Keep perspective, be civil, pray for the innocents in crowd. Don't judge anyone yet!

I pro would not have missed the shot. I am told it was approximately 150 yards, For a Pro, that's nothing.

A pro would have worn clothing the same color as the rooftop, or had a pull over tunic and hood, to the same effect.

A pro would have arranged some other disturbance to create a distraction from the time he reached the rooftop, until the deed was done.

Remember, we are effectively at war-by-Proxy with Russia. Trump was engaged in a Trade-War with China up to 2020. Hamas is far more afraid of Trump, than they ever will be afraid of Biden and his Puppeteers.

We need more solid information!

I think the kid had a Death Wish, and thought that he would be looked at as a hero and good marksman from his peers if he killed Trump, and it's quite possible he felt his death would hurt his parents who were advent Trump supporters that he no longer agreed with.

He could have been arguing with his parents about Trump, and he could have felt they were not listening to him, or respecting his opinions.

His parents will never reveal that to the investigators, of course, but I bet there was something there that they are hiding now.

His Dad was a Guntard, had over a dozen weapons in the house. The son, trying to please his daddy, was also a guntard, and joined a shooting club, but did not make the team because, as the Team Captain put it ,"He was not a good enough shot to make the team".

So, he wanted to impress everyone that he was a good shot. He wanted to impress his peer group. He even wanted acceptance from his parents, in my opinion.

Students that went to school with him, said that the kid was bullied by most everyone for just his looks, and also because he wore Camo's and shooter's clothing and combat boots to school. His fellow students also said, that the kid participated in a political debate in a speech class, and represented the Conservative Republican views in that debate.

His neighbors told reporters that the family was advent Trump Supporters and always put up Trump Campaign signs in the front yard during campaign season.

Unfortunately, that is all that has been revealed so far.

But, I am already beginning to read between the lines and just use common sense!
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...and you think it didnt come from the left, Kermugeon?????!?

Have you forgotten Biden's "Red speech" already? or his numerous calls for civil war? or the riots and the fires and the looting Democrats have done?

I don't yet have enough information to answer that question. We-the-People will probably never be given full answers.

And the only people with enough authority and sources to answer that question are the FBI and CIA.

I would point out, we are in a proxy war with Russia. We were in a Trump lead Trade-War with Communist China. We are in a Proxy War with Radical Islam, Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen and Iran.

So, this attack could have been an attempt to create a civil-war type of disturbance in the U.S., because we have made our nation, for better or worse, into the world's policeman. I don't really agree with that plan, but it was done decades ago, and like it or not, America is in the way of several very nasty, hostile, foreign powers.

I think it is quite reasonable to investigate the possibility that this was an Antifa groomed attacker, aimed at maybe killing Trump, but even if the attack failed, stirring up unrest and division in the USA.

I think the kid had a Death Wish, and thought that he would be looked at as a hero and good marksman from his peers if he killed Trump, and it's quite possible he felt his death would hurt his parents who were advent Trump supporters that he no longer agreed with.

He could have been arguing with his parents about Trump, and he could have felt they were not listening to him, or respecting his opinions.

His parents will never reveal that to the investigators, of course, but I bet there was something there that they are hiding now.

His Dad was a Guntard, had over a dozen weapons in the house. The son, trying to please his daddy, was also a guntard, and joined a shooting club, but did not make the team because, as the Team Captain put it ,"He was not a good enough shot to make the team".

So, he wanted to impress everyone that he was a good shot. He wanted to impress his peer group. He even wanted acceptance from his parents, in my opinion.

Students that went to school with him, said that the kid was bullied by most everyone for just his looks, and also because he wore Camo's and shooter's clothing and combat boots to school. His fellow students also said, that the kid participated in a political debate in a speech class, and represented the Conservative Republican views in that debate.

His neighbors told reporters that the family was advent Trump Supporters and always put up Trump Campaign signs in the front yard during campaign season.

Unfortunately, that is all that has been revealed so far.

But, I am already beginning to read between the lines and just use common sense!
I don't yet have enough information to answer that question. We-the-People will probably never be given full answers.

And the only people with enough authority and sources to answer that question are the FBI and CIA.

I would point out, we are in a proxy war with Russia. We were in a Trump lead Trade-War with Communist China. We are in a Proxy War with Radical Islam, Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen and Iran.

So, this attack could have been an attempt to create a civil-war type of disturbance in the U.S., because we have made our nation, for better or worse, into the world's policeman. I don't really agree with that plan, but it was done decades ago, and like it or not, America is in the way of several very nasty, hostile, foreign powers.

I think it is quite reasonable to investigate the possibility that this was an Antifa groomed attacker, aimed at maybe killing Trump, but even if the attack failed, stirring up unrest and division in the USA.

Don't forget that the FBI and the CIA has a lot to answer for! There are too many indicators that they were in on the assassination attempt!
I don't yet have enough information to answer that question. We-the-People will probably never be given full answers.

And the only people with enough authority and sources to answer that question are the FBI and CIA.

I would point out, we are in a proxy war with Russia. We were in a Trump lead Trade-War with Communist China. We are in a Proxy War with Radical Islam, Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen and Iran.

So, this attack could have been an attempt to create a civil-war type of disturbance in the U.S., because we have made our nation, for better or worse, into the world's policeman. I don't really agree with that plan, but it was done decades ago, and like it or not, America is in the way of several very nasty, hostile, foreign powers.

I think it is quite reasonable to investigate the possibility that this was an Antifa groomed attacker, aimed at maybe killing Trump, but even if the attack failed, stirring up unrest and division in the USA.

I will predict it does exactly the opposite of that. I think it will bring more unity than imagined.
He killed a man and injured several others. :(
Assuming Crooks did not want to kill a random volunteer firefighter, he missed his target.

An AR-15 is a good volume of fire weapons, with OK accuracy. No sane person would use it for a fake assassination, so I believe it was probably meant as an assassination. Though it is still possible that it was a fake assassination, because Crooks was not a sane person.