Justice Dept faulted in gun-trafficking operation


Now what, Holder detractors?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department's internal watchdog on Wednesday faulted the agency for misguided strategies, errors in judgment and management failures during a bungled gun-trafficking probe in Arizona that resulted in hundreds of weapons turning up at crime scenes in the U.S. and Mexico. Two senior officials left the department, one by resignation and one by retirement, upon release of the report.

In a 471-page report, Inspector General Michael Horowitz referred more than a dozen people for possible department disciplinary action for their roles in Operation Fast and Furious and a separate, earlier probe known as Wide Receiver, undertaken during the George W. Bush administration. The report did not criticize Attorney General Eric Holder, but said lower-level officials should have briefed him about the investigation much earlier.

The report found no evidence that Holder was informed about the Fast and Furious operation before Jan. 31, 2011, or that the attorney general was told about the much-disputed gun-walking tactic employed by the department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.


If they've gone through all the documentation and evidence (such as the 10,000 emails) and have come to that conclusion, I'll admit I was/am wrong about Holder on F&F. That doesn't mean he isn't partially accountable (it's still his agency), but I'd be willing to accept that he had less of an idea about the operation than I stated prior. I STILL feel that the ATF needs to be done away with, as this is just the latest in their stupidity, and it's not likely to lessen as long as the agency still exists.
If they've gone through all the documentation and evidence (such as the 10,000 emails) and have come to that conclusion, I'll admit I was/am wrong about Holder on F&F. That doesn't mean he isn't partially accountable (it's still his agency), but I'd be willing to accept that he had less of an idea about the operation than I stated prior. I STILL feel that the ATF needs to be done away with, as this is just the latest in their stupidity, and it's not likely to lessen as long as the agency still exists.

I wonder... why the executive privilege use then?
I wonder... why the executive privilege use then?

As do I, and I've said on multiple occasions this needs to investigated by an international agency, not an American one. Policing ones self does not make for the best in accuracy or honesty.
After my own internal investigation I have determined that I have never done anything wrong, nor have I ever been a smart ass. Now that I have exonerated myself, please look away so that we can pretend this is legitimate.
After my own internal investigation I have determined that I have never done anything wrong, nor have I ever been a smart ass. Now that I have exonerated myself, please look away so that we can pretend this is legitimate.

Because that's exactly what the OIG said.

693. Eric Holder and Operation “Fast and Furious” (11/14/2011)

In last article, I said, “The nuclear disaster hadn’t developed further because their main case failed to go through.” The main plot is to kill Kat Hak Sung in a framed case. In recent years, the Feds prepared so many times to create war on Iran with false flag terror attacks. All failed to go through because the main plot went soured. So in June, when they were creating two nuclear disasters in US, they also authorized themselves with extended illegal power.
FBI expands agents' reach
By Charlie Savage New York Times

WASHIGNGTO - The FBI is giving significant new powers to its roughly 14,000 agents - allowing them more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize the lives of people who have attracted their attention.
(June 13, 2011 Mercury News)

The tactic is to authorize the Feds with power of unreasonable arrest and search. When they want to wrong someone they disliked, they only need to plant something illegal in his trash then they can make an arrest. It bypasses the Fourth Amendment. That rule is issued particularly on Kat Hak Sung. That’s obvious. Of course, the rule is against law. It doesn’t matter. They have convenient way. Let a political assigned official to take the responsibility. In August 2007 plot, (signaled by a B-52 loaded with nuclear missiles flying over US Continental on 8/30) President advisor Carl Rove and A.G. Gonzales both resigned on that day. Gonzales stayed a little longer later because the main plot (framed case) hadn’t been carried out. Now it’s A.G. Holder’s turn.

In recent weeks, there is a strong voice to demand the resignation of A.G. Eric Holder for his authorization of “Operation Fast and Furious”. He neglects the demand.

“ Rep. Joe Walsh to Eric Holder: You better resign immediately, buddy
October 26, 2011 by Tina Korbe

“As a victim’s family speaks, 38 congressmen demand Eric Holder’s resignation
Published: 12:43 AM 11/10/2011


Why Eric Holder clings to his office not to resign? He is waiting for a big case. When the FBI, DEA in Department of Justice commit a crime – killing people in a framed case, he’ll step down to take the responsibility. That’s the way how the Feds play the politics.
anyone who believes this report is legitimate and not a complete whitewash for political reasons is a retarded sheeple and should take a walk off the tallest cliff.
it was pretty obvious to the entire world what the republicans were doing with F and F when they tried to make it a national story.

Yet more shameful attacks based on nothing because they didnt like a black man in the office
it was pretty obvious to the entire world what the republicans were doing with F and F when they tried to make it a national story.

Yeah, they were trying to get the TRUTH... you know, that thing you always claim you want?

Fast and Furious was violation of Mexican's sovereignty. It led to the death of an American Agent. I know you don't actually care that someone died, because it was the Obama admin that did it and covered it up. You just want to ignore that little FACT.

Yet more shameful attacks based on nothing because they didnt like a black man in the office

Ah yes, the pathetic race card bullshit from the left wing nuts. How quaint. Tell us Desh... if it was nothing... why the use of the executive privilege? What is Obama hiding?
it was pretty obvious to the entire world what the republicans were doing with F and F when they tried to make it a national story.

Yet more shameful attacks based on nothing because they didnt like a black man in the office

Gee Desh, your ignorant post obviously means you missed the op.....here, just for you'

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department's internal watchdog on Wednesday faulted the agency for misguided strategies, errors in judgment and management failures during a bungled gun-trafficking probe in Arizona that resulted in hundreds of weapons turning up at crime scenes in the U.S. and Mexico. Two senior officials left the department, one by resignation and one by retirement, upon release of the report.

(Guess they overlooked that 'accessary to murder' charge for supplying the murder weapon used on that border guard)

In a 471-page report, Inspector General Michael Horowitz referred more than a dozen people for possible department disciplinary action for their roles in Operation Fast and Furious

Now what, Holder detractors?

There are always some peons and Obamabots willing to dive under the bus for the cause....no loss to the movement....
Holder will walk away squeaky clean....just like the dozen or so others in the Obama inside circle that have broken the law.....from tax evaders to campaign law breakers....
You're not surprised are you?
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