Justice Dept faulted in gun-trafficking operation

Even if by some leap of faith one believes Holder, his not being aware of what was happening under his command is dealiction of duty in itself....
Personally I believed he lied....but liar or moron, he should have been fired.
Even if by some leap of faith one believes Holder, his not being aware of what was happening under his command is dealiction of duty in itself....
Personally I believed he lied....but liar or moron, he should have been fired.

Good reasoning, it is why I believe most of the Bush administration should be brought up on charges for 911 and the Iraq war! They lied and a whole lot more people died than under the Fast and Furious program..
694. The term of FBI Chief (11/21/2011)

Two years ago, I talked about the other story of the resignation of the chief of the FBI and DEA.
Re: “610. The road of persecution (9/23/09)
7. In early April, 2001, Feds (DOD and DOJ) created EP-3 spy plane incident. In negotiation to release the spy plane crew, FBI and DEA signed a secret deal with Chinese government. In the secret deal, China would frame a drug case. The payment was huge. China was granted to host 2008 Olympic Game and to be a member of WTO. China was greatly benefitted by this deal. As a result, China now becomes the second economic power in the world. Because of that deal, both the director of FBI and DEA resigned in April 2001 and left their posts three months later.

to see the secret deal about spy-plane at:


The term for FBI chief is ten years. Louis Freeh headed the office from 1993 to 2001, two years short for a full term. He and the Chief of DEA both resigned in April (when their representatives signed the secret deal with China to frame a drug case) and left their post in later June. June 11, 2001 was the action date of the framed drug case. They left their post after their plot ended (though it failed to go through).

I learned the action date from an intimidation from FBI.

Author:FBI <mailto:FBI@hotmail.com> (
Subject:Your Time Is UP, Kat Hak Sung !Sat, Jun 9 2001 at 8:25 am[
Email Msg </cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi?c=emailmsgform&fid=1937-truth&mid=27> | Invite </cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi?c=inviteform&fid=1937-truth>

Message:Kat Hak Sung! Your time is up! We are giving you 3x24 hours to surrender. Turn yourself in to the local authority where you are residing now. You have been sentenced to DEATH in absentia. ..... Within 3x24 hours you should surrender and turn yourself in, to serve your death sentence under the gallows. The state of California has restored this kind of death sentence just for you. ....

3x24 hours after posting time was 6/12/2001, the date of the execution of McVeigh was 6/11. Since then I learned that when the Feds planned an illegal case, they used to arrange big event(s) to distract public attention from the plot. The criminal style was proved many times later in my experience.

I also realized so said “democracy” is a cheating mask. It is a covert totalitarian. They manipulate the judicial system. The Feds executed McVeigh just because they needed a cover up. They had secret court to sentence victim’s death. Now when they failed to frame innocent people in case, they bypassed the Constitution to issue rule for themselves. See “FBI expands agents' reach” in last article. (#693)

September should be the last month for Robert Mueller in his FBI office. (Sep. 2001 – Sep. 2011) His term has been extended for two more years. He has to finish Kat Sung before he leaves the office. The next FBI Chief doesn’t want to take any responsibility to a criminal action. Louis Freeh left office in later June 2001 after his plot finished. (signaled with the execution of McVeigh). Robert Mueller took over the office in early September. There was a three months open period there. Why? Because they knew there would be a big plot to come – 911 attack. The new selected Robert Mueller then didn’t want to take any responsibility of the 911. They didn’t want a new Chief stepping down just after him taking the office. So be it this time.
695. The collusion of D.O.D. and D.O.J. (11/28/2011)

In July 2000, I returned to the States from the drift in South-east Asia. With bitter experience there, I started to write in the Internet to reveal the dark side of the Feds (FBI and DEA). The mole scare of light, the Feds were in panic. On November 12, 2000, there was a big article in San Jose Mercury News – “Killing Pablo”. It said "Pentagon officials were concerned that US forces were possibly violating a presidential directive that prohibited American involvement in assassinations of foreign citizens. " To kill Columbia drug lord Pablo Escoba, US government spent millions in a covert operation in which a secret group assassinated about 300 people. No one was ever prosecuted. US ambassador, DEA, special force of pentagon were involved. The full extent of the US role has never been made public.

Then why did they make it public this time? The article was more of extortion then news. D.O.J. to other department of the government: “You did something illegal abroad, so when I do same thing domestically, keep your mouth shut up. “

But Pablo Escoba was a drug lord, Kat Sung and his family is innocent. That’s totally different. The Feds had to frame a case against him. They found a collaborator- Chinese secret police. China is a big country. The price they asked for was big too: To host the 2008 Olympic and to be the member of WTO. (Chinese merchandise now can bypass the tax barrier to all members of the World Trade Organization.)Both were important to boost Chinese economy. For the Feds, nothing was more important than to cover up their crime. The interest of the USA was thrown behind. China got what they wanted.

How could they let US government make such a big concession to a potential rival country? Then we saw the April 2001 EP-3 spy plane incident. US paid a huge ransom to release the crew of the spy plane in a secret deal. However, it was a big strategy loss for the US. Both heads of the FBI and the DEA had to leave their office for that secret deal.

The D.O.D. and the D.O.J. had a collusion in April 2001. In that month, D.O.D. had its spy plane collided with a Chinese fighter and landed in Hainan Island of Chna. With the help of the Pentagon, the D.O.J. got a secret deal from China to frame a drug case they wanted. (however, the framed drug case went soured and failed again and again under my revelation until now)

In same month, under the influence of the D.O.J. (I say so because it’s FBI who controls domestic society) Silverstein got the lease of the Twin Towers. WTC were under control, prepared for the collapse in coming September. Pentagon got what they wanted: the war in Middle East.

Ownership, Control, and Insurance of The World Trade Center
On April 26 of 2001 the Board of Commissioners for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey awarded Silverstein Properties and mall-owner Westfield America a 99-year-lease on the following assets: The Twin Towers, World Trade Center Buildings 4 and 5, two 9-story office buildings, and 400,000 square feet of retail space.


The 2001 April ended with these two events – spy plane incident and new lease of WTC, a cross deal between the D.O.D. and the D.O.J..A false flag terror attack was ready. On first day next month, ABC news let out the news of “Operation Northwoods”.

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
By David Ruppe N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001

In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.


If you think you have this news because of the Information freedom Act, then you are wrong. It was a pre-psychological propaganda – part of the 911 plot. It was used to justify the coming 911 attack. It told other government officials: “See, we didn’t start it. It was created by former military leaders. We just copy it.”
696. Two bombings to achieve the Patriot Act Bill (12/5/2011)

In 1990s twice I left US because I couldn’t endure the persecution from the Feds. At that time, the US was still a free country. I bought an air ticket. No one asked a word. There was no security search. It was like a domestic bus trip. That now becomes Alice in Wonderland. It was not the Feds wanted. They needed a power to search and detain without any reason. To achieve that goal, they activated two “terror attacks”.

The first attempt was OKC bombing. I allege so based on timing. I left US in July 1994 and returned in May 1995. The Feds must have felt the needs of a law to confine their dislikes to travel freely. To get me back to the US, they had dealt with the Chinese secret police. In April, my application to extend my stay in Shanghai was rejected. In same month, OKC bombing took place.

The evidence now proved the FBI conducted this bombing.


Amazing New Evidence Emerges in Oklahoma Bombing

By Pat Shannan
There are now serious allegations that the FBI, using an informer as a conduit, supplied McVeigh and Nichols with the blasting components the two used to construct explosive devices, one of which may have been employed in the tragic Oklahoma City bombing.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Oklahoma City Bombing: FBI Informants Reported on ABC News, McVeigh Defense Team

FBI informants reporting on the Oklahoma City bombing provided the bureau with leads taken from ABC News and Timothy McVeigh's defense team, according to documents filed in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.


In early 2000s, I have learned from a news that said former FBI Chief Louis Freeh had proposed a bill similar to the Patriot Act after OKC bombing but failed to get it go through. I tried to have a google search for that article but failed. The Feds must have sheltered most information that related to their crime. They control information with their cyber team and NSA. Anyhow, I found another information little noticed by the public.

Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996

The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-132, 110 Stat. 1214, (also known as AEDPA) is an act of Congress signed into law on April 24, 1996. ……following the Oklahoma City bombing, and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.[1]


Although the Feds failed to get The Patriot Act in 1996, that AEDPA revealed their intention. Be noticed that the title shows they used terrorism to expand their power five years earlier of 911.

Next time I left US in March 1999 and returned to the States in July 2000. One year later they bombed WTC. This time they got what they wanted – the Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act gives the Feds expanded (unreasonable) power of search and arrest. It seems they do not satisfy with this. Now they want to have the power to detain the citizens without trial for life.

Petition to IMPEACH ALL Senators who Voted for "U.S. is a Battlefield" and to detain U.S. Citizens without trial

The New National Defense Authorization Act Is Ridiculously Scary
David Seaman, Credit Card Outlaw | Nov. 30, 2011,

Fellow entrepreneurs, Americans, anyone who still cares about this country at all -- this is a must read: By the end of this week, the US government very likely will have the power to lock up US citizens for life at Guantanamo Bay or other military prisons -- without charge and without trial. This means that, in the near future, a controversial Twitter post, attending a peaceful protest, or publishing an anti-Congress critique or anti-TSA rant on Google+ could land you "indefinite detention" for life, in the wording of the bill. No access to a lawyer, no access to trial.

With this Act, what’s the good for the Constitution?
697. TSA search, Canada and Mexico (12/11/2011)

In September 2009, I renewed my passport. In later September I ordered an air ticket to Hong Kong. That night, as usual, I watched the news of the Chinese tv channel KTSF26. I was astonished by a report – it showed how the Feds planting fake notes into innocent passenger’s pocket in airport security check. To propaganda an illegal action of the Feds in positive way was unusual. Obviously it was an intimidation on me – “we wouldn’t let you leave US”. After two bombings(OKC and 911), the Feds got that search power. I canceled the air ticket right away.

Several days later, on 10/4, my father passed away. I thought it was another intimidation - done by the Feds. However, my father’s death only prompted my decision of leaving. I took a Grey Hound bus to Vancouver on 10/7. I was denied to enter the Canada. No reason was given. I complained to law makers and A.G.. Most had no reply, one suggested to ask help from D.O.J. . Here is the article I wrote about this event two years ago.

Re: “611. Restricted in US (10/17/09)

Ten days ago, I was denied to enter the Canada in board check point. Since I have all the document and sufficient fund a tourist should have. I think the board officer was instructed by the misleading information from the US Federal agent. Here is my complain to Attorney General……”

It was sarcasm for a victim who suffered in a theft case to ask for help from the thief.

There are three ways for me to leave USA: 1. by air flights. It is now blocked with TSA searches and arrest. (which means a framed case by planting is possible.) 2. through Canada. It was proved being blocked by the collaboration of the Canada government. 3. Through Mexico. The tactic the Feds used is to make it a killing field so when a particularly planned murder happened, it would have been buried in mass slaughtering cases. Those drug killings, was actually a distract tactic.

After I return home from the Canada board, I started to understand the purpose of OKC bombing and 911 attack. It was for the “search and arrest” power. (for the Feds)

Then more and more killing cases in Mexico caught my eye. I thought the Feds were behind those killings. They were afraid I would leave US via Mexico. My thought was proved one year later when “Operation Fast and Furious” was revealed. It is conducted by the Feds. The purpose was not to track illegal drug trading but to cover up a possible murder by mass killings. The “Operation Fast and Furious” was created when the Feds found I intended to leave USA. Check the timing.

Heritage: The Fast and Furious Scandal Continues

• Posted by Arizona Tea Party on August 31, 2011 at 8:30am
This is the story of Fast and Furious, and yesterday the latest chapter unfolded when two top officials associated with the operation were removed from their positions, while a third individual resigned.

The story begins in the fall of 2009,


Since the “fall of 2009”, the media and discussion boards in Internet were full with topics of “TSA”, “pat down”, “see through screen” and bloody killings in Mexico. They had a purpose. If a passenger was arrested for carrying “fake money” or “drugs” or other illegal things, the public would believe “the TSA’s strict searches” and not doubt it’s a planting case. Or no one would have noticed a single murder in Mexico when there are so many beheading, mass slaughtering cases there.
Now what, Holder detractors?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department's internal watchdog on Wednesday faulted the agency for misguided strategies, errors in judgment and management failures during a bungled gun-trafficking probe in Arizona that resulted in hundreds of weapons turning up at crime scenes in the U.S. and Mexico. Two senior officials left the department, one by resignation and one by retirement, upon release of the report.

In a 471-page report, Inspector General Michael Horowitz referred more than a dozen people for possible department disciplinary action for their roles in Operation Fast and Furious and a separate, earlier probe known as Wide Receiver, undertaken during the George W. Bush administration. The report did not criticize Attorney General Eric Holder, but said lower-level officials should have briefed him about the investigation much earlier.

The report found no evidence that Holder was informed about the Fast and Furious operation before Jan. 31, 2011, or that the attorney general was told about the much-disputed gun-walking tactic employed by the department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.



Ignorance is bliss for Democrats......ignorance is incompetence for everyone else.....
Now what, Holder detractors?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department's internal watchdog on Wednesday faulted the agency for misguided strategies, errors in judgment and management failures during a bungled gun-trafficking probe in Arizona that resulted in hundreds of weapons turning up at crime scenes in the U.S. and Mexico. Two senior officials left the department, one by resignation and one by retirement, upon release of the report.

In a 471-page report, Inspector General Michael Horowitz referred more than a dozen people for possible department disciplinary action for their roles in Operation Fast and Furious and a separate, earlier probe known as Wide Receiver, undertaken during the George W. Bush administration. The report did not criticize Attorney General Eric Holder, but said lower-level officials should have briefed him about the investigation much earlier.

The report found no evidence that Holder was informed about the Fast and Furious operation before Jan. 31, 2011, or that the attorney general was told about the much-disputed gun-walking tactic employed by the department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.


Whatever whatever, it was an attempt to sway the American People's view of guns as bad, because they knew that some of these guns would produce problems, what other reason could the jackasses have had to do something so stupid. Some of these ass wipes need to be waterboarded, just because of their stupidity. Don't tred on me
698. FBI and DEA are behind the “Fast and Furious” (12/19/2011)

1. FBI and DEA control the leaders of Mexican drug gang. Thus they actually control the drug activities of Mexico drug trading.

“Mexican Narco-Trafficker’s Revelation Exposes Drug War’s Duplicity
Posted by Bill Conroy - April 25, 2011 at 9:08 pm
Trail of Government Intrigue Leads Back to Cocaine Jet That Crashed in Mexico’s Yucatan
A high-level player with one of the most notorious narco-trafficking organizations in Mexico, the Sinaloa “cartel,” claims that he has been working with the U.S. government for years, according to pleadings filed recently in federal court in Chicago.

“Gun-smuggling cartel figures possibly were paid FBI informants
Probe reveals that the U.S. agency running the 'Fast and Furious' anti-gun-trafficking operation didn't know about the alleged FBI informants. Congressional investigators are looking into the matter.

Suspected members of the Zeta drug cartel are… (STRINGER/MEXICO, REUTERS)
July 17, 2011|By Richard A. Serrano, Washington Bureau
Congressional investigators probing the controversial "Fast and Furious" anti-gun-trafficking operation on the border with Mexico believe at least six Mexican drug cartel figures involved in gun smuggling also were paid FBI informants, officials said Saturday.
The investigators have asked the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration for details about the alleged informants, as well as why agents at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which ran the Fast and Furious operation, were not told about them


“ Drug cartel leaders are FBI informants, official says
7 Jul 2011 San Jose Mercury News By Richard A. Serrano
Ill- fated ATF deal could have been avoided, panel hears
WASHINGTON — The embattled head of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has told congressional investigators that some Mexican drug cartel figures targeted by his agency in a gun-trafficking investigation were paid informants for the FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration. “

2. BATF only carries out the order from Washington.

How the "Fast and Furious" program put thousands of weapons directly into the hands of Mexican drug gangs
Here's how "Fast and Furious" worked: Under orders from Washington, ATF agents were specifically told to acquire these weapons using "straw" buyers in the USA, find new buyers in Mexican drug gangs, then sell the weapons and "lose track" of them. Although some agents raised concerns about the insanity, they were overruled by the higher-ups in Washington who wanted to pursue this policy for their own reasons. "It made no sense to us either, it was just what we were ordered to do, and every time we questioned that order there was punitive action," said Phoenix Special Agent John Dodson.

But what could be the reasons for Washington initiating such a program in the first place? Why would the Obama administration actively send 30,000 sniper rifles, assault weapons and firearms into Mexico even while claiming to follow an anti-gun stance back in the USA?

To answer that question, you need to understand P.R.S -- Problem, Reaction, Solution. It is the "playbook" that governments use to get what they want, which usually involves: 1) Disarming their populations, 2) Taking away all their rights and freedoms, and then 3) Ruling over their people as tyrants with complete power.

Precisely such an effort is now underway in the United States, led by the Obama administration which has repeatedly demonstrated itself to be an enemy of the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.


3. Fast and Furious was not used to track the route of illegal weapons but was to cause a bloody killing field (or in National Defense Authorization Act: battle field).

To track one weapon takes a team’s work. How many people does it need to track 3,000? So the Operation from the beginning was not to track the illegal route of the gun trading but to push up a killing wave in Mexico. BATF agent also was ordered “lose track” of these weapons. The purpose is to make Mexico a killing field to stop a witness of the Feds’ crime from leaving US.
699. B.A.T.F. is a scapegoat (12/26/2011)

B.A.T.F. was originally part of Treasure Department. For more than a decade FBI tried to take it over. B.A.T.F. resisted such effort. However, FBI has more influence over the law makers. B.A.T.F. finally is taken over by the D.O.J..

Merger fails to curb FBI, ATF antagonism
Sunday, May 11, 2008

WASHINGTON — In the five years since the FBI and ATF were merged under the Justice Department to coordinate the fight against terrorism, the rival law enforcement agencies have fought each other for control, wasting time and money and causing duplication of effort, according to law enforcement sources and internal documents.

Their new boss, the attorney general, ordered them to merge their national bomb databases, but the FBI has refused. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has long trained bomb-sniffing dogs; the FBI started a competing program.

At crime scenes, FBI and ATF agents have threatened to arrest one another and battled over jurisdiction and key evidence. The ATF inadvertently bought counterfeit cigarettes from the FBI — the government selling to the government — because the agencies are running parallel investigations of tobacco smuggling between Virginia and other states.

In Oct 7, 2009, Kat Sung – a target of the FBI and DEA because he witnesses their crime – tried to leave US via Canada but was rejected. It rattled the Feds. To prevent Sung to leave via Mexico, they decided to turn Mexico into a killing field in the name of drug gang war. (because they control the Mexico drug gangs.) Killing needs weapon. Then we saw “Operation Fast and Furious”. B.A.T.F. is under control of the Department of Justice. It was ordered to play the role to supply the weapons to the drug gangs.

Here's how "Fast and Furious" worked: Under orders from Washington, ATF agents were specifically told to acquire these weapons using "straw" buyers in the USA, find new buyers in Mexican drug gangs, then sell the weapons and "lose track" of them. Although some agents raised concerns about the insanity, they were overruled by the higher-ups in Washington who wanted to pursue this policy for their own reasons. "It made no sense to us either, it was just what we were ordered to do, and every time we questioned that order there was punitive action," said Phoenix Special Agent John Dodson.

Though the B.A.T.F. agents question the operation, they were overruled by the higher-ups in Washington. As a result, since the fall of 2009, Mexico becomes a slaughtering field. More than 2,000 guns in operation were lost and many turned up in at least 170 violent crime scenes in Mexico. The Feds got what they wanted.

The “Operation of Fast and Furious” was revealed early this year. B.A.T.F. was questioned and some heads stepped down. The real masterminds remain untouched. B.A.T.F. becomes a scapegoat.
700. National Defense Authorization Act (1/2/2012)

The Gift of New Year 2012 President Obama gives Americans is a new law that ripped their civil right – NDAA.
1. It is a stealth raid on people.

The Act was proposed in later November, quickly passed by the Senate and the House during the Thanksgiving holiday and Christmas season. It was signed by President on New Year’s Day Eve. It was a typical military style - a stealth attack on civil rights taking the advantage when people were relaxing their vigilance in holiday season.

2. So said mainstream media kept a tight mouth on this important issue. Blind the eyes of a lot of people.

3. Majority of law makers and the President passed the Act. It proves the “politicians” don't represent the voice of the people. It also proves the election system has been hijacked by the intelligence already. The so said representatives are not elected by the voters but selected by the rulers of this country.

4. Beware the Feds to turn the US into a “battle field” so they could eliminate the dissenters. It’s easy for them to do so – just plant a few provocateurs in Occupy Wall Street Movement.

5. War on Iran is their major goal. With great possibility, there will be false flag nuclear attacks on US cities to justify the Iran war. Most people realize the truth of the 911 attack. This law is created to deal with the people who won’t believe this government anymore when such “terror attack” happens again.
707. Operation Wide Receiver and Operation Fast and Furious (2/16/2012)

Before "Operation Fast and Furious", BATF had another similar operation. That was "Operation Wide Receiver" (also know as "Operation Gunrunner). Here are the two cases:

Operation Wide Receiver. Time: 2006 to 2007.
Result: 462 guns lost track. nine people being arrested and charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms of which two have pled guilty.

Operation Fast and Furious: Nov. 2009 to the end of 2010.
Result: More than 2,000 guns were lost and many turned up in at least 170 violent crime scenes in Mexico.

Operation Wide Receiver was proved a failed case. Why did the D.O.J. allow the B.A.T.F. to continue with another similar operation in even larger scale? Most important after all was that they deliberately let the B.A.T.F. to lose the track of the guns. In Operation Wide Receiver, Mexico government was informed and took over the surveillance on gun buyers once they crossed the border into Mexico while in Operation Fast and Furious, Mexico authority was left alone.

Fast & Furious, From A Law Enforcement Perspective
By Barbee Kinnison– January 15, 2012

The main difference between Fast and Furious and Operation Wide Receiver is that under Fast & Furious the Mexican authorities were not informed nor asked to participate in interdicting of the 2,000 guns into Mexico (gun walking) where as in Operation Wide Receiver the Mexican authorities were briefed and participated (controlled delivery) of the 462 guns into Mexico.

According to ATF and DOJ, the stated purpose of the operation was to permit suspected straw purchasers to complete the gun purchase and allow the guns to transit into Mexico, in order to build a criminal case against the highest level of Mexican Criminal organizations, if so, then how does DOJ and ATF explain how they are going to accomplish this when they had no plans on working with Mexican authorities to conduct surveillance of the guns once they crossed the border into Mexico or the means to track the guns (no tracking devices install)?
Lastly, why would the former U.S. Attorney and former ATF SAC approve a gun walking operation when they both knew that the previous two ATF operations resulted in the loss of 462 guns into the hands of Mexican criminal groups?


"Operation Fast and Furious" became "Operation supply weapons to Mexico drug gangs" and "Operation turn Mexico into a battlefield". Law enforcement agents themselves were puzzled by this insanity case. They don’t know it was created to deal with Kat Sung, a target of the two powerful elements of D.O.J. – FBI and DEA. The purpose is to prevent him from leaving US.

In later September 2009, Sung ordered a flight ticket to Hong Kong. The Feds had a news in tv to warn that agent would plant fake money in passenger’s pocket to arrest in airport security search. Sung had to cancel the flight. He then tried to leave via Canada but was denied entry by the Canada authority on Oct. 7. Fast and Furious was initiated in November 2009, a further step to prevent him from leaving vie Mexico. (see #697, 698 and 699) This explains why the D.O.J. ordered the BATF to “lose track” on guns. They want to turn Mexico into a killing field.
708. Travel warning issued on Mexico (2/23/2012)

The weapons spread by “Operation Fast and Furious” caused a lot of violence in Mexico. Many of them were mass killings. Feds reached their goal- to turn Mexico into a killing field. But Mexico government protested when they found those weapons were from US. The operation went to its end when a US board agent was killed by those weapons.

The House investigates the case. BATF high ranking officers were reassigned. They became scapegoat. The real mastermind – the high ranking officials of D.O.J. , refuse to take responsibility. The Obama Administration has sealed court records. Mainstream media is silent on this case. They put it into a black box. This country is controlled by the D.O.J..

The goal is still there. Though “Fast and Furious” was exposed and failed, the operation continues. Follow the drum beating of Iran war, there is a warning issued this month. From it you may find the real purpose of the “Operation Fast and Furious”.

US increases travel warning to 14 Mexican states
Associated Press – 2/10/2012

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The U.S. State Department is recommending that Americans avoid travel to all or parts of 14 of 31 Mexican states in the widest travel advisory issued since Mexico stepped up its drug war in 2006.

It is the first time the State Department listed advisories for each of Mexico's 31 states, including the federal district of Mexico City, where there is no warning.


Mexican official: US travel warning 'ridiculous'
Associated Press – 2/15/2012
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico's top domestic security official says a U.S. State Department travel warning on almost half of Mexico's states is "ridiculous" and "out of proportion."


Mexico government doesn’t know it’s an intimidation from the Feds and a plan to justify a possible murder in massive killings and that the “Fast and Furious” targeted only at an individual.
I must say, it's a good thing no one important died over F&F. Just some redneck border security guy, and likely some brown people in another country...
729. A.G.'s contempt of Congress (7/23/2012)

Now more information revealed that "Operation Fast and Furious" was a senseless mission. It didn't use tracking device on weapons. Local agents were ordered not to tracking straw purchasers. Mexico government was not notified the grogram. Until the operation ended none were arrested. So what the result of the whole operation was? Nothing except the mass killing that caused two hundred deaths in Mexico and death of US agent.

This was an intentional weapon proliferation in Mexico. The purpose was to turn Mexico into a killing field to prevent Kat Sung to enter Mexico. Kat Sung was denied to enter Canada in October 2009, (see detail at "611. Restricted in US (10/17/09)". "Fast and Furious" was initiated in November 2009. The two events were tightly connected.

Nobody was accountable for that big scandal so far. The BATF officer only changed his post to the head quarter because the real mastermind were high ranking D.O.J. from the FBI and DEA., I allege. That's why A.G. Eric Holder has been stonewalling congressional attempts to get to the bottom of Fast and Furious. Obama also asserted executive privilege over the documents in question. The House, has to hold A.G. Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.

Border Patrol group calls for Holder’s resignation

By Jerry Seper

The Washington Times Monday, June 18, 2012


“Jun 2, 2012 – 129 House members now demanding Eric Holder's resignation
dailycaller.com “

Why does Eric Holder clings to his post and refuse to resign when it's a common practice in a big scandal?

He is waiting for a big case. When the FBI, DEA in Department of Justice commit a crime – killing people in a framed case, he’ll step down to take the responsibility. For the Feds, that framed drug case is much important than anything else. Remember, "Operation Fast and Furious" was also a sub project created to serve that main one.