Kamala has failed

Joe Biden gave her ONE JOB it was to fix the border. She hasn't been to the border . She has not even talked to the last two Border Patrol Chiefs. So the millions of illegal aliens that have flooded into our country stepping in front of people trying to do it legally is Kamala's fault. The rape and murder of the 12 year old is on Kamala, Laken Riley's murder is on Kamala. Joe tasked her with fixing the border and she failed miserably. The drugs that are flowing into the country that have kills tens of thousands are her fault. She could have slowed the flow. Blood is own her hands.
You should go evoke something on her. :rofl2:
They also of course sabotaged him and talked him into doing what they wanted.....overall Trump was a speed bump.

This time they wont deal with it though...they will kill him if lawfare does not work.
How long until Kamala drops out?

Who will she appoint as her replacement?

When its all said and done, it will be obvious that no current Democrat could replace Trump.

The Original JFK could have. Before she left the Democratic Party, Tulsi Gabbard could have.

President Eisenhower was better than all four of them, Trump included. Eisenhower is just the type of President we need in 2024, but I haven't seen a leader of that type and caliber in decades. I miss Ike.

Those were more innocent times.

Eisenhower had a remarkable ability to pick the right man for each job, and then grant them the authority and trust needed to complete the job.

He would check on their progress, stand ready to assist, or ask others to assist, when requested, but stay hands off, other than check-ins, until it was clear that the person was flailing. Even then, he wouldn't always replace them, but would often give advice, and give the person some help.

In the Biden ----> Kamala task to set the border straight, I see NONE of that!

Sad. And a failure. But not entirely Kamala's fault, the person above her was dismally bad, and probably a puppet to people who wanted the task to fail.
Joe Biden gave her ONE JOB it was to fix the border. She hasn't been to the border . She has not even talked to the last two Border Patrol Chiefs. So the millions of illegal aliens that have flooded into our country stepping in front of people trying to do it legally is Kamala's fault. The rape and murder of the 12 year old is on Kamala, Laken Riley's murder is on Kamala. Joe tasked her with fixing the border and she failed miserably. The drugs that are flowing into the country that have kills tens of thousands are her fault. She could have slowed the flow. Blood is own her hands.
Why didn't Trump stop it?

He had four years to do it before she did.

Maybe you should EVOKE something..... :rofl2:
The border problem is much bigger, and more important that petty politics. People are dying from the border not being secured. Grow up!

The people who run America opened the border and pass out massive amounts of money and benefits to those who come....Harris did not fail.....she did exactly what the Revolution wanted....she proved yet again that she is a good soldier.
That's how we Democrats get our extra voters. Each terrorist crossing the border is immediately registered to vote as a Democrat! Damn. I've said too much!
Poor Wepubwicans. They were banking so much on running against Joe. All their advertising about him being senile and not fit to lead. Finally Joe stepped down because of his desire to preserve our Democracy and the maga cult has become the dog who caught the car. Just like the overturn of Roe they keep getting what they wished for and then when their draconian policies repel Americans, they wonder what they did wrong :)
The border problem is much bigger, and more important that petty politics. People are dying from the border not being secured. Grow up!
Most of the people dying are the immigrants trying to get in.

But Trumper assholes don't give a shit about those dying people.

A handful of Americans have died and Trumpers are trying to make it sound like the bodies are piling up in mountains.

Still promoting the lie, I see. You magas are good at that.

No, VP Kamala Harris was never named 'border czar'

President Biden tasked Harris to address the root causes of migration, not border security.

Within months of taking office in 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris was assigned a difficult task concerning the U.S. southern border, checking in with Central American governments to address the root causes of immigration problems in the United States
The assignment for Harris was to focus on what was happening south of the border — in the countries where migrants are originating. She was never actually named a "border czar," a moniker coined by Republicans,

"I've asked the vice president of the United States yesterday to be the lead person on dealing with focusing on the fundamental reasons why people leave Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador in the first place," Biden said in 2021."

So, what you're saying is she hasn't done shit since being made VP. I can agree with that.

If anything, she made the border issue worse.
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Most of the people dying are the immigrants trying to get in.

But Trumper assholes don't give a shit about those dying people.

A handful of Americans have died and Trumpers are trying to make it sound like the bodies are piling up in mountains.

Hundreds of Thousands of people have died from the Cartel Drugs, and more thousands have been injured and are on an addiction pathway to death.

Billions of Tax Dollars have been stolen from the Social Security trust fund, to give unearned benefits to the illegals.

Hundreds of thousands of American Citizens have lost their jobs due to their being taken for under the table wages by illegals.

You don't seem to have a clue!

I think we are amused. We have already destroyed your first choice for pResident Kamala is next.
No, you are not. There is no amusement at all. The fear is palpable. You did nothing to Biden. He had the option and decided he would not continue. It had nothing to do with 156 lies a day you guys tell. It may be Covid that took over the edge.
Hundreds of Thousands of people have died from the Cartel Drugs, and more thousands have been injured and are on an addiction pathway to death.

Billions of Tax Dollars have been stolen from the Social Security trust fund, to give unearned benefits to the illegals.

Hundreds of thousands of American Citizens have lost their jobs due to their being taken for under the table wages by illegals.

You don't seem to have a clue!

There are billions to be made from drugs. The lesson we do not learn is if you take a cartel down, another will replace it quickly and they will be a little smarter. We have to slow down American users
Illegals do not qualify for government services. They pay into SS and never get it.
We have millions of jobs available. We need workers. That is what grew America into an economic powerhouse.
Hundreds of Thousands of people have died from the Cartel Drugs, and more thousands have been injured and are on an addiction pathway to death.

Billions of Tax Dollars have been stolen from the Social Security trust fund, to give unearned benefits to the illegals.

Hundreds of thousands of American Citizens have lost their jobs due to their being taken for under the table wages by illegals.

You don't seem to have a clue!

You're just a Trump dope.
if Kam isn't a failure she'll run on her policies, not her memes...
How's that working out so far? She can read anything off the teleprompter she likes...but everyone knows the truth...