JPP Wordles


You cry a great deal, lol
darla I didn't ruin the fun... it's only based on posts you select. so someone can go look for another random sample size concerning you and it'll probably be different.
Lo, oh, okay and that's not being sensitive, picking up on things. I will be nice, again. Must be Spring Fever or lack of Spring Fever.

Sensitive is not the same thing as insecure. I was talking about insecurity. Also I have mad skills at reading people so I know I am right :)
Lo, oh, okay and that's not being sensitive, picking up on things. I will be nice, again. Must be Spring Fever or lack of Spring Fever.

I like when Grind is really sick, because then he comes on here and wines about it and gets sympathy. Also, he winds up completely stuck to his laptop, so when he's not getting sympathy, he says and does some pretty cool stuff. I remember when he was in the hospital, and he even got cool avatarish photos of him wearing that sleep mask. :D