Kerry Is Still Pouting

The larger populations made it so they had this problem previously and therefore created new formulas to better serve their populace. Usually because of lawsuits.

In this case they corrected it without lawsuits, the new formulas take into account registration and new residence unlike the old ones.

There were LAW SUITS all over the place by the people, regarding this if memory serves?
I have never seen lines,or heard of lines from anyone I know.

To get back to the personal responsibility issue that we all love so much,there were A LOT of people showing up at the polls very late...after they were closed. Then they cried they didn't get to vote. If everyone else can get their on time,why couldn't they? That was a big issue as well. It wasn't because they stood in was because they showed up an hour after the polls closed.
There were LAW SUITS all over the place by the people, regarding this if memory serves?
Yes, but most were dismissed as changes were taking effect as the lawsuits were being filed. The lawsuits of this kind are usually to force change.
I have never seen lines,or heard of lines from anyone I know.

To get back to the personal responsibility issue that we all love so much,there were A LOT of people showing up at the polls very late...after they were closed. Then they cried they didn't get to vote. If everyone else can get their on time,why couldn't they? That was a big issue as well. It wasn't because they stood in was because they showed up an hour after the polls closed.

I have never seen lines,or heard of lines from anyone I know.

Then you don't have a television in your house.
We had lines at ours... In fact there were three precincts in our voting area. Ours was the only one with a line that went outside the door...

We had more machines for this election than the last (I know this as I am an Elections Supervisor)... This was because of the formulas that are used for machine placement.

Our lines didn't cause any wait as long as those faced in Ohio, thankfully our formulas were slightly better than theirs and the machines were better distributed...

I don't begrudge them the get out the vote thing, each party does it. When "fraud" is found in places like Washington State huge rallying cries are sent out to get out R vote... When it is "found" in an R state, or when one can make it seem like it was there the Ds will take advantage. This is all a part of politics and has been since long before we got here.

I just realize how elections are run, and that the likelihood of actual fraud is very slim indeed.
It wasn't just Dems who complained about voter disenfranchisment in Ohio.

Its was also the Libertarian Party, and their candidate Badnarik:

Joint Statement by David Cobb and Michael Badnarik, the 2004 Green and Libertarian presidential candidates:

"Due to widespread reports of irregularities in Ohio's voting process, we are compelled to demand a recount of the Ohio presidential vote," the two candidates said in a joint statement. "Voting is at the heart of the American political process and its integrity must be preserved. When Americans stand in line for hours to exercise their right to vote, they need to know that their votes will be counted fairly and accurately. We are acting to protect the rights of the people of Ohio, and the rights of all Americans. Public trust in the democratic process is at stake."

The candidates also demanded that Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, a Republican who chaired the Ohio Bush campaign, recuse himself from the recount process.

Ohio's election proceedings were marred by numerous press and independent reports of voter intimidation, mis-marked and discarded ballots, problems with electronic voting machines and disenfranchisement -- apparently by design -- of African-American voters.
I have never seen lines,or heard of lines from anyone I know.

Then you don't have a television in your house.

they have a "cut off" person in the line when the polls are suppose to close, this prevents those from getting in line after the official closedown time of the vote.

It was all over the tv, all of the very long lines, even past midnight I thought at some of them...

There is footage of this on the internet that can be found of the news coverage...
Right, you mark the queue. At 7:00 PM you send somebody to stand at the end of the line to mark the queue. Anybody coming after polls close cannot vote they were too late.
It wasn't just Dems who complained about voter disenfranchisment in Ohio.

Its was also the Libertarian Party, and their candidate Badnarik:

Joint Statement by David Cobb and Michael Badnarik, the 2004 Green and Libertarian presidential candidates:

"Due to widespread reports of irregularities in Ohio's voting process, we are compelled to demand a recount of the Ohio presidential vote," the two candidates said in a joint statement. "Voting is at the heart of the American political process and its integrity must be preserved. When Americans stand in line for hours to exercise their right to vote, they need to know that their votes will be counted fairly and accurately. We are acting to protect the rights of the people of Ohio, and the rights of all Americans. Public trust in the democratic process is at stake."

The candidates also demanded that Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, a Republican who chaired the Ohio Bush campaign, recuse himself from the recount process.

Ohio's election proceedings were marred by numerous press and independent reports of voter intimidation, mis-marked and discarded ballots, problems with electronic voting machines and disenfranchisement -- apparently by design -- of African-American voters.
Okay, if you are another party and believe you can gain ground because of a perceived problem then you use it. Ds and Rs do it all the time.
I have never seen lines,or heard of lines from anyone I know.

Then you don't have a television in your house.

Actually,I have 4 of them....all with cable so I can tune in to FOx news,a favorite among Liberals:cof1:

Bottom line is,there are problems in every state. You are foolish if you think there aren't. Ohio was a hot button state in the last election and every little fart let was reported by the media.