Justice Dept faulted in gun-trafficking operation

747. Petraeus case is an extortion (11/27/2012)

On Nov. 10, CIA Chief Petraeus resigned from his post because the FBI had found his affairs in Broadwell’s email. On Nov. 20, we have such a news:
Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants

by Declan McCullagh
| November 20, 2012

A Senate proposal touted as protecting Americans' e-mail privacy has been quietly rewritten, giving government agencies more surveillance power than they possess under current law.

CNET has learned that Patrick Leahy, the influential Democratic chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, has dramatically reshaped his legislation in response to law enforcement concerns. A vote on his bill, which now authorizes warrantless access to Americans' e-mail, is scheduled for next week.


Obviously, the FBI activates its accessories in Senate to change the law to justify its action on the CIA Chief. The cause they applied on Petraeus case is weak, fragile and unreasonable.

In unusual CIA case, FBI detoured from usual path
By RICHARD LARDNER | Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The way the FBI responded to Jill Kelley's complaint about receiving harassing emails, which ultimately unraveled or scarred the careers of ex-CIA Director David Petraeus and Marine Gen. John Allen, is the exception, not the rule.

The FBI commonly declines to pursue cyberstalking cases without compelling evidence of serious or imminent harm to an individual, victims of online harassment, advocacy groups and computer crime experts told The Associated Press.

Instead, the FBI considered this from the earliest stages to be an exceptional case, and one so sensitive that FBI Director Robert Mueller and Attorney General Eric Holder were kept notified of its progress.

Civil liberties groups have criticized the FBI for pursuing the investigation of the emails to Kelley because there is no indication the messages contained any threatening language or classified information. The episode underscores the need to strengthen the legal protections for electronic communications, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.


What made the FBI crossing the path to create a scandal? There must be a reason. I think it was a potential extortion case. The FBI tried to blackmail CIA Chief Petraeus with the affair scandal but failed. Then we saw such a stage show.
748. Petraeus case is an extortion (2) (12/6/2012)

New report describes Broadwell emails to Kelley as ‘death threats’

By Rachel Rose Hartman, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – Tue, Nov 20, 2012

Paula Broadwell reportedly vowed in an email to make Jill Kelley "go away" the New York Daily News reported Tuesday in a story offering new details about how the mistress of former CIA Director David Petraeus threatened Kelley.

It’s ridiculous to interpret “go away” as a life threat. Yet it was “so sensitive that FBI Director Robert Mueller and Attorney General Eric Holder were kept notified of its progress.” Is it funny that the two big heads of the D.O.J. kept their interest on someone’s affair while A.G. Eric Holder said he was not notified of “Operation Fast and Furious”?

As a matter of fact, Eric Holder is under heavy pressure to resign on “Operation Fast and Furious” scandal. FBI director Robert Mueller is on his “extended two years” term. Both are in their finale days in D.O.J.. (see #693 and #694) They have a mission to frame a case to terminate Kat Hak Sung, then to take the responsibility by “resignation” – a convenient way for the officials to quit from the crime they committed.

In 1990s, I left US twice because the intensified persecution of the Feds. Then they created OKC bombing and 911 attack to achieve the new law “Patriot Act” with which they establish the TSA search in airport. On 10/7/2009, I was denied to enter Canada on the border. (see #611) The only exit now is Mexico. A few days later, in later October 2009, D.O.J. created “Operation Fast and Furious”. They successfully turned Mexico into a killing field. It was obviously created for my case.

This year, the Feds have new plan to frame me through the new Obama’s Healthcare law. I revealed it in July. (see #726) Next month, a strange case happened.

Mexico focus on police commanders in CIA shooting
By E. EDUARDO CASTILLO | Associated Press – Mon, Nov 19, 2012.

MEXICO CITY (AP) — In a strange and aggressive attack by Mexican federal police on a U.S. Embassy vehicle that was pumped with 152 bullets, one major question remains: Why?

Mexican investigators are looking for the answer from five police commanders who are accused of ordering 14 officers to lie about what happened on Aug. 24 south of Mexico City, where two CIA officers and a Mexican Navy captain came under heavy fire while travelling in an armored SUV clearly marked by diplomatic plates.
"Commanders controlled by whom? Whose instructions were they following?" said one Mexican official with knowledge of the case.

Media puzzled, asked why? People rarely know it was an attempt to create scandal for CIA. “Operation Fast and Furious” has made D.O.J. notorious already. They now intend to extort CIA to collaborate in their plot in Mexico if I would be forced to be there.
749. Petraeus case is an extortion (3) (12/11/2012)

Who has the power to order the Mexico Federal police to murder CIA agents? Mexico government has no intention to offend its super power neighborhood. The answer is simple: It is someone who has the ability to extort the Chief of CIA.

We know the Feds control the drug gangs in Mexico. (see “698. FBI and DEA are behind the “Fast and Furious” (12/19/2011)”

US Court Documents Claim Sinaloa “Cartel” Is Protected by US Government
Posted by Bill Conroy - July 31, 2011 at 5:07 pm

The son of a heavy hitter in a powerful Mexican drug trafficking organization has filed explosive legal pleadings in federal court in Chicago accusing the US government of cutting a deal with the the “Sinaloa Cartel” that gave its leadership “carte blanche to continue to smuggle tons of illicit drugs into Chicago and the rest of the United States.”


The Feds not only control drug gangs in Mexico, they also control mexico police force, turn it into their informants.

Reports Of Mexican Special Forces Serving As 'Death Squads' In The Drug War

Michael Kelley|Oct. 2, 2012
Ciudad Juárez, right across the border from El Paso, Texas, was perhaps the most dangerous place in the world between 2008 and 2011 as a “cartel turf war" led to more than 10,000 murders.

But U.S. and Mexican officials told Stratfor that the surge of killings can be partly attributed to Mexican special forces and hitmen who were acting as U.S. informants.


The CIA agents survived in Mexico police’ attack were lucky because they were in a bullet proof car. The plot continues. CIA Chief Petraeus was extorted by affair scandal. It seems Petraeus didn’t compromise to that blackmail. He knows once he obeys, he will be a slave for that power for life. He chose to resign.
750. Petraeus case is an extortion (4) (12/20/2012)

Petraeus’ resignation was sudden and unexpected, it’s obvious. There was a flurry in news field. At first it said the affair was found in emails between Petraeus and Paula Broadwell. It was illegal to search private communication.

So then we knew Jill Kelley. The justification was that she received anonymous threatening emails. But how could Kelley complained her private affair to the FBI? Then we got an unnamed FBI agent:

Jill Kelley turned to friend — and Tampa FBI agent — for help

Nov 14, 2012

He was identified late Wednesday by the New York Times, quoting anonymous sources, as the Tampa FBI agent who took the complaints from socialite Jill Kelley that started a cyberstalking investigation and uncovered Petraeus' affair with biographer Paula Broadwell.

And some other story to convince people:

Jill Kelley Claims 'Threats' in Email to Mayor
By ABC News | ABC News 11/16/2012


Then the news that the FBI agent allegedly sent Jill Kelley shirtless photos, Kelley’s affair with Gen. John Allen, Kelley’s social life with high ranking government officials…. . All those 007 style stories are used to distract people from the main focus – Petraues was under illegal surveillance.

Is sex scandal really that important? Gen. John Allen is a high ranking official. He now goes back to Afghanistan to continue his commander career there. His mistress came from Lebanon and is a social butterfly. Paula Broadwell graduated from West Point and was allowed to do her writing with Petraeus. She is much cleaner than Jill Kelley. Yet Petreus lost his job.

The word to justify the search was “go away”. Do you believe it?

New report describes Broadwell emails to Kelley as ‘death threats’

By Rachel Rose Hartman, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – Tue, Nov 20, 2012

Paula Broadwell reportedly vowed in an email to make Jill Kelley "go away" the New York Daily News reported Tuesday in a story offering new details about how the mistress of former CIA Director David Petraeus threatened Kelley.
751. Petraeus case is an extortion (5) (12/25/2012)

FBI used to kill with a borrowed knife. In Waco event when they decided to eliminate the Branch Davidians, they let the BATF to provoke the case which at last led to the massacre of seventy four people.

In October 2009, they let the Canada authority to deny my entering at border check point. A few days later they activated “Operation Fast and Furious” to turn Mexico into a killing field. When that operation became a scandal in 2011, BATF again became a scapegoat.

Then who would be a borrowed knife in Mexico if Kat Sung have gone there? They thought of CIA. We saw the strange case that Mexico Federal police shooting the SUV of CIA agents and the scandal of CIA Chief Petraeus. However, Petraeus chose to resign instead of keeling down. Now FBI has to show its true face.

I have an email account with Yahoo so I read its news everyday. On November 24, two weeks after Petraeus' resignation, a news jumped into my view. It proves my allegation that the blackmail on CIA was about Mexico:

1 of FBI's 10 most wanted arrested in Mexico
Associated Press – 11/24/2012

LOS ANGELES (AP) — One of the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives was arrested in Mexico and returned to Los Angeles Friday night to face charges of murder, kidnapping and rape, U.S. officials said.

Reputed Los Angeles gang member Joe Luis Saenz was taken into custody in Guadalajara late Thursday following a joint operation with the Mexican government, said Bill Lewis, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles office.


They won’t hide behind the curtain anymore.