Justice Breyer, you are a damned liar.

Speaking of error and defeat, that's what happens whenever a leftist argues against the 2nd Amendment, so lets do get back on track.

Check the chronology of the thread, 3D. I've made my arguments....if you have any NEW angles to pursue that you think are worthy to disprove what I wrote, have at it. I look forward to a decent debate.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Nothing is funny about what a pathetic liar you are, STY. All you and your cronies do is just CLAIM something has been debunked...but to date you cannot LOGICALLY OR FACTALLY do so. As I've tried to school you time and again, STY, YOUR OPINION DOES NOT EQUATE TO FACT AND/OR LOGIC.

As the chronology of the posts shows (specifically in post #38 and #39), I used documented facts (i.e., quoted laws, codes, etc.) to demonstrate the contradictions to what YOU and your like minded cohorts assert, STY. But rather than deal with that like an adult, you just childishly avoid the facts and keep parroting the mantras that all intellectually challenged gunners do when defeated.

But let me put it in terms you'll understand....since Post #38 & #39, you and your buddies have just been shoveling BS and avoid the facts. Carry on.

let me put it in terms YOU might understand. As the chronology of MY posts stated, YOU were pwned dozens of times by many people here, myself included, with quotes, laws, commentaries, etc. But don't let that interfere with your koolaid drinking. your minor 38 and 39 statements can't come anywhere close to the overwhelming evidence that has been posted numerous other times in various places on this forum, but I know you're prone to ignorance when you've been beat down with the truth.

:palm: See folks, as I've stated previously.....neocon clowns and gunners merely state that they have won an argument WITHOUT ACTUALLY LOGICALLY AND FACTUALLY REFUTING KEY POINTS FROM THEIR OPPONENTS.

Any fool can generally dismiss something, but doing it logically and factually point for point is a whole other story. As the chronology of the posts shows, neither STY or his buddies can do so with Post #38 & 39...all they have done is just spew sour grapes and blow smoke. STY IGNORES the FACT that I addressed his "overwhelming" evidence....and he has no logical or factual retort other than repeating himself as if Post 338 & 39 did not exist.

Typical loser neocon tactic, usually accompanied by personal attacks and taking phrases from my responses out of context to use in their childish retorts....let's watch them repeat it ad nauseum. :)
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
See folks, as I've stated previously.....neocon clowns and gunners merely state that they have won an argument WITHOUT ACTUALLY LOGICALLY AND FACTUALLY REFUTING KEY POINTS FROM THEIR OPPONENTS.

......Typical loser neocon tactic, usually accompanied by personal attacks and taking phrases from my responses out of context to use in their childish retorts....let's watch them repeat it ad nauseum.

so you are, in fact, a neocon clown?

Thanks for proving my point by doing EXACTLY as I said you would, genius.

You make a joke of your screen name with each post. Say goodnight, Gracie...shows over for you. Oh, and when you pry your Damn Yankee lap dog off of your leg, say goodnight to him also.
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Thanks for proving my point by doing EXACTLY as I said you would, genius.

You make a joke of your screen name with each post. Say goodnight, Gracie...shows over for you. Oh, and when you pry your Damn Yankee lap dog off of your leg, say goodnight to him also.

you were so pwned, it's pathetic.
Its not really being a tough guy to ask for a duel in which your opponent is unarmed. Its about living up to principle: I am a member of a well-regulated militia, and therefore, according to leftists, entitled to bare arms, while they themselves are not afforded the same rights.

An internet tough guy would allow his opponent a gun, but brag about what an expert marksman he is. I make no such pretentions.