Kamala Harris Holds Rally in Cracker Box with Maybe 250 People in NC – Describes How High Food Prices Are Under Her and Old Joe… You Can’t Make This U

She is anti-fracking and anti-off shore drilling. This will kill the energy sector and cause a recession...depression.

American voters are polarized...nearly 50-50. I prefer that Trump distances himself by 180 degrees from the Socialist/Marxist/Communist Harris/Walz ticket. Lest we forget, Harris has supported de-funding the police, dissolving ICE, open borders, and she started a fund to release the anarchists/arsonists that were burning Minneapolis to the ground while Walz watched and his wife opened the windows to "smell the odor of burning tires longer." Walz has been proven to be a "Valor Thief" when he said that "he had carried a weapon in war" and when he lied about his rank. He honeymooned in China. He is under investigation by the House Oversight Committee for his China ties.

I believe that Trump is a winning candidate. The Harris/media honeymoon is fading as even the far left WAPO says that her "price controls plan" is a big loser and will lead to shortages in the grocery stores and long lines at the gas station.

There were no out of control open borders, crime and inflation or wars in Ukraine and the ME when Trump was president... or a pending WWIII. Trump negotiated several peace agreements between Arab countries and Israel.

Get a clue, receptionist.
Maybe you should listen to actual veterans

As a retired Navy captain, it saddens me that JD Vance is accusing Tim Walz of “stolen valor” apparently for not having personally served in Iraq. Mr. Vance is mistaken about the term, which actually means wearing combat ribbons although never having served in actual combat and pretending to be a combat veteran. Mr. Walz has never claimed to have served in Iraq, nor is his Army uniform decorated with combat ribbons he was never awarded.
Going after the multidecade service of a fellow veteran is not productive nor in line with the core values of the U.S. military. The fact that an individual has volunteered to serve his or her country in any way, shape or form is good enough for me and should be good enough for my fellow POG — person other than grunt— Mr. Vance.
Maybe you should listen to actual veterans

As a retired Navy captain, it saddens me that JD Vance is accusing Tim Walz of “stolen valor” apparently for not having personally served in Iraq. Mr. Vance is mistaken about the term, which actually means wearing combat ribbons although never having served in actual combat and pretending to be a combat veteran. Mr. Walz has never claimed to have served in Iraq, nor is his Army uniform decorated with combat ribbons he was never awarded.
Going after the multidecade service of a fellow veteran is not productive nor in line with the core values of the U.S. military. The fact that an individual has volunteered to serve his or her country in any way, shape or form is good enough for me and should be good enough for my fellow POG — person other than grunt— Mr. Vance.
Maybe you should watch the video of Walz saying..."like the weapon I carried in war" or claiming rank he did not possess when he retired.

Or the fact that Stolen Valor Walz is under a House Investigation for his ties to China, Pobre.
So, Pobre, you have nothing except stupid, uninformed posts.
There is no way I can compete with your stupid, uninformed posts.
Perhaps you can tell us why you are so uninformed about what "stolen valor" is.
Perhaps you can tell us how Minneapolis has well over 175,000 undamaged buildings that are more than 40 years old if Minneapolis burned to the ground a few years ago.
There is no way I can compete with your stupid, uninformed posts.
Perhaps you can tell us why you are so uninformed about what "stolen valor" is.
Perhaps you can tell us how Minneapolis has well over 175,000 undamaged buildings that are more than 40 years old if Minneapolis burned to the ground a few years ago.
This is what "Stolen Valor is, poor, uneducated Pobre:

Walz’s former military commander blasts VP hopeful as ‘stolen valor’ controversy foments

Emily Hallas, Washington Examiner Aug 12, 2024 Updated Aug 12, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz’s (D-MN) ex-battalion commander had harsh words for Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, who is under fire for allegedly inflating his military career.

John Kolb, the former battalion commander of Walz’s Army National Guard unit, said he welcomed the Minnesota Democrat’s early retirement from the military.

“He got out of the way for better leadership,” Kolb wrote in a scathing review of Harris’s No. 2.

Since he stepped into his role as Harris’s running mate, Walz has faced criticism for representing himself as a retired command sergeant major. Critics have said that while Walz did serve in the role, the title was later rescinded because the Minnesota governor failed to complete the necessary paperwork to retain the title. Last week, Walz’s online campaign biography was quietly updated to say that he had "served as a command sergeant major."

Kolb weighed in on the controversy, claiming that Walz “did not successfully complete any assignment as a sergeant major” and “broke” his enlistment contract.

The former military commander wrote that he was infuriated by Walz “sitting, frocked, in the [command sergeant major] chair” when he "did not earn the rank or successfully complete any assignment as an E9.”

Walz has also been chastised for implying he served in combat. ***After a video surfaced on social media of Walz saying he had carried weapons “in war,” former President Donald Trump's running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), swiftly accused him of perpetuating “stolen valor garbage."*** On Saturday, the Harris campaign admitted Walz “misspoke.”

Asterisks are mine.

"Misspoke" my culo, he lied for political gain...Stolen Valor.
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The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 specifically makes it a crime to falsely claim military service, embellished rank, or earned awards with the intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefits.

The reason I know about Stolen Valor is that I saw it during eight years in the USAF...UCMJ 106a.
The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 specifically makes it a crime to falsely claim military service, embellished rank, or earned awards with the intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefits.

The reason I know about Stolen Valor is that I saw it during eight years in the USAF...UCMJ 106a.
I guess you should read the actual law before you make yourself look like a fool. https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/258

Stolen Valor Act of 2013 - Amends the federal criminal code to rewrite provisions relating to fraudulent claims about military service to subject to a fine, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both an individual who, with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds himself or herself out to be a recipient of:

  • a Congressional Medal of Honor,
  • a distinguished-service cross,
  • a Navy cross,
  • an Air Force cross,
  • a silver star,
  • a Purple Heart,
  • a Combat Infantryman's Badge,
  • a Combat Action Badge,
  • a Combat Medical Badge,
  • a Combat Action Ribbon,
  • a Combat Action Medal, or
  • any replacement or duplicate medal for such medal as authorized by law.

You get quite a bit wrong about the actual law. There is nothing in the law about claiming military service or embellishing rank. Congratulations on providing only more evidence that you are a lying idiot.
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This is what "Stolen Valor is, poor, uneducated Pobre:

Walz’s former military commander blasts VP hopeful as ‘stolen valor’ controversy foments

Emily Hallas, Washington Examiner Aug 12, 2024 Updated Aug 12, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz’s (D-MN) ex-battalion commander had harsh words for Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, who is under fire for allegedly inflating his military career.

John Kolb, the former battalion commander of Walz’s Army National Guard unit, said he welcomed the Minnesota Democrat’s early retirement from the military.

“He got out of the way for better leadership,” Kolb wrote in a scathing review of Harris’s No. 2.

Since he stepped into his role as Harris’s running mate, Walz has faced criticism for representing himself as a retired command sergeant major. Critics have said that while Walz did serve in the role, the title was later rescinded because the Minnesota governor failed to complete the necessary paperwork to retain the title. Last week, Walz’s online campaign biography was quietly updated to say that he had "served as a command sergeant major."

Kolb weighed in on the controversy, claiming that Walz “did not successfully complete any assignment as a sergeant major” and “broke” his enlistment contract.

The former military commander wrote that he was infuriated by Walz “sitting, frocked, in the [command sergeant major] chair” when he "did not earn the rank or successfully complete any assignment as an E9.”

Walz has also been chastised for implying he served in combat. ***After a video surfaced on social media of Walz saying he had carried weapons “in war,” former President Donald Trump's running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), swiftly accused him of perpetuating “stolen valor garbage."*** On Saturday, the Harris campaign admitted Walz “misspoke.”

Asterisks are mine.

"Misspoke" my culo, he lied for political gain...Stolen Valor.
That is some funny shit there.
John Kolb who Trump called Colonel John Kolb never achieved the rank of Colonel.
What do you call it when someone is said to have a rank that they never achieved?
The average price of eggs was not $1 in 2020 and the average price of eggs now is not $4.

I guess it makes you feel smart when you lie.

Remember the great Harris-Biden egg crisis?

But it's not just eggs, food prices across the board have pretty much doubled since the Harris-Biden regime seized power.

Americans have seen prices continually rise while sizes of products shrink drastically. Half-gallon of ice cream? Not anymore - it's shrunk to a pint now and costs MORE than that half-gallon did.

States like California have sabotaged pork and chicken prices, but these are radical left states pushing the same destructive greentard policies as Harris-Biden.

President Trump should focus on two issues - the border and the pain America feels from the cost of living as a result of the disastrous policies of Harris-Biden.
Price gouging...horse mierda.

Grocery stores operate on razor-thin profit margins. The industry average is between one and three percent, far below other retail sectors. With such lean margins, grocery stores rely on high sales volume and inventory turnover to thrive.
who in the hell said anything about grocery stores gouging anybody?
take a good look at just what companies are making record profits , the oil industry for one has some of the highest profits ever.
as I said I am not against these companies making a REASONABLE profit, and I know the US oil industry has to recover their losses from when Trump was in and almost killed them all off. but by now they should have done that and they could lower the price of fuel and make a REASONABLE profit and stop gouging the American people.
have a nice day
Remember the great Harris-Biden egg crisis?

But it's not just eggs, food prices across the board have pretty much doubled since the Harris-Biden regime seized power.

Americans have seen prices continually rise while sizes of products shrink drastically. Half-gallon of ice cream? Not anymore - it's shrunk to a pint now and costs MORE than that half-gallon did.

States like California have sabotaged pork and chicken prices, but these are radical left states pushing the same destructive greentard policies as Harris-Biden.

President Trump should focus on two issues - the border and the pain America feels from the cost of living as a result of the disastrous policies of Harris-Biden.
Wow.. You are a complete moron when it comes to shrinkage. The half gallon of ice cream has not shrunk to a pint. The half gallon of ice cream shrunk to 1-1/2 quarts when GWBush was President. You can go to any grocery store today and find multiple brands selling those 1-1/2 quart containers.
Price gouging...horse mierda.

Grocery stores operate on razor-thin profit margins. The industry average is between one and three percent, far below other retail sectors. With such lean margins, grocery stores rely on high sales volume and inventory turnover to thrive.
It's interesting that the profits of grocery chains have risen faster than inflation. How can they increase their profits faster than inflation if their margins are so thin and they haven't increased their profit margin?
Krogers has seen an almost 50% increase in profits over the last 4 years.
Walmart has seen almost 40% increase in profits in that time frame.
Wow.. You are a complete moron when it comes to shrinkage. The half gallon of ice cream has not shrunk to a pint. The half gallon of ice cream shrunk to 1-1/2 quarts when GWBush was President. You can go to any grocery store today and find multiple brands selling those 1-1/2 quart containers.

They shrunk to 1 3/4 - then 1 1/2 under Obama - now all the way down to a quart - you're right that it's not a pint..