John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization nee

Did you even look at the book title? The table of contents?

The authors were talking about the historical record, not current plans. Let me dumb it down for you:

-they examined all methods of population control, both coercive and non-coercive;

-they supported non-coercive methods of population control;

Is English your second language? If so I'll try to accommodate you in your first.

His first language is Gibberish and when he translates in his head into English it is even worse than the original.
I'm opposed even to someone who "used to" believe in mass murder. *shrug*

Are you just as opposed to someone who used to believe in "seperate but equal"?

How many of the founding fathers do you reject for having the belief that certain races were equal to 3/5ths of a human being?

People can reevaluate their prior beliefs and change their minds.

Funny, they seemed like easy questions at the time...
That's just stupid. Books have been written describing such horrific scenarios as the Holocaust or the Spanish Inquisition as methods of punishment, but it doesn't mean the author condones them. Furthermore, I'm not "defending a criminal". I'm looking at an author's published work taken in context, something Kool-aid drinkers like you are loath to do. Talk about intellectual bankruptcy. I gave you a view that differs from the current RW hack cherry-picking, and your response is to ignore the message and fall back on name-calling. You're a prime example of craziness that some libs just won't bother responding to. No style, no substance, no thought.


You beat me to it! This was THE VERY FIRST THING I THOUGHT when I read AssHat's petty little screed!

Kudo's to you for being quicker on the draw than I was!! :clink:
What is the purpose for describing such scenarios? You're not even exploring your own argument deep enough, retard.

"Chance favors the prepared mind."

Ever hear of that saying before?

But what really drove home your pointl was when you called her a retard, it was then I KNEW you had the upper hand.
Not even decent spin there mr. ditto head. No spin needed, you braying jackass. What I state is FACT...and if you had read the book, you'd know that. Hell, if you had at least read various reviews and excerpts, you'd know that. But I forget that neocon parrots just ignore and lie about anything that contradicts their mantras. The guys ideas are outrageously similiar to those of Sanger and Hitler and other propnents of eugenics! His choices being the unmarried and poor. That you can, in any way, make excuses lame as they are about what this guy has proposed for any fucking reason, makes anything else you say impotent. Your ridiculous excuses aside, the guy's a fruit-loop asshole period!

And after that brilliant, rational diatribe of yours, pull your head out of Glen Becks ass and go read the following: [ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization nee[/ame]
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