June 19th today, Juneteenth Day


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Can’t see too many on the right celebrating, it took them a hundred years to get over slavery being abolished, and they are still less than two decades removed from America actually electing a Black American President, twice, and by large majorities

The later going a long way in explaining why many of them are so bitter and insecure in today’s America
Oh they loved this thread this morning. You know why..

Can’t see too many on the right celebrating, it took them a hundred years to get over slavery being abolished, and they are still less than two decades removed from America actually electing a Black American President, twice, and by large majorities

The later going a long way in explaining why many of them are so bitter and insecure in today’s America
Oh geez. Your trying to channel your inner Biden at Morehouse?

To me that’s such a simplistic view of the country and race. Partisanship is a poison
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Can’t see too many on the right celebrating,
Before a few short years ago, there weren't too many on the left celebrating either. In fact, there STILL aren't too many on the left celebrating.
it took them a hundred years to get over slavery being abolished,
It was the Republican Party who abolished slavery, dude... In fact, that's the primary purpose as to why the party was formed in the first place. The Demonkkkrat Party fought to keep slavery, and still fights for it to this very day.
and they are still less than two decades removed from America actually electing a Black American President, twice, and by large majorities
He was elected due to Demonkkkrat racism and people who otherwise "thought it would be cool to do".
The later going a long way in explaining why many of them are so bitter and insecure in today’s America
Projection. This is a leftist issue.
Can’t see too many on the right celebrating, it took them a hundred years to get over slavery being abolished, and they are still less than two decades removed from America actually electing a Black American President, twice, and by large majorities

The later going a long way in explaining why many of them are so bitter and insecure in today’s America
Democrat...the party of slavery
Before a few short years ago, there weren't too many on the left celebrating either. In fact, there STILL aren't too many on the left celebrating.

It was the Republican Party who abolished slavery, dude... In fact, that's the primary purpose as to why the party was formed in the first place. The Demonkkkrat Party fought to keep slavery, and still fights for it to this very day.

He was elected due to Demonkkkrat racism and people who otherwise "thought it would be cool to do".

Projection. This is a leftist issue.
This all reminds me of kwanza
Can’t see too many on the right celebrating, it took them a hundred years to get over slavery being abolished, and they are still less than two decades removed from America actually electing a Black American President, twice, and by large majorities

The later going a long way in explaining why many of them are so bitter and insecure in today’s America
They should have done something years ago. All those African kings who rounded up thousands of prisoners from other tribes, sold them to Muslim slave traders who transported and put them on ships bound for Europe where they were transported and sold all over the world never should have happened.

BTW, one of the very first slave owners in America was Anthony Johnson, a black man.

BTW 2, Heels Up Harris is the direct descendent of a slave owner. Perhaps she should resign her position in shame.
It shouldn't be partisan to denounce hate but here we are...
Here we are what? The OP didn’t respond to a thread denouncing Juneteenth. He started one trying to put a partisan spin on Juneteenth.

Being such a new holiday I’m willing to bet there are a fair number of people in this country who have no idea what it is. (and that has nothing to do with not liking it.)
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dividing us along racial lines is just shit stain behavior

anyone that values rights should reject you completely - there is no greater minority than the individual
I had watermelon today to celebrate. I wonder what percentage of Americans know why Juneteenth is a special day. Texas (a Red state) was the first state to officially recognize Juneteenth in 1980.

Edit: A little better than I expected

These findings are from a Gallup Center on Black Voices study conducted April 24-May 17 using the Gallup Panel, administered by web in English. An additional 29% of U.S. adults say they know "a little bit" about the holiday, and 11% say they know "nothing at all."
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Democrat...the party of slavery
In the 1800 's until the mid 1900's in the south , since then the Republican party became the white xtian party, Notice who the Black community supports

I had watermelon today to celebrate. I wonder what percentage of Northern Blacks know why Juneteenth is a special day.
Really? waves left to escape the jim crow souf'

The migration of African Americans out of the South continued into the twentieth century and greatly increased during the time of both World Wars. An estimated six million Black people moved throughout the United States from the 1910s to the 1970s.

Really? waves left to escape the jim crow souf'

The migration of African Americans out of the South continued into the twentieth century and greatly increased during the time of both World Wars. An estimated six million Black people moved throughout the United States from the 1910s to the 1970s.

They were trying to get away from Democrats.