Kerry Is Still Pouting


Junior Member

All right now,I and a few family members on this board are from Ohio. The whining abut the election was just ignorant and for the most part ignored. Ken Blackwell,who is now running for governnor of Ohio, is a black man accused of supressing black votes. Get real people and take the loss like grown ups.

A little something to justify my thinking that there are problems and shit just happens somtimes when you go to vote...Republican or Democrat

My husband and I bought our house about 2 years 4 months ago. A couple of months before the last presidential election,we re registered to vote because of moving. They sent cards to our house,which was our current address. I even called an they had our new houses address in the computer. SO,everything is fine,right? WRONG. My husband,also a registered Republican,goes to vote and has no problem. I go to vote,and they cannot find my name. So I have to fill out this special ballot,and when they confirm my info,my vote will be counted, ten days after the election. Turns out,my name was still registered at my old address,which they figured out while I was there,but I had allready filled out my special ballot,so.....too late

Point is,I am a registered Repub and I had problems. Did Ken Blackwell try to screw me,a member of his party out of a vote by means of an evil conspiracy? Nope. Just a big election, and every state has it's problems.
The guy oughta be pouting, I mean being in the public eye with that rug job on his head would'nt you pout too?:cof1:
The guy oughta be pouting, I mean being in the public eye with that rug job on his head would'nt you pout too?:cof1:

Yes I would. I would also pout if I had turned on my fellow soldiers and like a traitor,testified that they did horrible things in front of the whole country.

That chin is giving Jay Leno a run for his money too;)
I would also pout if I had turned on my fellow soldiers and like a traitor,testified that they did horrible things in front of the whole country.

Bush's own chairman of the Joint Chiefs agrees with Kerry

- General Franks on Kerry's Senate Testimony;

"I think we had a lot of problems in Vietnam. One was the lack of leadership of young people like in -- in John Kerry's position. He was a young officer over there, and I'm not sure that -- that activities like that didn't take place. In fact, quite the contrary. I'm sure that they did. ... I wouldn't say that the things that Senator Kerry said are undeniable about activities in Vietnam. I think that things didn't go right in Vietnam." (Hannity and Colmes, 8/3/2004)
They believe that if they get enough people believing that the elections were "stolen" it'll get out their base. It's a ploy just like the Gay Marriage thing for the Republicans. The more places they can get you to believe that somehow Democratic Run counties were overcome with the Loverbites for Bush and skimmed their votes the more Ds will get out to vote....

At least that is what they seem to believe to me.
i don't think that ANYONE that has read the GAO report or heard the senate hearing with live testimony could think that blackwell did not act inappropriately in the last election. sorry, i differ with you!

and people making comments like Damo's or yours krisy, and evil ,will never intimidate me, in to thinking otherwise. :D

I would also pout if I had turned on my fellow soldiers and like a traitor,testified that they did horrible things in front of the whole country.

Bush's own chairman of the Joint Chiefs agrees with Kerry

- General Franks on Kerry's Senate Testimony;

"I think we had a lot of problems in Vietnam. One was the lack of leadership of young people like in -- in John Kerry's position. He was a young officer over there, and I'm not sure that -- that activities like that didn't take place. In fact, quite the contrary. I'm sure that they did. ... I wouldn't say that the things that Senator Kerry said are undeniable about activities in Vietnam. I think that things didn't go right in Vietnam." (Hannity and Colmes, 8/3/2004)

Doesn't matter to me what Franks thinks, just what I think. He has his opinion,I have mine. Just because he is affiliated with Bush,does not mean I will automatically agree with him.
and people making comments like Damo's or yours krisy, and evil ,will never intimidate me, in to thinking otherwise. :D


Who meeee? Hell I am certain bush was defeated twice already, but ya have to understand that the man is a god like creature, he magically had it all rigged!:cof1:
i don't think that ANYONE that has read the GAO report or heard the senate hearing with live testimony could think that blackwell did not act inappropriately in the last election. sorry, i differ with you!

and people making comments like Damo's or yours krisy, and evil ,will never intimidate me, in to thinking otherwise. :D


When did I give the impression that I am here to intimidate?!!! :BKick:

That isn't what I am here for!!!
I simply won't be "intimidated" into thinking every election is "stolen"...

I put forward thread after thread showing how there were actually more people registered to vote than actually lived in some of these highly Dem counties, but that is all ignored...

There are always irregularities in an election, but D counties do not fake election results against their candidates. They do control their own machines, they do control who gets in and how quickly... Our County Clerk would be so unelectable if she didn't have enough books to get more people into boxes than was happening in some of those places...

Yes, the number of machines thing was a problem, but mathematically set by the predecessor...

This whole idea that somehow all these D elected officials suddenly found love for bush and helped him steal an election is total hogwash...
Doesn't matter to me what Franks thinks, just what I think. He has his opinion,I have mine. Just because he is affiliated with Bush,does not mean I will automatically agree with him.

But Krisy people like mudflap have a hard time rendering opinions of their own, it's just easier to use someone elses to make a point. Funny though the Hannity&Colmes quote when he will swear it is the most biased news on earth.

Understand what you are dealing with here, if you express an opinion against a democrat you are a neocon, if you express an opinion against a republican, well then you get a pat on the back, there is no in between here so don't kill yourself expressing your own opinion on too many or you will confuse the hell out of them.:cof1:
But Krisy people like mudflap have a hard time rendering opinions of their own, it's just easier to use someone elses to make a point. Funny though the Hannity&Colmes quote when he will swear it is the most biased news on earth.

Understand what you are dealing with here, if you express an opinion against a democrat you are a neocon, if you express an opinion against a republican, well then you get a pat on the back, there is no in between here so don't kill yourself expressing your own opinion on too many or you will confuse the hell out of them.:cof1:

Apparently your right brothaaaa!
Doesn't matter to me what Franks thinks, just what I think. He has his opinion,I have mine. Just because he is affiliated with Bush,does not mean I will automatically agree with him.

Doesn't matter to me what Franks thinks, just what I think.

Of course it doesn't matter to you. Partisan blinders are like that.

Kerry fought for his country and is highly spoken of by General Tommy Franks, John McCain, John Warner, and other republican combat veterans.

You and are entitled to your partisan opinion of course
Apparently your right brothaaaa!

Yeah I usually am, thanks for the back pat though!:cof1:

Nah, but ya will see how it's hard to express an opinion without being judged for what side of the line ya walk. little do they know that I am a neoliberacrat!
Of course it doesn't matter to you. Partisan blinders are like that.

Damocles where the hell is that smilies that is rolling on the ground cracking up?

partisan blinder? if that is not the biggest case of the pot calling the kettle black!

I'm convinced, this guy is the ultimate shitbrick! It's just palin don't get better than that.
Doesn't matter to me what Franks thinks, just what I think.

Of course it doesn't matter to you. Partisan blinders are like that.

Kerry fought for his country and is highly spoken of by General Tommy Franks, John McCain, John Warner, and other republican combat veterans.

You and are entitled to your partisan opinion of course

You aren't partisan at alllllll are you cypress?!!!!

The point is,I'm not so partisan that I will go along with something just because someone from the Bush adm says it....that would make me less than partisan,and someone who can think on her own:cheer:
You aren't partisan at alllllll are you cypress?!!!!

The point is,I'm not so partisan that I will go along with something just because someone from the Bush adm says it....that would make me less than partisan,and someone who can think on her own:cheer:

Krisy, ya think he is partisan in his views? just look at his avatar, case closed!
I simply won't be "intimidated" into thinking every election is "stolen"...

I put forward thread after thread showing how there were actually more people registered to vote than actually lived in some of these highly Dem counties, but that is all ignored...

There are always irregularities in an election, but D counties do not fake election results against their candidates. They do control their own machines, they do control who gets in and how quickly... Our County Clerk would be so unelectable if she didn't have enough books to get more people into boxes than was happening in some of those places...

Yes, the number of machines thing was a problem, but mathematically set by the predecessor...

This whole idea that somehow all these D elected officials suddenly found love for bush and helped him steal an election is total hogwash...

blackwell was responsible for the distribution of voting machines for this past election, and in key democratic districts he issued 1 voting machine to every 5-10 voting machines per voting citizen, in less crowded republican districts....

this lead to 9 hour lines to vote...

that alone shows his incompetence, if not planned and calculated, sinister actions...

he should lose his job, let alone get a ''promotion'' to governor.....imo!!!
Yes I would. I would also pout if I had turned on my fellow soldiers and like a traitor,testified that they did horrible things in front of the whole country.

Krisy, your moral compass must be broken.

If atrocities had been commited, would you rather that witnesses shut up and ignored the crimes?

Do you put petty nationalism above morality?

That is a pretty sad indictment.

All right now,I and a few family members on this board are from Ohio. The whining abut the election was just ignorant and for the most part ignored. Ken Blackwell,who is now running for governnor of Ohio, is a black man accused of supressing black votes. Get real people and take the loss like grown ups.

A little something to justify my thinking that there are problems and shit just happens somtimes when you go to vote...Republican or Democrat

My husband and I bought our house about 2 years 4 months ago. A couple of months before the last presidential election,we re registered to vote because of moving. They sent cards to our house,which was our current address. I even called an they had our new houses address in the computer. SO,everything is fine,right? WRONG. My husband,also a registered Republican,goes to vote and has no problem. I go to vote,and they cannot find my name. So I have to fill out this special ballot,and when they confirm my info,my vote will be counted, ten days after the election. Turns out,my name was still registered at my old address,which they figured out while I was there,but I had allready filled out my special ballot,so.....too late

Point is,I am a registered Repub and I had problems. Did Ken Blackwell try to screw me,a member of his party out of a vote by means of an evil conspiracy? Nope. Just a big election, and every state has it's problems.

This is how the bushites have gotten away with everything, everything. Oh, bush is issuing signing statements nullifying bills Congress has passed? SOMEONE ELSE DID IT TOO!!!!! Oh they did? Oh excuse me then while I back off.

Republicans systemically, and in ways that have actually been documented disenfranchised poor, and oftimes minority, democrats from their constitutional right to vote? WELL I MOVED ONCE AND THEY LOST MY NAME TOOOOOOO!!! Oh, they did? Oh excuse me, then it doesn't matter that this is systemic fraud. I totally back off.

There is a difference between systemic problems, and anecdotal problems. If you don't know the difference, you should read more.

Yes, just about everything anyone can do, has happened before. Often, very sparingly. For instance on the signing statements. Yes, other Presidents have used them. Sparingly. They probably were never right, but I would have to examine each one to see if their sole purpose was to nullify the entire bill they just signed. However, bush has used them systemically, and always to nullify the bill he just signed. But, SOMEONE ELSE DID IT TOOOOOO!

As our democracy gets flushed and someday our children ask, what happened to it, we can tell them, well, SOMEONE ESLE DID IT TOOOOOOO!

I have to add that your premise that because Blackwell is a black man, he would not disenfranchise other, idealogically opposed blacks, is an ignorant claim. That's been going on for a dog's age honey...