Just Bitchen, Shias are now eighting Shias in Iraq

Damo's funny when he gets rattled!

You're pretending... I said.. but really... you're purposefully forgetting ..... and pretending ... and disingenuous when I really meant.... and you know I really meant... but you purposefully mislead.... when I know you knew I mean what I .......DISINGENUOUS RUBBISH!
You are desperate to excuse your pretense. You and I have had years speaking on the subject of the war, pretending that I have ever supported it is just sad.

Even on the other board I consistently spoke against undeclared war and the War Powers Act. It is just sad to pretend that all that past disappeared so you can pretend you made a point on a thread on a different board that is inconsistent with what you know of me.
You are desperate to excuse your pretense. You and I have had years speaking on the subject of the war, pretending that I have ever supported it is just sad.

Even on the other board I consistently spoke against undeclared war and the War Powers Act. It is just sad to pretend that all that past disappeared so you can pretend you made a point on a thread on a different board that is inconsistent with what you know of me.

I never mentioned your position on the war. I said it's ridiuculous to discuss this as if it has nothing to do with our presence there. Get a grip. You got punked on this thread. take it like a man.
I never mentioned your position on the war. I said it's ridiuculous to discuss this as if it has nothing to do with our presence there. Get a grip. You got punked on this thread. take it like a man.
Your pretense is that I would say that, considering my position on the war. You are being deliberately obtuse so you can pretend to make a point. That is what is truly sad.

Only on the boards do people that I "know" pretend that the past never existed and that I would mean something like that. I explained what I meant, now move past that. And next time use a bit of your knowledge of my opinion rather than attempting to play "gotcha" like a tweener trying to catch somebody out.

Even in agreement you have to pretend you have "won" something that you know began with dishonest pretense. (Yes, that is what disingenuous means).
Your pretense is that I would say that, considering my position on the war. You are being deliberately obtuse so you can pretend to make a point. That is what is truly sad.

Even in agreement you have to pretend you have "won" something that you know began with dishonest pretense. (Yes, that is what disingenuous means).

LOl. Your are being... so you can say... but you know it's... but your misrepresent, and .... DISINGENUOUS RUBBISH!
LOl. Your are being... so you can say... but you know it's... but your misrepresent, and .... DISINGENUOUS RUBBISH!
As I said, claiming a "victory" based on BS is exactly what disingenuous means.

I don't pretend you have said something that I know you don't support to pretend that I "win" one of our conversations. I would like the same consideration.
You were trying to say it wasn't US trying to take the weapons. I made the point that it is us, by proxy, you said that was fair enough.

me said:
But WE are the controllers of the puppet regime. So it IS us, by proxy.
you said:
Fair enough. Plus we are making an observable presence with them. Stupid, IMO. All of it is. It is just more stupid added on to previous stupid. I doubt that Patreas is the one that suggested this, in fact it sounds so stupid that it had to have come from higher up.

Get your panties ungunched. I never addressed your overall position on the war.
As I said, claiming a "victory" based on BS is exactly what disingenuous means.

I don't pretend you have said something that I know you don't support to pretend that I "win" one of our conversations.

The victory is obvious. This is just making fun of you.
You were trying to say it wasn't US trying to take the weapons. I made the point that it is us, by proxy, you said that was fair enough.

Get your panties ungunched. I never addressed your overall position on the war.
I didn't have the time to be my usual eloquent self and posted something in that haste that you could twist into something humorous.

I'll live with that.
I didn't have the time to be my usual eloquent self and posted something in that haste that you could twist into something humorous.

I'll live with that.

No. You were trying to make the case it's not submission to an occupying force because it was not the u.s. military asking for the weapons or doing the fighting (though subsequent posts from dungheap showed that not to be the case) and I said it is US because the iraq army is our army by proxy, because WE"RE AN OCCUPYING FORCE.

Your usual eloquent self =" But you said.. when you knew I ... but I don't..... and you know I don't ..... and I said before and you know I said before...... but you pretend.... when you know you pretend.... and I know you know I know... you pretend... DISINGEUNOUS RUBBISH!"

That shit is funny damo.
This is Maliki showing off the new trained cops and military and doing it without going after the Sunnis. I think the US clearly had a hand in picking the target though. I mean Al Sadr? Biggest thorn in our side in Iraq... Coincidence? More "strategery" muck-ups? You decide.
I am so GLAD you pointed out that this is Maliki SHOWING OFF his cops and military. What does US military intelligence have to say about them? Lets take a look shall we.

Analysis: Iraqis' Basra fight not going well

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Iraqi military push into the southern city of Basra is not going as well as American officials had hoped, despite President Bush's high praise for the operation, several U.S. officials said Friday.

A closely held U.S. military intelligence analysis of the fighting in Basra shows that Iraqi security forces control less than a quarter of the city, according to officials in both the United States and Iraq, and Basra's police units are deeply infiltrated by members of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi Army.


This article will show you ALL the progess made by the Iraqi government while americans died for Iraqi freedom. Job Well done Mr. Bush! This is what is going to happen for the next decade, we are going to stand it till they can stand up and we will stand in EVERY FUCKING TIME they fall back down.
Let's see what the actual troops...............

I am so GLAD you pointed out that this is Maliki SHOWING OFF his cops and military. What does US military intelligence have to say about them? Lets take a look shall we.

Analysis: Iraqis' Basra fight not going well

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Iraqi military push into the southern city of Basra is not going as well as American officials had hoped, despite President Bush's high praise for the operation, several U.S. officials said Friday.

A closely held U.S. military intelligence analysis of the fighting in Basra shows that Iraqi security forces control less than a quarter of the city, according to officials in both the United States and Iraq, and Basra's police units are deeply infiltrated by members of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi Army.


This article will show you ALL the progess made by the Iraqi government while americans died for Iraqi freedom. Job Well done Mr. Bush! This is what is going to happen for the next decade, we are going to stand it till they can stand up and we will stand in EVERY FUCKING TIME they fall back down.

Are saying about this...: www.mudvillegazette.com ...I do believe they will take notice of socos BS!

Iraq implodes as Shia fights Shia

Another tragedy as the Shia majority turn on each other

Thursday, 27 March 2008

A new civil war is threatening to explode in Iraq as American-backed Iraqi government forces fight Shia militiamen for control of Basra and parts of Baghdad.

Heavy fighting engulfed Iraq's two largest cities and spread to other towns yesterday as the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, gave fighters of the Mehdi Army, led by the radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, 72 hours to surrender their weapons.

This was expected from the British pull back from Basra, it was a matter of time, and this also is exactly the reason we cannot pull out early, least all Iraq descend into chaos.
This is what it will be like here when the internationalist bilderberger force attempts to occupy america. Which side are you on?