Just Bitchen, Shias are now eighting Shias in Iraq



Iraq implodes as Shia fights Shia

Another tragedy as the Shia majority turn on each other

Thursday, 27 March 2008

A new civil war is threatening to explode in Iraq as American-backed Iraqi government forces fight Shia militiamen for control of Basra and parts of Baghdad.

Heavy fighting engulfed Iraq's two largest cities and spread to other towns yesterday as the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, gave fighters of the Mehdi Army, led by the radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, 72 hours to surrender their weapons.

Iraq implodes as Shia fights Shia

Another tragedy as the Shia majority turn on each other

Thursday, 27 March 2008

A new civil war is threatening to explode in Iraq as American-backed Iraqi government forces fight Shia militiamen for control of Basra and parts of Baghdad.

Heavy fighting engulfed Iraq's two largest cities and spread to other towns yesterday as the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, gave fighters of the Mehdi Army, led by the radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, 72 hours to surrender their weapons.

I'm sure that the United States picking sides in intra-Shia fighting is going to be a resounding success. There's no way that this plan can backfire.
its always good to get involved in a civil war that thousands of years old about who loves the same god the right way.
Sadr City braces for fresh street battles

Baghdad - The usual teeming traffic in Sadr City, Baghdad's Shiite enclave, vanished Wednesday. Buses stopped running and shops closed. Only the intrepid motorist or occasional scurrying resident ventured out on streets patrolled by Moqtada al-Sadr's militiamen and marked by burning tires and roadblocks.

Residents and Mahdi Army militants alike appeared to be bracing for a coming battle, guarding against US and Iraqi forces advancing to stop the rockets allegedly fired from Sadr City that hit the Green Zone again Wednesday for the third day since Sunday.

Although it's in Basra, the oil-rich southern city, where the Mahdi Army and Iraqi forces were locked in a bitter fight for a second day, killing at least 55, many in Baghdad fear that clash will trigger a new battle in Mr. Sadr's Baghdad stronghold. Already there were reports by US-funded Al Hurra TV, citing hospital sources, that at least 20 people have been killed and 140 wounded in sporadic clashes in Sadr City since Tuesday.

Now, in a place where the US has done battle many times before, a sense of siege and helplessness has replaced some of the flickers of optimism that emerged over the past few months as a result of improved security made possible by the US surge and the Mahdi Army's seven-month cease-fire, which now looks to be shattered.

"We are yet again caught between two fires and we the citizens always pay the price of the feuding by the political leaders," said a man who gave his name as Abu Muthana. He stood in front of a row of shuttered shops, including his own, off Beirut Square on the edge of Sadr City. The district's shops closed in obedience to a call for protest issued by Sadr's movement.

In the nearly empty square, Muhammad Karim rushed on his bicycle to get his brother, Majid, who was manning a modest tea stand.

"You have to lock up, come on, all hell is going to break loose soon," Muhammad told his brother, who grudgingly padlocked the battered metal cabinet that serves as his teashop and shuffled away.

Nearby, another resident, Nada Makhallad, walked her son, Ayman, back home because his elementary school was shut down. She was on the verge of tears.

She had to beg a pharmacist to come and open up so she can get medicine for her ailing mother.

"We live in a state of fear. I want to get out," said Ms. Makhallad, adding that she's going to try to find a way to leave Baghdad soon to join her husband working in Lebanon now.

Another resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution, said he picked up three bodies of employees at Baghdad Airport allegedly shot dead by militiamen after challenging their orders.

Across the Shiite enclave, home to almost 3 million people, US soldiers – some on foot and others in Stryker combat vehicles and Humvees – were out in force at all the major entrances, especially next to Iraqi Army checkpoints.

Fallah (Farmer) Street and all other major thoroughfares were blocked by militiamen with rocks. Iraqi National Police in the area warned that militiamen planted bombs all along these roads to keep US and Iraqi forces out. Militiamen have also reportedly ordered all residents to turn off their generators.

Several other Iraqi government checkpoints were attacked by militiamen with mortars and gunfire. Heavy clashes pitted US and Iraqi forces against the militia for almost an hour in the northeastern neighborhood of Shaab, according to residents and an Interior Ministry official there.

As night fell, the sound of heavy gunfire and explosions echoed throughout Sadr City.

"Much of the indirect fire that has been directed towards neighborhoods here in Baghdad has emanated from … Sadr City in particular. We do have a responsibility to work with Iraqi security forces to interdict the ability for the … cells to continue doing what they are doing … and to enforce the rule of law against criminal activities and illegal armed groups that might be seeking to impose their own intimidation," said Maj. Gen. Kevin Bergner, a spokesman for US-led forces in Iraq, when asked about the enforced US and Iraqi Army ring around Sadr City.

During his press conference, and shortly afterward, several rocket or mortar explosions echoed inside the heavily protected Green Zone, home to top US and Iraqi officials.

Three Americans were seriously injured in the attacks, US Embassy spokeswoman Mirembe Nantongo said.

At least eight Iraqis also were killed after rounds fell short in several areas of Baghdad.

An American financial analyst working for the Embassy was killed in a rocket attack Sunday on the Green Zone.

In Basra, a showdown between government forces and the Mahdi militiamen looms. On Wednesday, the Iraqi government gave a 72-hour ultimatum to the Mahdi Army militia to lay down its weapons or face an all-out assault.

Some American elements were embedded as advisers and "transition teams" with Iraqi units fighting in Basra, said a US military spokesman.

Top political and clerical leaders allied to Sadr have all accused the Shiite-led government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and particularly its Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq and Badr Organization factions of seeking to finish off the movement in the south and Baghdad with the help of the Americans.

Mr. Maliki remained in Basra to supervise the crackdown against the spiraling violence between militia factions vying for control in the city located near the Iranian border.

Officials in Sadr's headquarters in Najaf, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said the anti-US cleric had sent local representatives to ask Maliki to leave Basra and to resolve the problems peacefully. The aides also told the government no negotiations could be held until Iraqi reinforcements withdrew from the city.


Ummmm ... I think the ceasefire is over.
Internationalist idiocy posits that brother on brother fighting is the best kind, cuz then at least it's not "sectarian". :rolleyes:
The Shia's have always been a bane on Islamic Civilization. If they hadn't split the Ummah, the united empire would have run right over Byzantium and Europe, lucky for us. I had been impressed with how, in a rare occurance, the Sunni's appeared to be causing all the trouble in Iraq, but apparently the Shia's had to live up to their long history. As I like to say, "Holy Shi'ite!"
This is Maliki showing off the new trained cops and military and doing it without going after the Sunnis. I think the US clearly had a hand in picking the target though. I mean Al Sadr? Biggest thorn in our side in Iraq... Coincidence? More "strategery" muck-ups? You decide.
The Shia's have always been a bane on Islamic Civilization. If they hadn't split the Ummah, the united empire would have run right over Byzantium and Europe, lucky for us. I had been impressed with how, in a rare occurance, the Sunni's appeared to be causing all the trouble in Iraq, but apparently the Shia's had to live up to their long history. As I like to say, "Holy Shi'ite!"

The Saudi Arabians have been funding radical madrassas all around the world for the last several decades, but of course, since our administration has their lips tightly around the saudi arabian flesh pole, you do too. Sad. Oh. They're sunni.
Would you all calm down.

The bush administration said yesterday that the flare up in violence in southern iraq is proof that the surge is working.
Would you all calm down.

The bush administration said yesterday that the flare up in violence in southern iraq is proof that the surge is working.
It is the first time since Saddam that anybody has taken on al-Sadr demanding his group give up their weapons.
would you give up your weapon to an occupying force?
Maliki's forces are the ones doing this, Desh. Not the "occupying force". Hence the "shia on shia" stuff you posted about.

Do you even read your own articles?
Not defending them just pointing out they will not go down easy and that the minute were gone weither its tomarrow or 30 years from now they will fight each other. I just wish we would not waste our time.
Originally Posted by Cypress

Would you all calm down.

The bush administration said yesterday that the flare up in violence in southern iraq is proof that the surge is working.

It is the first time since Saddam that anybody has taken on al-Sadr demanding his group give up their weapons.

Hmmm....just six more months?? :confused:
Hmmm....just six more months?? :confused:
It isn't us. I can't see why that would be part of this conversation.

I'm hoping it shows that they have enough for us to get out of there. How 'bout you?

Seriously, this is the Iraqi government doing something that it thinks will improve life in Iraq. Hopefully they are successful at doing just that.
Not defending them just pointing out they will not go down easy and that the minute were gone weither its tomarrow or 30 years from now they will fight each other. I just wish we would not waste our time.
I wish we hadn't to begin with. It is stupid to go to war without a formal declaration.
It isn't us. I can't see why that would be part of this conversation.

I'm hoping it shows that they have enough for us to get out of there. How 'bout you?

Seriously, this is the Iraqi government doing something that it thinks will improve life in Iraq. Hopefully they are successful at doing just that.

It's basically competing Shia militias fighting one another where one has the backing of the United States and the training, equipment and air support that goes along with it. And the group that we are backing is also Iran's favorite choice (leaders of the ISCI, nee SCIRI, went into exile in Iran during Saddam's reign and it's militia, the Badr Brigades, were trained by Iran's Revolutionary Guard). The problem is that the group they are attacking, at least in Basra, has more popular support (after all, Sadr's family remained in Iraq during the Saddam years).

It a recipe for disaster and call me a cynic but I don't see it as having much to do with improving life in Iraq where it is basically competing factions vying for power militarily because they can't reach agreement politically, and were not even talking about the Sunni minority.