Kamala Harris Holds Rally in Cracker Box with Maybe 250 People in NC – Describes How High Food Prices Are Under Her and Old Joe… You Can’t Make This U

Anyone familiar with alcoholism has to see that Kamala Harris has a drinking problem, right?1. She's drunk in public and on video. She's not *stupid* or *awkward* or *joyful* She's drunk. Day drunk. On the job. In front of cameras. In front of kids. She's drunk.Watch the videos and see for yourself.2. Her campaign team and the Biden Admin manage her the way families attempt to manage alcoholic parents: The campaign is hyper-controlling, keeping her from any situation that might expose her secret - hence not allowing her to speak off-script, and refusing press conferences.The Biden Admin was unhappy with Kamala and reluctant to give her responsibility. Though the administration did not admit it publicly, aides and staff reported it to the press with enough regularity that it was considered basic fact. 3. The ENTIRE *JOY* CAMPAIGN IS AN ELABORATE COVER FOR HER PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS. It's the classic "Mom's not drunk, she's just really happy!" on a national scale. It's like being gaslit by dysfunctional parents into pretending our alcoholic mom/aunt/grandma/whatever is just fine, thank you, keep smiling, the world is watching and if we pretend hard enough maybe we can fool ourselves into being happy, too! 1/ You'll have to up the volume but look at the kids' faces. They know.
As if you know what drives inflation. To a large extent it's the tight job market driving employment costs up; employers then pass on the expense by raising prices. Lately, however, inflation has been cooling. It is expected to cool even more next month when (and if) the Fed lowers interest rates, a nice thing for the country as the election approaches, wouldn't you agree?

Inflation is caused by money printing and dems are the pros at that. That's why we must end fiat money and that includes the cryptos. We need money backed by something - bring back the gold standard.
Lots of people are talking about this. She certainly does seem ditzy all the time. Is she stupid or a boozehead.?
It sure looks like in order to be really inside the Revolution it must have collateral (NXIVM)....something that they can use as blackmail....with Harris is it that she never passed the Bar, that the claim she did is fraud?
ROFL......okay so his dates were slightly off.....at least we've reached consensus on the fact Trump was good, Biden'/Harmus was bad.....
The median income family has $1,700 more today after expenses than they did when Trump was president.
It seems you have decided that you can ignore that people have more money after buying eggs today than they did after buying eggs when Trump was President.
This belief of yours is the clearest symptom of your idiocy.
She is anti-fracking and anti-off shore drilling. This will kill the energy sector and cause a recession...depression.

American voters are polarized...nearly 50-50. I prefer that Trump distances himself by 180 degrees from the Socialist/Marxist/Communist Harris/Walz ticket. Lest we forget, Harris has supported de-funding the police, dissolving ICE, open borders, and she started a fund to release the anarchists/arsonists that were burning Minneapolis to the ground while Walz watched and his wife opened the windows to "smell the odor of burning tires longer." Walz has been proven to be a "Valor Thief" when he said that "he had carried a weapon in war" and when he lied about his rank. He honeymooned in China. He is under investigation by the House Oversight Committee for his China ties.

I believe that Trump is a winning candidate. The Harris/media honeymoon is fading as even the far left WAPO says that her "price controls plan" is a big loser and will lead to shortages in the grocery stores and long lines at the gas station.

There were no out of control open borders, crime and inflation or wars in Ukraine and the ME when Trump was president... or a pending WWIII. Trump negotiated several peace agreements between Arab countries and Israel.

Get a clue, receptionist.
She is anti-fracking and anti-off shore drilling. This will kill the energy sector and cause a recession...depression.

American voters are polarized...nearly 50-50. I prefer that Trump distances himself by 180 degrees from the Socialist/Marxist/Communist Harris/Walz ticket. Lest we forget, Harris has supported de-funding the police, dissolving ICE, open borders, and she started a fund to release the anarchists/arsonists that were burning Minneapolis to the ground while Walz watched and his wife opened the windows to "smell the odor of burning tires longer." Walz has been proven to be a "Valor Thief" when he said that "he had carried a weapon in war" and when he lied about his rank. He honeymooned in China. He is under investigation by the House Oversight Committee for his China ties.

I believe that Trump is a winning candidate. The Harris/media honeymoon is fading as even the far left WAPO says that her "price controls plan" is a big loser and will lead to shortages in the grocery stores and long lines at the gas station.

There were no out of control open borders, crime and inflation or wars in Ukraine and the ME when Trump was president... or a pending WWIII. Trump negotiated several peace agreements between Arab countries and Israel.

Get a clue, receptionist.
Poor Earl. Living in an alternate reality where he thinks bullshit is true.
This would affect the purchasing power of hard working Americans:

Inflation hits 20 percent under Biden, pushing small ...
The Hill
https://thehill.com › opinion › 4663651-inflation-hits-2...
May 15, 2024 — Biden has spent a half-century in government and doesn't know what it's like to run a business. Most Democrats are the same...

The only business that Heels Up Harris has run was her servicing of old, married Willie Brown.