Koch study: medicare for all saves money

Who told you that?

The Trump Administration:

“Reducing the statutory federal corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent would, the analysis below suggests, increase average household income in the United States by, very conservatively, $4,000 annually.”
https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/whitehouse.gov/files/documents/Tax Reform and Wages.pdf

And real wages have declined according to Payscale:

The latest data show that wages declined instead. The PayScale Index, which measures the change in wages for employed U.S. workers, updated last week and showed that wages declined 0.9 percent last quarter.
The earnings picture is worse when you take inflation into account. Real wages dropped 1.8 percent from Q1 to Q2 — the largest decline in seven years. Eighty percent of industries saw wages decline.
“The Q2 Index shows the benefits of recent changes to the tax policy are largely reaped by business owners, not employees. Many corporations are using the additional money to buy back stock rather than increase wages,” said Katie Bardaro, Vice President of Data Analytics and Chief Economist at PayScale, in a statement.
So you don't know, because you never read the Mercatus study, as I suspected.

You're so weak that you've resorted to plagiarizing my posts because you lack the ability to craft responses of your own.

So lazy and so typical of Conservatism.
No, they promised wage increases of at least $4,000.

Yet that's not what you were asked, was it?

Real wages have declined for most workers, so full employment isn't putting the pressure on wages higher. Real wages for workers have declined post-Russia Tax Cut.

I know how much it upsets you that you have no link of your own to show wage growth.

You do? I made no claim about real wages declining, so what am I supposedly upset about?
You're so weak that you've resorted to plagiarizing my posts because you lack the ability to craft responses of your own. So lazy and so typical of Conservatism.

So you say. Cite the page and paragraph numbers in the Mercatus study that bolster your claims.
I did, and I cited your post, and mine. Are you suffering from what I call "libnesia"?

You didn't follow the thread. You thought you could be clever by changing the context of my responses, but you couldn't even do that right.

Seems like you're a perpetual underachiever. Which makes sense since you're also Conservative.