Kamala's message is hope - Trump's isn't

Have you heard Trump speak? He can barely stay on topic for more than about 2 sentences then he goes off on a bunch of nested parentheticals until finally he loses the trail altogether.

The most hilarious speech of his was his dissertation on the dangers of uranium. Hilarious.

“You know what uranium is, right? This thing called nuclear weapons like lots of things are done with uranium including some bad things.”​

― Donald J. Trump
Who else would tell you about the late great Hannibal Lecter? Trump is a bad joke.
And when your guy gives a speech he sounds like he's suffering from tertiary syphilis.

Sharks and electric boats and windmill cancer and injecting household cleaners and shining light into the body to cure COVID .....the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on.
You may have just brought up a good point.
with Trump cheating on all his wives like he has and sticking his dick into anything we should wonder if he hasn't got syphilis and it is starting to effect his little brain.
it will make you go crazy so that could just be the answer to why he is acting like he is crazy.
and IF he does have it it is too late it has already fucked up his brain.
have a nice day
The egg price rise was caused by hens getting a disease. Biden did not cause that. It was more likely Trump's deregulation.

During the last federal election on Nov. 3, 2020, food inflation was running at just 3.9% annually. Fast forward to March 2024, and the latest data shows food prices have risen a whopping 25.8% since then

Eight of the top 10 metro areas are in the Sun Belt region. Rents in each of these metros have increased over 37% since 2019.

What hen disease u going to blame that on
What was he doing for the extra year? trump was elected to a 4 year term. You claim he only served 3 of those years. What did he do instead of being president for that extra year?
democrat governors and mayors and such usurped power from the central government, implementing totalitarian measures based on covid lies.
Well, with respect to the title of this thread, I think this sums up what voting for Harris will get you:

Hope with joy in one hand, shit in the other. See which fills up first...
I agree - all the libtards hope her old views are the policy she favors and all this flip flopping is to get elected

and the GOP hopes she isn't as crazy as we suspect.

hope is all we can muster with her
So when the pandemic started, trump stopped being president? You claim he only served 3 years, and now say it is because the last year had a pandemic.
Don't be stupid. Pretty much all forward progress a shifted direction or was put on hold in the last year of Trumps presidency.