Just Bitchen, Shias are now eighting Shias in Iraq

This was expected from the British pull back from Basra, it was a matter of time, and this also is exactly the reason we cannot pull out early, least all Iraq descend into chaos.
That is what you get out of this? You don't get that through the WHOLE surge the Iraqi military police could not get their shit together any more than to be able to take a whole quarter of the city? That an Army outfitted by US can't take the city from a bunch of thugs with AK's mortars and some Katusha's? Police trained and equipped by US have abandoned their posts and joined the al Sadr Militia and all you can say is this is the Brits fault for pulling out too soon? I can't believe you are so in denial.
What, with the British pull back, the Iraqi's are stepping in to take over, and of course there will be challengers inside the power vacuum, which we'll face on a national level if the US just up and withdraws within 60 day's or whatever the Democrats are saying they will do. Unimaginable chaos, this is but a tiny glimpse of chaos that would ensue a US withdrawal. That said, I'm confident the Iraqi's will win in the end. This is probably how the entire country will return, one piece at a time,
What, with the British pull back, the Iraqi's are stepping in to take over, and of course there will be challengers inside the power vacuum, which we'll face on a national level if the US just up and withdraws within 60 day's or whatever the Democrats are saying they will do. Unimaginable chaos, this is but a tiny glimpse of chaos that would ensue a US withdrawal. That said, I'm confident the Iraqi's will win in the end. This is probably how the entire country will return, one piece at a time,
POWER VACUUM? After 5 years there is STILL a power vacuum? The Iraqi's have had 5 fucking years to build a country. After 5 years the Germans had a new constitution and functioning government. After 5 years in Japan they had a new constitution (1947) with universal sufferage and Shinto was completely separate from the government. I always hear you righties compare our time in Japan and Germany to this, in neither country were people killing our soldiers nor were they fighting with eachother. Yes we stayed in both countries afterward but we FORBADE either from having any simblance of a REAL army. Please tell me how much longer Americans have to die so that you rightwingers can have a victory? It did not take this long after the single largest war in world history. Yet you would have us stay there until the iraqis decide they will get around to actually running their own government. The vacuum was created by us. You righties have really latched on to the concept of "you break it you buy it", and American lives be damned.
Of course their is a power vacuum. Come on now, we've been the dominate military force in the nation for 5 years, we leave, the fledgling Iraqi government likely will topple, as this kind of violence spills over nationwide. As I said the nation will most likely have to go back to Iraqi control in sections like this. Furthermore the comparisons to WWII are only used to show that these kind of operations can be successful, have been, and take time. There isn't a 'blueprint' or instruction set, you want comparisons it took the US, our own nation, 13 years to get from the declaration of independence, and elect our first President, George Washington, during which time we faced such domestic turbulence as the failed articles of Confederation, civilian uprisings like Shay's rebellion. It's no overnight process, but we've come to far to give up now, in 5 years, we've seen Saddam overthrown, a new government elected, a Army stood up, an economy being built, one in line to see 7% GDP growth, for all the talk about the bombing of fruit stands, which hold no tactical value, a lot of progress has been made, especially since the new Commander, General David Petraeus, took command a little over a year ago.
What, with the British pull back, the Iraqi's are stepping in to take over, and of course there will be challengers inside the power vacuum, which we'll face on a national level if the US just up and withdraws within 60 day's or whatever the Democrats are saying they will do. Unimaginable chaos, this is but a tiny glimpse of chaos that would ensue a US withdrawal. That said, I'm confident the Iraqi's will win in the end. This is probably how the entire country will return, one piece at a time,

Of course "the Iraqis" will win. When you have Iraqis on both sides of the conflict one group of Iraqis is bound to win. Oh, the Iranians may win too if we have our way.
McCain has a real hard time, his wannabe VP had to fill him in on who is who!