Kids dont need Uzis

There are limits guys.

That is why I posted this.

Guns are fucking dangerous just like cars.

They need good regulations to protect the public.

Just like we will NEVER want to outlaw cars but will not let eight year olds drive them or allow jet fuel powered race cars on the freeway.

Get sensable

Guns do NOT need more fucking regulations as you can obviously see they don't fucking work when someone turned their brain off.

This father needs to pay with several years in prison for his negligent homicide. Make an example of him and show future fathers to pay better attention if they introduce their children to firearms.
This accident happened because there was NOT adequate supervision by the "certified firearms instructor".

From everything ive heard about this story there was proper supervision and this is just a freak accident. No charges I think are going to be brought.
uscitizen was not serious you guys. Do you honestly think he was sitting in his chair at home going "bwa hahahaha, the 8 year old kid is dead! one less vote!"

That said I support the conservatives efforts to discredit him because that's just plain fun.
The background check required to buy a firearm from a licenced dealer checks for certain mental illnesses (as reported by mental health professionals).

And that is a federal law.

This kid died because those people running the gun range were negligent. My daughter started shooting when she was 7 or 8. She is an excellent shot now, and is VERY safety concious. When we are at the range, she will comment on other people's violations of basic safety rules.

Stupidity by parents is not an uncommon cause of death for kids. And whether there are guns, drugs, household chemicals or cars involved, the blame lies with the negligent parents.

Amen and amen. That is a great response and any thinking person (got to throw that phrase back at them) should be able to see it.

By the way I took my kid deer hunting yesterday for the first time. He sat int he stand for 2 1/2 hours and was plenty quiet enough, though he asked tons of questions and ate 2 hot dogs, 2 fruit bars, 1 brownie, one piece of bologna and drank a root beer. I loved it. We didn't see a deer but he didn't care, he loved being out there. I had to make hom go home near dark.