Killer a good and loyal liberal Democrat

The whole story sounds like some conservative gun nut wish fulfillment/fantasy gun porn fiction from the back of Soldier of Fortune Magazine or something!

The circumstances just sound too outrageous..."one inch from his child's face"...yeah right!

And he expects other to believe the cops just let him GO?!?

Oh PUH-Leeze!!...NOBODY brandishes a firearm in public and threatens another and just gets let go.

Happens all the time.
The whole story sounds like some conservative gun nut wish fulfillment/fantasy gun porn fiction from the back of Soldier of Fortune Magazine or something!

The circumstances just sound too outrageous..."one inch from his child's face"...yeah right!

And he expects other to believe the cops just let him GO?!?

Oh PUH-Leeze!!...NOBODY brandishes a firearm in public and threatens another and just gets let go.

Yep, definitely Penthouse for gun nuts.

Dear forum, I know you'll never believe this, but...
I was waiting outside a store as my wife shopped, this guy was determined to get a reaction.
I moved downwind twice, he found it amusing to continue his harrasment, I asked him to stop 3 times before I drew the weapon, I asked hi the forth time and he stopped.
All you can say is that this makes me a bad father?
I had no option.
This guy was completely unreasonable.

What would you suggest I do?

No option?

What about simply going inside the store with your wife?

What about simply moving UPWIND?!?!

Gun nuts always claim they had no other option besides flashing their surrogate penis.
So now you're going to try and draw a comparison between a guy blowing smoke in your kid's face with a mental patient who STABBED HIS DOCTOR?!?
Yes, both are extremely dangerous assaults.

Why didnt this guy just hit the nutter with a chair?
No option?

What about simply going inside the store with your wife?

What about simply moving UPWIND?!?!

Gun nuts always claim they had no other option besides flashing their surrogate penis.

Again with the abuse.
After I moved away from him, away from the store, he had placed himself between me and the door so that was not an option.

I had no choice.
A weapon is a tool for defending oneself and ones family.
Only in your twisted mind is it a phallic symbol.

Give a viable option.
You can't.
That is why the police declined to press any charges.
Again with the abuse.
After I moved away from him, away from the store, he had placed himself between me and the door so that was not an option.

ZOMG this just gets better all the time...NOW you're going to pretend the smoker tried to block your access to the store where your wife was shopping? did he do that BEFORE or AFTER getting within ONE INCH of your child and blowing the smoke.

Yeah, I guess ASKING the person to move is just too much for you to be expected to had no other option...NOT!

I had no choice.
A weapon is a tool for defending oneself and ones family.
Only in your twisted mind is it a phallic symbol.

Oh my heavens no, you had no other option...asking that smoker to move is just totally out of the question!

Moving down the street AWAY from the offending smoke is out of the question too, wasn't had no other choice...YOU HAD TO stick that gun in the smoker's face or your child was as good as D-E-A-D!!

Give a viable option.
You can't.
That is why the police declined to press any charges.

I already did.

You could have very easily moved past the offending smoker to the INSIDE OF THE STORE where your wife was shopping.

You could have moved down the street AWAY from the offending smoke and the smoker.

But no...the ONLY option you could think of was to shove your gun in his face...ROTFLMAO!
ZOMG this just gets better all the time...NOW you're going to pretend the smoker tried to block your access to the store where your wife was shopping? did he do that BEFORE or AFTER getting within ONE INCH of your child and blowing the smoke.

Yeah, I guess ASKING the person to move is just too much for you to be expected to had no other option...NOT!

Oh my heavens no, you had no other option...asking that smoker to move is just totally out of the question!

Moving down the street AWAY from the offending smoke is out of the question too, wasn't had no other choice...YOU HAD TO stick that gun in the smoker's face or your child was as good as D-E-A-D!!

I already did.

You could have very easily moved past the offending smoker to the INSIDE OF THE STORE where your wife was shopping.

You could have moved down the street AWAY from the offending smoke and the smoker.

But no...the ONLY option you could think of was to shove your gun in his face...ROTFLMAO!
I already told you I did all the above.
Asked him to blow the smoke elsewhere, he puffed more towards us, so I moved, so he followed continuing to puff smoke at us, I moved several times and requested verbally 3 times that he stop.
I then stood still he blew that last puff of smoke into my sons face, right up in a one year olds face, I used my gun to protect my child, guess what, it worked.
The guy was a nut, I had no option.
So you agree with me that 007's story is nothing but gun porn/fantasy!

Good to know!
No we already have further evidence that a gun, owned lawfully and carried by a licenced owner may be used to defend oneself, ones family and others.
Remember the passerby killing the knifeman at MGH?
Sandy Hook started out as a Homeland Security practice session, so did the attack on Rep, Giffords. Why are the same faces showing up in most of these attacks. Some are listed in the actors guild.