Killings of Afghan civilians sharply up, U.N. says

Find out who did it?

Find out why NORAD was so ineffective when it has performed remarkably for the past 40years.

Treat it as the crime that it was .. not the New Pearl Harbor.

Who do you think ran our planes in the trade centers?--ohhhhh our own government--right? 16% of our people think the governemnt did it. We have more crazy people than congress approval! lol

NORAD? I will have to find out what that actually is. I am sure your explaniation will be skeewed--so don't bother.

You want to treat it as a crime? Hmmm. I suppose you want to read them their rights, and have a court case in our courts--giving the terrorists who do not consider our law to be law (Their law starts with a S ding), the same rights of US citizens who do a robbery and kill a clerk?

Mr President--you just got impeached and imprisioned for treason in the real America, and some consertative chick had to step up to the plate and do your #1 job as the federal government---protecting our citizens. Two more attacks happend while these guys were in our court system--killing another 5 thousand American people.--Still a crime> A CRIME??!!--are you fucking nuts!!!

Your daughter knows they will kill you, and you want to read them their rights.

I cannot understand such a irresponsible position you hold. Your a moron in a dangerous world--and you have no right to endanger my life as a American, just because being "multi culti" is cool to you. Face it---some of these fucking cultures suck--and want to do us harm---god damn you!!! What the hell is the matter with you!!!!

Dude--that was easy. I don't think you are as wise as you think you are. Anybody else not agree that the trade centers should have been treated like a US law crime?
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If you don't already know what NORAD is there is absolutely no point in having this conversation because you haven't studied or researched a thing .. just swallowed.
Also--I have seen the radical Muslims speaches to a large audiance, and have seen what they teach their children. KILL AMERICA is it man. They don't show you that on NBC, and that makes you a unknowing irresponsible fool IMO. Sorry.
If you don't already know what NORAD is there is absolutely no point in having this conversation because you haven't studied or researched a thing .. just swallowed.

fuck off. just fuck off. Why is your daughter there?

Tell me there is no threat if you believe it. Your a fool--a total fool that effects my life. fuck off!
Also--I have seen the radical Muslims speaches to a large audiance, and have seen what they teach their children. KILL AMERICA is it man. They don't show you that on NBC, and that makes you a unknowing irresponsible fool IMO. Sorry.

Don't worry .. any slight or insult from you my brother, intended or not, is illuminated by the fact that you don't even know who NORAD is.

Big deal---space is becoming a battle ground as advancements happen. Your talking about the military industrial congressional complex--and I know know a bit about it. This intuitevely seems like it is in conjunction with Canada. They are friends with us.

You blame us for radical muslims killing our people? Is that what your saying? And it should be treated like a crime--because we deserve it? Is that what your saying?

your evading, avoiding, and talking riddels wise man---speak up--I can't hear you!

That folks---is how Palin will tear up obama bin biden. It will be soooo easy. How are those polls going?
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fuck off. just fuck off. Why is your daughter there?

Tell me there is no threat if you believe it. Your a fool--a total fool that effects my life. fuck off!

At the end of your "fuck offs" still reamins the fact that you don't know what NORAD is.

By the tone and intellectual level of your comments it appears that you are probably in your twenties .. young enough to demonstrate the courage of your convictions and have your ass in Iraq.

Takes no courage to call someone a fool from the comfort of your mama's basement.

Why aren't you in Iraq hittin' em' "fast and hard?"

Big deal---space is becoming a battle ground as advancements happen. Your talking about the military industrian congressional complex.

you blame us for radical muslims killing our people--your a fool.

That would be "you're" a fool.

What you don't recognize is that you denigrate yourself with your comments. I don't need to call you a fool when you do such a good job of it yourself.

NORAD .. big deal?

ONLY a fool would say that.
At the end of your "fuck offs" still reamins the fact that you don't know what NORAD is.

By the tone and intellectual level of your comments it appears that you are probably in your twenties .. young enough to demonstrate the courage of your convictions and have your ass in Iraq.

Takes no courage to call someone a fool from the comfort of your mama's basement.

Why aren't you in Iraq hittin' em' "fast and hard?"

Hey--I use a search engine. Look up a few posts for your topic of conspiracy.
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At the end of your "fuck offs" still reamins the fact that you don't know what NORAD is.

By the tone and intellectual level of your comments it appears that you are probably in your twenties .. young enough to demonstrate the courage of your convictions and have your ass in Iraq.

Takes no courage to call someone a fool from the comfort of your mama's basement.

Why aren't you in Iraq hittin' em' "fast and hard?"

Dude--I am a pissed off 44 year old self supporting white man that totally hates the liberial progressive philosophy. I own and run my own business, and and doing quite well thank you. I just beat the hell out of you wise man. get over it. Wising up would help you do that.
Hey--I use a search engine. Look up a few posts for your topic of conspiracy.

Given that you don't know what NORAD is, I have no illusions that you would have the slightest idea what the Rand Corporation is or who it advises (the US military) or the fact that thge Rand Corporation is no bastion of liberal/leftist/commie thought.

Here's what they have to say ..

Strategy Against Al-Qaeda Faulted
Report Says Effort Is Not a 'War'

The Bush administration's terrorism-fighting strategy has not significantly undermined al-Qaeda's capabilities, according to a major new study that argues the struggle against terrorism is better waged by law enforcement agencies than by armies.

The study by the nonpartisan Rand Corp. also contends that the administration committed a fundamental error in portraying the conflict with al-Qaeda as a "war on terrorism." The phrase falsely suggests that there can be a battlefield solution to terrorism, and symbolically conveys warrior status on terrorists, it said.

"Terrorists should be perceived and described as criminals, not holy warriors," authors Seth Jones and Martin Libicki write in "How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering al-Qaeda," a 200-page volume released yesterday.

more at link --

My point is .. I didn't need the Rand Corporation to tell me this .. you do.
Dude--I am a pissed off 44 year old self supporting white man that totally hates the liberial progressive philosophy. I own and run my own business, and and doing quite well thank you. I just beat the hell out of you wise man. get over it. Wising up would help you do that.


You "beat the hell out of me" and you're a 44 year-old man who doesn't know what NORAD is?

That's funny.

Nice that you find it necessary to add "white" to your description as if it matters.
BTW, BAC how are you? Is this beautiful weather we are having or what?

I am loving the crisp coolness of the air.
Washington post!!!!--I should have known. it has to be factuaql right--with full disclosure? That is just another fucking American hating liberial opinion--nothing more.

To bad they forgot the fact thet the radical muslims delcared official war on us years ago. (During the Clinton administration I believe) Ohhh--they missed that?

It was a act of war against all Americans from a foreign establishment--(not by American citizens who have to follow our laws like that dumb lib at the post thinks), on our soil--It is not a crime. God damn!!! They do have a home base, but we went into Iraq instead (A Bush and imperial aganda for sure IMO) Your base logic is fucked up by the washington post. If you show me a AP article---you just don't get around enough.

you sir--drank the kool-aid. They (rad towell heads) may not have borders per say, but they know no boudries. If I feel your thinking is putting my life in danger--do I have a right to protect myself against you? You don't want that kind of responsibility, so get your face out of the washington post. They are not qualified journalists, they are political shapers.

Nice that you find it necessary to add "white" to your description as if it matters.

Actually--there is a whole large group of ignored pissed off middle aged white men and women (the last to learn what America is)--and we are voting for Palin. Here is your ass handed to you. lol
BTW, BAC how are you? Is this beautiful weather we are having or what?

I am loving the crisp coolness of the air.

Just beautiful my brother .. the crispness of the air reminds me of Michigan mornings.

Georgia has beautiful trees and one could get lost in their beauty alone.
Washington post!!!!--I should have known. it has to be factuaql right--with full disclosure? That is just another fucking American hating liberial opinion--nothing more.

To bad they forgot the fact thet the radical muslims delcared official war on us years ago. (During the Clinton administration I believe) Ohhh--they missed that?

It was a act of war against all Americans from a foreign establishment--(not by American citizens who have to follow our laws like that dumb lib at the post thinks), on our soil--It is not a crime. God damn!!! They do have a home base, but we went into Iraq instead (A Bush and imperial aganda for sure IMO) Your base logic is fucked up by the washington post. If you show me a AP article---you just don't get around enough.

you sir--drank the kool-aid. They (rad towell heads) may not have borders per say, but they know no boudries. If I feel your thinking is putting my life in danger--do I have a right to protect myself against you? You don't want that kind of responsibility, so get your face out of the washington post. They are not qualified journalists, they are political shapers.

Tell me you're not really 44 years old.

The Post reported on a study by the RAND CORPORATION and your argument should be with them. However, it's not as though I don't recognize why your programmed response was about the Washington Post, not the RAND CORPORATION.

You beat the hell out of me .. that's really funny. :)

You remind me of the guard with no arms or legs in the Monty Python movie.
Actually--there is a whole large group of ignored pissed off middle aged white men and women (the last to learn what America is)--and we are voting for Palin. Here is your ass handed to you. lol

I am sure there are plenty of pissed off people in virtually any group.

I am not going to live my life in a perpetually anger mode. I am just one of those happy people.
Just beautiful my brother .. the crispness of the air reminds me of Michigan mornings.

Georgia has beautiful trees and one could get lost in their beauty alone.

Golly gee--that sounds nice. No wonder you don't realize what a dangerous world we live in. One could get lost in the beauty of watching a beheading alone.

Hey---have ya ever seen one of those? (a rad muslium beheading?) If not --don't. You can't handle the truth. look at the sky and trees. How nice. Look at the nuke flying in----oh well we deserve it. how nice.