Koch study: medicare for all saves money

How can two people share the same racist political views, want the same racist outcomes for the issues and defends the same people who implement the agendas, but only one is a racist?

You as a Democrat do it everyday here. I am not sure how you confuse political leanings with socialtel abominations. Plenty of Democrats and liberals on this board I enjoy talking to and discussing political differences. Just because that is not the case with you and your constant everything is "race based" does not mean they are like you at all.
You do know the racist right wants to take away your retirement, right?

Ask cawacky, CFM and sailor. .........they think you shouldn't have your retirement.

I will ask you only once to prove I have said or implied that. If you are going to talk bullshit, at least have something to back it up.
Rachel Dolezal is now Nkechi Amare Diallo. She sued Howard University in 2002 for discrimination because she is a white woman. Now, she is also bisexual. Soon she can check every box.

Isn't she under indictment for welfare fraud?
I can make up shit about myself too, to make me sound more important on an anonymous forum.

But I won't.

You can deny things because you don't like the truth.

Wait, that's what you did.

Again, I've given you a face to face way to not be anonymous. You refuse.
You proving it is not contingent on me doing anything.

You should be eager to post your information here since you think you're so infallible.

You wouldn't have to do anything. What you want would give you the ability to deny again. Face to face wouldn't give you an out.

You should be willing to look me in the eye since you think you're such a man.
How am I even to trust you'd show up to some IRL meet-up? I can't trust that. In fact, because you're so resistant to supporting your own argument, I think you wouldn't even show.

Just like you said with this nonsense you support with healthcare, you don't know until you try it.

Appears to me you'll find any out you can.
Fine. Explain through Constitutional terms how Obamacare is different from Romneycare and how that's different from the same plan the Heritage foundation produced in the 90's.

I'll wait.

Nowhere in the delegated powers of Congress does it give Congress authority over healthcare coverage. The left wing claim of it falling under "general welfare" doesn't fly. That's nothing more than those that want a big federal government twisting it to claim the Constitution saying something it does not say. The 10th Amendment states that the power not delegated to the federal government are reserved to the States. Since healthcare is not a delegated power, that means the power and authority over healthcare belongs to the States. If a State does not choose to deal with it, reserved powers doesn't mean it automatically defaults to the federal government as a delegated power.

The Constitutional difference between Obamacare and Romney care is that Romneycare was done on the level at which the Constitution specifically states is can be done and Obamacare was done on a level to which the Constitution gives no delegated authority to act. Don't take that to mean I agree with the concept of Romneycare. However, I do support where the Constitution says authority should lie and it simply doesn't give the federal government authority over healthcare, therefore, Obamacare isn't within what the Constitution says the federal government can do.

Hawaii tried single payer for HAWAII. While I don't agree with the concept, I do support HAWAII being able to make such a decision as long as it affects HAWAII and the residents of HAWAII only. It was done at the level which the Constitution says it can be done.
I didn't support Obama because he was black. I supported Obama because McCain picked Palin. And because that was the worst judgment ever, I couldn't trust him with the office of the Presidency.

So you say. Can you prove it?

I'll bet you love McCain now. He couldn't beat Obama so he decided to kiss his ass and push you back in line.
So you say. Can you prove it?

I'll bet you love McCain now. He couldn't beat Obama so he decided to kiss his ass and push you back in line.

None of that makes any more sense than any of your other idiotic posts
Funny the rest of the world has single payer.
Not one of them want our system!
You own stock in healthcare insurance companies?
And their heads of state come here when they need cutting edge medicine.

Single payer is shithole care, death care is a more appropriate descriptor.