Just like Airline Pilots donow for 911, allow TEACHERS to CARRY GUNS if they want to.


Verified User
Why can't teachers carry concealed weapons if they want to, that would at least give them a fighting chance. After 911, Airline pilots have that option of packing heat. If we give up our guns, then only the bad guys, like gang members, will have guns. You dumb sheet Lib Demos need to mind your own businesses, when it comes to our guns. We will let you know about how to handle the gun violence, so keep your ridiculous Leftist opinions to yourselves. The reason that Gabby Gifford and others got shot is because all her constituents at her Rally where anti-gun zealots, if she would have had normal AZ people there, someone would have taken that Stoner creep out with their CCW's, which means shoot the MFer, pardon' my French.
Why can't teachers carry concealed weapons if they want to, that would at least give them a fighting chance. After 911, Airline pilots have that option of packing heat. If we give up our guns, then only the bad guys, like gang members, will have guns. You dumb sheet Lib Demos need to mind your own businesses, when it comes to our guns. We will let you know about how to handle the gun violence, so keep your ridiculous Leftist opinions to yourselves. The reason that Gabby Gifford and others got shot is because all her constituents at her Rally where anti-gun zealots, if she would have had normal AZ people there, someone would have taken that Stoner creep out with their CCW's, which means shoot the MFer, pardon' my French.
I do not know what was wrong with this school shooter, but dollars to donuts says that the Liberal drug culture was involved. The creep kills his own teacher mother, probably because she had had it with his druggy lifestyle, would not give him another $20.00 for some mo dope, and probably told the rummy to go get a job. To all you Libs out there, get off the gun grabbing and start turning in your drug supplier dealers to the Cops, AKA Snitch.
in the homes with guns the people in it are more likely to be killed by that gun than protected with it.
its a fact and if I thought you would honor the facts I would bother to go find them for you.

You will just lie about the source
When things like this happen, we all immediately react emotionally, that is human nature. What we all need to do, is step back and take a deep breath, hug our kids a little tighter, pray for the victims of this tragedy, and refrain from commenting about banning guns or arming teachers. Now is not the time for that. More guns or fewer guns would not eliminate the possibility of tragedy or the acts of insane people, no matter how much we may think that to be the case. Any measure you put in place, whether it's metal detectors, banning guns, arming teachers, or whatever... is not going to stop a deranged person from doing harm they are intent on doing. That is just a sad fact of life we have to accept.
link up to stats that show allowing teaches to carry guns trashes his idea


cite please.


oh what the hell maybe someone else will benifit from the facts you can never absorb

now i know why you lied about how i would treat your link. i specifically asked you to back up your "facts" that it would trash the idea and that people iin homes are more likely to get hurt by guns.

your link says ZERO about teachers or homes. further, your link is very careful to say how speculative the results were.

"We don't have an answer as to whether guns are protective or perilous," Branas says. "This study is a beginning."

can you please provide the cites to back up your claims? thanks.
I do not know what was wrong with this school shooter, but dollars to donuts says that the Liberal drug culture was involved. The creep kills his own teacher mother, probably because she had had it with his druggy lifestyle, would not give him another $20.00 for some mo dope, and probably told the rummy to go get a job. To all you Libs out there, get off the gun grabbing and start turning in your drug supplier dealers to the Cops, AKA Snitch.
This shooter might be gay and he took it out on his teacher Mother and her kids at school. Something that Liberals promote screwed this guy up in the head, I will bet on it. Maybe Zappy will bet with me on it, since he is a gun guy? The Liberals have basically ruined this Country, in my humble opinion. They have tried to dumbdown our kids at school so thwey can control them later, they promote the drug culture, in that way, there brains turn to mush. The Liberal Hollywood make movies that are full of violence, which promotes violence, which would lead to the Liberals ultimate goal, to disarm America, so they can easily take it over. They now want to take away our Semi-Autos, which takes all my guns away, I don't think so. I do not know what's coming next, butt this Country does not feel RIGHT.
When things like this happen, we all immediately react emotionally, that is human nature. What we all need to do, is step back and take a deep breath, hug our kids a little tighter, pray for the victims of this tragedy, and refrain from commenting about banning guns or arming teachers. Now is not the time for that. More guns or fewer guns would not eliminate the possibility of tragedy or the acts of insane people, no matter how much we may think that to be the case. Any measure you put in place, whether it's metal detectors, banning guns, arming teachers, or whatever... is not going to stop a deranged person from doing harm they are intent on doing. That is just a sad fact of life we have to accept.


Who are you, and what have you done with Dixie?
Why can't teachers carry concealed weapons if they want to, that would at least give them a fighting chance.

statistics trash your idea

Of course they do. In 2000, there were 6.6 MILLION teachers in America. Now add in all the school staff, etc.

Who's going to pay for all these guns? Where are they going to be kept? Hell, the cheapass republicans won't even let us build new schools for the children, and now they want to buy guns for them?


When things like this happen, we all immediately react emotionally, that is human nature. What we all need to do, is step back and take a deep breath, hug our kids a little tighter, pray for the victims of this tragedy, and refrain from commenting about banning guns or arming teachers. Now is not the time for that. More guns or fewer guns would not eliminate the possibility of tragedy or the acts of insane people, no matter how much we may think that to be the case. Any measure you put in place, whether it's metal detectors, banning guns, arming teachers, or whatever... is not going to stop a deranged person from doing harm they are intent on doing. That is just a sad fact of life we have to accept.

Shut up. Go scalp someone. Fuckin redskinned Injun!
Of course they do. In 2000, there were 6.6 MILLION teachers in America. Now add in all the school staff, etc.

Who's going to pay for all these guns? Where are they going to be kept? Hell, the cheapass republicans won't even let us build new schools for the children, and now they want to buy guns for them?


Shut up. Go scalp someone. Fuckin redskinned Injun!

WOW look at Homo Howey goin all racial. Guess the CD4 count is back below 200 again
Of course they do. In 2000, there were 6.6 MILLION teachers in America. Now add in all the school staff, etc.

Who's going to pay for all these guns? Where are they going to be kept? Hell, the cheapass republicans won't even let us build new schools for the children, and now they want to buy guns for them?


Shut up. Go scalp someone. Fuckin redskinned Injun!

cite where someone said they want the government to provide arms to teachers.

i can't find it. me thinks you're making shit up again.