Killings of Afghan civilians sharply up, U.N. says


Verified User
And it is NOT solely because of the US military

By Stephanie Nebehay
2 hours, 16 minutes ago

GENEVA (Reuters) - Nearly 1,500 Afghan civilians were killed in the first eight months of this year, many in attacks on schools, medical clinics, bazaars and other crowded areas, the United Nations said on Tuesday.

The death toll, up 39 percent from the same period in 2007, includes 800 killings blamed on Taliban and other militants as well as 577 caused by Afghan forces and their U.S.-led coalition allies. Responsibility for another 68 deaths was not clear.

The U.N. human rights office said the spike in fatalities had coincided with "a systematic campaign of intimidation and violence" by Taliban forces targeting doctors, teachers, students, tribal elders, civil servants, former police and military personnel and public construction workers.

"The number of killings by the Taliban and other anti-government forces almost doubled by comparison with the first eight months of 2007, with the numbers killed by government and international military forces also increasing substantially," it said in a report.

There were 330 civilians killed in Afghanistan in August alone, spokesman Rupert Colville said.

"That's the highest number of civilian deaths to occur in a single month since the end of major hostilities and the ousting of the Taliban regime at the end of 2001," he told a news briefing in Geneva, where the U.N.'s human rights work is based.

Air strikes by international forces caused nearly 400 civilian deaths in the year through August, the U.N. office said, calling for accountability and greater transparency about those attacks.

The Taliban carried out 142 summary executions and also used suicide attacks and improvised explosive devices, according to the report drawn up by human rights officers attached to the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan.


In a statement, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanetham Pillay said there was "substantial evidence" that the Taliban was seeking to intimidate and attack Afghan civilians thought to support the Afghan government, the international community and military forces.

While most Taliban attacks focused on military and government targets, "such operations were frequently undertaken in crowded civilian areas such as bazaars or busy roads," the U.N. report found.

"Such attacks terrorize communities and make them fearful of supporting or even associating with the government," it said. "Schools and medical services, in particular, have become prime targets for attack by anti-government elements."

It singled out a suicide bombing during a dog fight in Kandahar province last February which killed 67 spectators, and a bomb in July at the Indian embassy in Kabul which killed 50.

An air strike on a wedding party in Nangahar province last July killed 47 civilians, including 30 children, and a strike in Azizabad village in western Herat's Shindand district on August 22 caused 92 civilian deaths, including 62 children, it said.

The U.S. military, which initially said 30 to 35 militants were killed in Azizabad, plans to reopen the investigation into the incident after a cell phone video emerged showing bodies of people said to have been killed in the strike.

Pillay, a former International Criminal Court judge who took up as the top U.N. rights official this month, said civilians must to be shielded from the ongoing fighting in Afghanistan.

"It is also imperative that there is greater transparency in accountability procedures for international forces involved in incidents that cause civilian casualties," she said.
Whether it's "solely" because of US forces or not, it is still an act of terrorism.

Is the justification that you must use terrorism to fight it?

Further involvement in Afghanistan is doomed to failure.

Just ask the Russians.

Issues such as this aren't very popular on this site .. much rather talk about lipstick.
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That is a bummer for the UN--who are their solders going to rape? I see oppertunity for gays in the military for some networking.
That is a bummer for the UN--who are their solders going to rape? I see oppertunity for gays in the military for some networking.

YOu know, a lot of people who are as rabidly anti-gay as you are, have turned out to be closet gays.
Whether it's "solely" because of US forces or not, it is still an act of terrorism.

Is the justification that you must use terrorism to fight it?

Further involvement in Afghanistan is doomed to failure.

Just as the Russians.

Issues such as this aren't very popular on this site .. much rather talk about lipstick.

War and suffering ? Yes a pretty much forbidden subject in america.
Whether it's "solely" because of US forces or not, it is still an act of terrorism.

Is the justification that you must use terrorism to fight it?

Further involvement in Afghanistan is doomed to failure.

Just as the Russians.

Issues such as this aren't very popular on this site .. much rather talk about lipstick.

War is only a good topic if you are extolling the virtues of our grand design for the world. Its only good if you are talking about how much happier the iraqi people are.

But if you talk about war in a negative way, well thats just unamerican.
Whether it's "solely" because of US forces or not, it is still an act of terrorism.

Is the justification that you must use terrorism to fight it?

Further involvement in Afghanistan is doomed to failure.

Just as the Russians.

Issues such as this aren't very popular on this site .. much rather talk about lipstick.

lol on the lipstick thing.

If we get attacked under McCain--there shuld be no fucking around with them. Get it done, fast and hard I hope. Obama will talk with them after they kill more of us--and they like to go bigger every time. They are just misunderstood, and we are bad bad white men that I guess are guilty when born. Fucked up base logic there libs.
War is only a good topic if you are extolling the virtues of our grand design for the world. Its only good if you are talking about how much happier the iraqi people are.

But if you talk about war in a negative way, well thats just unamerican.

That's true even of "antiwar" types .. who seem only to be antiwar if the opposing party is behind it.

.. weren't democrats supposed to be the smart, conscious ones?
lol on the lipstick thing.

If we get attacked under McCain--there shuld be no fucking around with them. Get it done, fast and hard I hope. Obama will talk with them after they kill more of us--and they like to go bigger every time. They are just misunderstood, and we are bad bad white men that I guess are guilty when born. Fucked up base logic there libs.

Boy, that right-wing macho thing sure worked well in Iraq?

"Get it done fast and hard" .. will you be there? My daughter will.

Just wondering if you had the strength of my daughter .. or is it all just macho bullshit.
Boy, that right-wing macho thing sure worked well in Iraq?

"Get it done fast and hard" .. will you be there? My daughter will.

Just wondering if you had the strength of my daughter .. or is it all just macho bullshit.

Bush did not do it right--they made a fucking career out of it. Iraq should be a infant booming society by now. The people are on a steep freedom learning curve though.

Thank your daughter for me for serving this nation--but I think getting the job done as fast as possible is in your daughters best interest also. I, and I am sure you also, are tired of war being a business, and it has been that way for what--40 or 50 years? not sure. Early 60's I believe, in this country.
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Bush did not do it right--they made a fucking career out of it.

Thank your daughter for me for serving this nation--but I think getting the job done as fast as possible is in your daughters best interest also. I am tired of war being a business also.

I appreciate your thoughts on my daughter .. but what is best for her and all the precious lives of US soldiers is not to send them into further needless wars for business. Not a single US soldier should die for American corporations.

If you are tired of wars for business then surely you can see the "war on terrorism" is the mindfuck that justifys it.
I appreciate your thoughts on my daughter .. but what is best for her and all the precious lives of US soldiers is not to send them into further needless wars for business. Not a single US soldier should die for American corporations.

If you are tired of wars for business then surely you can see the "war on terrorism" is the mindfuck that justifys it.

I don't know. I am torn on that one man. At the time, I definatly agreed that we went aftet the wrong people. Then I was thinking what the world would be like if Saddam had his free rein--he was a terrorist for fact, and of course, did not like us--even if he was not good friends with Bin Ladin. Now--what would have happend if we really went after Bin ladin right off the bat? I guess we would all be better off for safty, but we may have had problems with Saddam again--who knows?

I think the US imperialistic agenda (as other nations also have in a NWO movement--I see no fighting there folks--right?) wanted to get demacracy in that hostile region to gain a edge there. Thinking of the epople that lived there, and how they were treated (killed), I am not totally sure we did the worst thing. I think it is too easy for us to be key board critics personally. None of us really know the facts involved--but surely there were shannegans involved.

Your welcome with the support of your daughter. God speed to her and your family.
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If you are tired of wars for business then surely you can see the "war on terrorism" is the mindfuck that justifys it.

I gotta disagree with that man--they knocked down two of our buildings wich was the worst attack on American soil in history. They intend to do more. We are not on the offensive enough. They think we are week because of it, and that gives them motavation. We have to knock the shit out them hard IMO, and now--some of them might be your neighbor.

Great---juuuuuust great.
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I gotta disagree with that man--they knocked down two of our buildings wich was the worst attack on American soil in history. They intend to do more. We are not on the offensive enough. They think we are week because of it, and that gives them motavation. We have to knock the shit out them hard IMO, and now--some of them might be your neighbor.

Great---juuuuuust great.

Amazingly mindfucked.

"They" who?

What fucking "they" are you going to "knock the shit out of?"

"They" are growing in strength and you don't even know who "they" are.

"They" are kicking our asses out of Iraq and you don't know who "they" are.

My neighbor ??? .. your mindfucked thoughts are more dangerous to this nation than any of my neighbors.
Amazingly mindfucked.

"They" who?

What fucking "they" are you going to "knock the shit out of?"

"They" are growing in strength and you don't even know who "they" are.

"They" are kicking our asses out of Iraq and you don't know who "they" are.

My neighbor ??? .. your mindfucked thoughts are more dangerous to this nation than any of my neighbors.

OK--you tell us what you would have done. I am sure I can tear it apart.

Bin Ladin and radical muslims just knocked down our trade centers, and killed thousands of Americans---what are you going to do Mr. President?

lets see how smart you really are.
OK--you tell us what you would have done. I am sure I can tear it apart.

Bin Ladin and radical muslims just knocked down our trade centers, and killed thousands of Americans---what are you going to do Mr. President?

Find out who did it?

Find out why NORAD was so ineffective when it has performed remarkably for the past 40years.

Treat it as the crime that it was .. not the New Pearl Harbor.