John McCain vows to overturn Roe v Wade

Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life

Overturning Roe v. Wade

John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench.

You are fucking insane

Right, he said absolutely nothing close to what you claimed. He believes it is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and will appoint judges who understand that courts shouldn't legislate from the bench. He mentions nothing about any personal "vow" to "overturn" anything.

The President can't overturn Supreme Court rulings, it is impossible to do. If it were possible, perhaps McCain would have made such a vow, but given it is not possible, it would be retarded for him to make such a statement. You have essentially lied through your teeth again, and hoped no one would notice.

I'm not insane, but you must think we are all insane to believe your lies.
Right, he said absolutely nothing close to what you claimed. He believes it is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and will appoint judges who understand that courts shouldn't legislate from the bench.

They didn't legislate, they did away with legislation. Conservatives love laws and government meddling, so they hate this.

But what if passing a law that abolished free speech was wildly popular and legislation got passed that restricted it against the constitution. Would you say that it would be judicial activism to overturn it? Was Heller judicial activism?

Just like I thought. To a conservative, "judicial activism" means any court decision he/she disagrees with.
Right, he said absolutely nothing close to what you claimed. He believes it is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and will appoint judges who understand that courts shouldn't legislate from the bench. He mentions nothing about any personal "vow" to "overturn" anything.

The President can't overturn Supreme Court rulings, it is impossible to do. If it were possible, perhaps McCain would have made such a vow, but given it is not possible, it would be retarded for him to make such a statement. You have essentially lied through your teeth again, and hoped no one would notice.

I'm not insane, but you must think we are all insane to believe your lies.

you are playing word games. He said quite clearly that he thinks it should be overturned and that he would appoint judges that would respect the Constitution and not legislate from the bench. ie... that would be likely to overturn Roe.

She did not suggest that McCain could overturn it all by himself as President. But he most certainly will do what he can to see that it is overturned.
What? That I'd be "closer to voting for McCain"? You are making no sense.

that you can be reliably counted on to vote Repuke no matter who is running, or what you say.

I am laughing because I have suspected all along that you were a McCain boy - but they called it years before I did.
that you can be reliably counted on to vote Repuke no matter who is running, or what you say.

I am laughing because I have suspected all along that you were a McCain boy - but they called it years before I did.

Then why didn't he vote for Bush in '04 Darla?
that a Republican might vote for a Republican President? They are f'ing geniuses!

Actually he’s made a lot of claims that he wouldn’t vote for McCain. But, some knew better.

If usc were here, he'd be saying "Crawfish Alert" right now.
that you can be reliably counted on to vote Repuke no matter who is running, or what you say.

I am laughing because I have suspected all along that you were a McCain boy - but they called it years before I did.

Damo, in other words they think its cool when they come on here pissed off at Obama and start talking about voting third party etc. You on the other hand I guess aren't allowed that option.
that you can be reliably counted on to vote Repuke no matter who is running, or what you say.

I am laughing because I have suspected all along that you were a McCain boy - but they called it years before I did.
Ah, so it is the same thing as before. You have problems believing that I won't vote for somebody who will not work to overturn the WPA. I think it is a travesty and largely the cause of problematic "wars" that are never declared, that politicians use it to get out of responsibility for their votes along with ignorance.
Actually he’s made a lot of claims that he wouldn’t vote for McCain. But, some knew better.

If usc were here, he'd be saying "Crawfish Alert" right now.

Oh, so this one comment that claims he liked this McCain position guarantees he's now voting for McCain?

If USC were here he'd be talking about how he's an independent and a party of one and he's one of the few thinking people remaining in the U.S. etc. etc.
Damo, in other words they think its cool when they come on here pissed off at Obama and start talking about voting third party etc. You on the other hand I guess aren't allowed that option.
Yeah. I won't vote Barr though, he's a Religious righty dressed up in a poor Libertarian costume.

I will vote for Mike Coffman for Congress who, when I directly asked him, voiced directly a hope to end that crappiest of legislation. But I haven't yet found a Presidential candidate that is working that angle.

I hate to say it, but they may be right, McCain may be the closest to the policy that I support.
Yeah. I won't vote Barr though, he's a Religious righty dressed up in a poor Libertarian costume.

I will vote for Mike Coffman for Congress who, when I directly asked him, voiced directly a hope to end that crappiest of legislation. But I haven't yet found a Presidential candidate that is working that angle.

I hate to say it, but they may be right, McCain may be the closest to the policy that I support.

Unending war?

How am I not surprised. Cypress used to say this about you for years, and for years you claimed you never supported the war! OMG.
you are playing word games. He said quite clearly that he thinks it should be overturned and that he would appoint judges that would respect the Constitution and not legislate from the bench. ie... that would be likely to overturn Roe.

She did not suggest that McCain could overturn it all by himself as President. But he most certainly will do what he can to see that it is overturned.

Uhmmmm..... She certainly DID suggest that McCain not only could and would, but literally had 'vowed' to overturn it by himself. Had the title of this thread been; "McCain vows to appoint judges who will overturn Roe v. Wade" it would be a different matter, but that wasn't what she posted. I am not the one playing word games here, or lying about the facts.
Unending war?

How am I not surprised. Cypress used to say this about you for years, and for years you claimed you never supported the war! OMG.

Again this inanity. Saying that having people safely stationed there like in Korea is not "unending war".

However, my vote wouldn't be in support of the war or against it, IF, and this is a big if, I voted for the old guy. I want an end to the WPA specifically so that those responsible for declaring war will take responsibility.