Kamala's message is hope - Trump's isn't

Given the hundreds of years of oppression they have both experienced it a sense yeah, they are.

Tiresome dogma from the party of Racism. :palm:

But most of them don't get advantages over white people due to "racism".

Bullshit. Hell, they are getting treated as a special class where it is racist to even arrest the one's breaking our laws.

A young black person is 1000 times more likely to be killed by another young black person than they are by a cop.

That's just how white failures justify their failure. It's someone else's problem.

You really are stupid. I was wondering if it was just an act.

Really you guys should embrace your suck. You are what you are. It is 100% YOU.

You should work harder to extract your head from your asshole. :laugh:

Race hustling is the result of mental midgets lacking any substance or facts.
Wha....????? What kind of diseased brain malfunction did you experience that caused you to type that?????

democrats gunna be democrats.

Tiresome dogma from the party of Racism. :palm:

Bullshit. Hell, they are getting treated as a special class where it is racist to even arrest the one's breaking our laws.

A young black person is 1000 times more likely to be killed by another young black person than they are by a cop.

You really are stupid. I was wondering if it was just an act.

You should work harder to extract your head from your asshole. :laugh:

Race hustling is the result of mental midgets lacking any substance or facts.
The left isnt opposed to racism they just want people they dont like to be the victims of racism.
No, I'm just able to accept when my failure is due to me and not have to go running off to blame it on some one else.

Another weak, lie filled strawman. You seem to be quite full of them.

It's called being an adult.

In your case, it's called being a moron. ;)

And this whole idea of "reverse racism" is hilarious. You guys must be the biggest snowflakes in the world if you have to blame someone else for your own failures.

When all one can see is the color of someone's skin, it's racist. I wish you had a brain. MLK is spinning in his grave when he sees stupid shit like yours.

Probably. Do you think black people are taking your job without deserving it?

Another lame, weak strawman from the race hustling scarecrow. You're quite full of it.
Tiresome dogma from the party of Racism. :palm:

Bullshit. Hell, they are getting treated as a special class where it is racist to even arrest the one's breaking our laws.

A young black person is 1000 times more likely to be killed by another young black person than they are by a cop.

You really are stupid. I was wondering if it was just an act.

You should work harder to extract your head from your asshole. :laugh:

Race hustling is the result of mental midgets lacking any substance or facts.

Hey, look, dude, if you fail it's on you. I know you want to blame someone, ANYONE for your failures and punching down on people who historically have been treated like second class citizens just comes naturally! It has been ever thus. People thorughout the ages who find that they are a failure in life want desperately to blame SOMEONE ELSE. So they choose the lowest in their society and kick them around because they can.

It may feel good but it doesn't solve the problem. You are still going to be a failure. There's no getting away from yourself.

If you lost that job advancement maybe try working on yourself, improve your skills. But don't blame someone else for your shortcomings.
Another weak, lie filled strawman. You seem to be quite full of them.

In your case, it's called being a moron. ;)

When all one can see is the color of someone's skin, it's racist. I wish you had a brain. MLK is spinning in his grave when he sees stupid shit like yours.

Another lame, weak strawman from the race hustling scarecrow. You're quite full of it.

Yeah, you lost that promotion because you are a weak-minded whiner who wants to blame someone else for your own shortcomings.

Do better. You might get further.
Hey, look, dude, if you fail it's on you. I know you want to blame someone, ANYONE for your failures and punching down on people who historically have been treated like second class citizens just comes naturally! It has been ever thus. People thorughout the ages who find that they are a failure in life want desperately to blame SOMEONE ELSE. So they choose the lowest in their society and kick them around because they can.

It may feel good but it doesn't solve the problem. You are still going to be a failure. There's no getting away from yourself.

If you lost that job advancement maybe try working on yourself, improve your skills. But don't blame someone else for your shortcomings.
is that why you blame trump? because you're a failure? I can believe that.
When I fail I try not to blame some one else. It's called being an adult.

You take responsibility for yourself. No one is taking your job unless you suck at your job.
you try, but fail. you blame trump, or republicans. therefore, you're obviously still a child

nobody is taking my job. I'm quite good at my job. I am in the top 15% of wage earners in this country. i'm good. where are you on that scale?
you try, but fail. you blame trump, or republicans. therefore, you're obviously still a child

Ummm, sweetie, I'm not the one on here saying someone stole my job. :)

nobody is taking my job. I'm quite good at my job.

You must NOT be if you are worried about women and minorities getting jobs.

I am in the top 15% of wage earners in this country.

Ummm, yeah sure. LOL.

That's why you're on JPP. Only the FINEST of AMerica's tippy top people come here.
Kamala's messages of hope is . She hopes voters don't realize she was the other half of the Biden/HARRIS administration that has screwed up for the past 4 years.
You've nailed it. Don't beat around "the bush", so to speak. Run ads that straight out label the former DA, attorney general and sitting vice president a prostitute and see how that works for you.
You know good DAs put violent criminals in jail and do not raise money to bail them out. They also don't encourage rioters to continue rioting. Kamala sucked at her job.