Kamala's message is hope - Trump's isn't

Kamala's "message" to date

Why don't you call it COVID?
The Covid/SARS series of viruses do not come from China. One variant did, colloquially known as Covid19. That's the China Virus, also known as the Election Virus.

Democrat fear mongering of this virus caused the Covid Hoax, the current economic depressions, and the destruction of an economy, and a mechanism to commit election fraud on a mass scale.

Now...do you want to continue your word games?
It use to be..2020.. you could get eggs for 1.39 and rent was 30% less

You know before all the hope and joy existed.
And when your guy gives a speech he sounds like he's suffering from tertiary syphilis.

Sharks and electric boats and windmill cancer and injecting household cleaners and shining light into the body to cure COVID .....the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on.
Joey, you seem to know a lot about syphilis, tell us more.
Joey, you seem to know a lot about syphilis, tell us more.

Have you heard Trump speak? He can barely stay on topic for more than about 2 sentences then he goes off on a bunch of nested parentheticals until finally he loses the trail altogether.

The most hilarious speech of his was his dissertation on the dangers of uranium. Hilarious.

“You know what uranium is, right? This thing called nuclear weapons like lots of things are done with uranium including some bad things.”​

― Donald J. Trump