reveal the new level of insanity they've reached.
The fact that the left-wing is defending this rebirth of Hitler just goes to reveal the new level of insanity they've reached.

Can you imagine any scenario where such actions would be appropriate for a government to take??? The government sterilizing its citizens because it decides there are too many people; what a fucking arrogant defense! Forced abortions of the poor and ignorant, ay carumba!