Kamala has failed

After all that has happened in the last weeks and months, that the mask has slipped as much as it has and yet so few people even now can figure out what reality looks like, it a testament to the success of many decades of brainwashings.

Buckle Up...in this universe that is a very painful affliction.
Joe Biden gave her ONE JOB it was to fix the border. She hasn't been to the border . She has not even talked to the last two Border Patrol Chiefs. So the millions of illegal aliens that have flooded into our country stepping in front of people trying to do it legally is Kamala's fault. The rape and murder of the 12 year old is on Kamala, Laken Riley's murder is on Kamala. Joe tasked her with fixing the border and she failed miserably. The drugs that are flowing into the country that have kills tens of thousands are her fault. She could have slowed the flow. Blood is own her hands.

Still promoting the lie, I see. You magas are good at that.

No, VP Kamala Harris was never named 'border czar'

President Biden tasked Harris to address the root causes of migration, not border security.

Within months of taking office in 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris was assigned a difficult task concerning the U.S. southern border, checking in with Central American governments to address the root causes of immigration problems in the United States
The assignment for Harris was to focus on what was happening south of the border — in the countries where migrants are originating. She was never actually named a "border czar," a moniker coined by Republicans,

"I've asked the vice president of the United States yesterday to be the lead person on dealing with focusing on the fundamental reasons why people leave Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador in the first place," Biden said in 2021."


Here's the truth.Joe Biden should have never been forced to assume the grueling burdens of the presidency. Not in 2020, let alone four years later in 2024.I despise the man's policies and believe him to be corrupt beyond measure. I don't feel sorry for him in the least.But anything other than him stepping down would have constituted elder abuse. I hope he can now get the rest he needs.Kamala Harris is a very beatable opponent. In many ways more so than Joe Biden. She will enjoy a honeymoon bump in the polls given pent up Democrat anxiety and the upcoming DNC. Don't freak out.This bump will subside as the race settles back into the home stretch. Donald Trump is more popular than he's ever been.We must do the work now and through Election Day. We cannot take our foot off the gas.I believe we have a chance to win all three chambers of DC power, but we have to do the boring stuff well.Register voters.Chase ballots.Lawfare to ensure integrity of the vote.Massive surge of low prop early voters.Huge Election Day turnout.We must win.


A day late and a dollar short....still clinging to Constitutional America.....which was murdered on our watch.
Faced with the mistake of allowing Trump in the Oval what did the people who run America do?

They set up a shadow government then operationally mostly ignored him, as they used him in the Revolution propaganda to great effect.