JPP Wordles

Well tonight is my relaxation meditation night, which I accomplish by smoking pot (which I only do once a week usually), and I kept reading it and got really sucked into it in that special weed way?, and all of a sudden I thought "dixie".

I saw "Iraq", "big government" "Obama" and "founding", so Libertarian immediately jumped into my head.
here is darla based on her last ~40 posts that don't include one liners:

darla yesterday was a major anomaly where I was directly addressing a lot of your posts, kinda like I just did in this one.
darla yesterday was a major anomaly where I was directly addressing a lot of your posts, kinda like I just did in this one.

It was because usually you don't talk to me on here.

I wish you hadn't given them away, I would have liked to see who guessed them correctly. I don't think mind was "so obvious" as was claimed.
You know I've had to say that a lot less. Looks like I might have finally whipped you boys into least partially.

I love that word. I think it is awesome. Let me mansplain' something to you... We like words with "man" in them when women say them. All we hear is the "man" part...

