Korea Threatens Attack

You are being absurd Supercandy... BUt keep going it is a silly little game that is fun to watch you put forth such an effort into....

So NK broke the treaty and thus we are in a state of active war with NK now? Is that your argument?
My niece is posting on her fb page this morning that it is a lot of media hype, no surprise there. My nephew has been there four years. She says she is planning a shopping trip to Seoul and laughed about it.

I am relieved.

If your niece thinks its all clear that is enough for me. Give Obama a call and tell him it is all ok. They are just playing around and he should send the little dictator a video copy of his magnificent campaign speeches instead of the billions in aid that NK is scamming for with this play.:)
Go back to the beginning of this thread and look at what you did. You jumped on a post jarod made, and have argued a technicality for seven pages now, destroying this thread. I have actually been very busy and would like to FUCKING LEARN SOMETHING about this situation, instead I got seven pages of a fucking PISSING CONTEST.

Yours is bigger! Happy? Now stfu, and let's see if the thread can get back on track.

Dear spaz... go yell at Jarod and Lorax. They are the ones that have derailed this. My point was valid. They could not acknowledge it so they went into straw man production. If you want to spaz, please direct your attention to those that actually derailed this. Now, that said what exactly is it you wish to learn?
Legally? I dont know, based on what law?

You proclaim I am being absurd? You yourself stated that the War had never ended.

Legally as in is there a document that ended the war that was signed by all parties in the war?

How did you ever pass the bar?
You are being absurd Supercandy... BUt keep going it is a silly little game that is fun to watch you put forth such an effort into....

So NK broke the treaty and thus we are in a state of active war with NK now? Is that your argument?

The absurdity is your insistence on creating a straw man.
Dear spaz... go yell at Jarod and Lorax. They are the ones that have derailed this. My point was valid. They could not acknowledge it so they went into straw man production. If you want to spaz, please direct your attention to those that actually derailed this. Now, that said what exactly is it you wish to learn?

No you derailed this, it's right on the first page. And then your OCD kicked in. Just relax and take a step back. maybe people could post about the actual situation instead of nitpicking something from 7 pages ago. have you heard of mindfullness? It's a very interesting technique that i feel you could benefit from.
No you derailed this, it's right on the first page. And then your OCD kicked in. Just relax and take a step back. maybe people could post about the actual situation instead of nitpicking something from 7 pages ago. have you heard of mindfullness? It's a very interesting technique that i feel you could benefit from.

Have you ever heard of delusional? You might want to get yourself checked out.

I corrected Jarod as both could not happen. It could have ended right there. It was Lorax and then Jarod that started playing the little straw man building contest and nitpicking what was said. So again, if you want to spaz out, feel free to do so to those that were at fault.

I would also love to know how this isn't about the actual situation. What would you like to discuss little spaz? Can't help but notice you simply are prolonging the very thing you are whining about. Why is that? Why not simply talk about what it is you wish to discuss? Oh yeah, because you don't actually give a shit about the OP, you just wanted to spaz out against me again. Carry on.
Have you ever heard of delusional? You might want to get yourself checked out.

I corrected Jarod as both could not happen. It could have ended right there. It was Lorax and then Jarod that started playing the little straw man building contest and nitpicking what was said. So again, if you want to spaz out, feel free to do so to those that were at fault.

I would also love to know how this isn't about the actual situation. What would you like to discuss little spaz? Can't help but notice you simply are prolonging the very thing you are whining about. Why is that? Why not simply talk about what it is you wish to discuss? Oh yeah, because you don't actually give a shit about the OP, you just wanted to spaz out against me again. Carry on.

No I do care about it. After all Cawacko is at ground zero.

I actually do care, and would love to read informed opinions about it. Whether or not there was a truce, a cease fire, and farewell to arms, who cares.
No I do care about it. After all Cawacko is at ground zero.

I actually do care, and would love to read informed opinions about it. Whether or not there was a truce, a cease fire, and farewell to arms, who cares.

Is that a*hole targeting San Francisco? I was just working on my itinerary for a Florida business trip next week and I was going to write to Dennis Rodman to see if he knew which coast Kim Jong-un wanted to blow up before I finalized the details.
Is that a*hole targeting San Francisco? I was just working on my itinerary for a Florida business trip next week and I was going to write to Dennis Rodman to see if he knew which coast Kim Jong-un wanted to blow up before I finalized the details.

I'm pretty sure it's the west coast Cawacko. So you should be good in Florida. Assuming you don't get shot of course.
I'm pretty sure it's the west coast Cawacko. So you should be good in Florida. Assuming you don't get shot of course.

The missiles they have launched have barely made it out of Korea, living in Alaska, I am not worried. If I lived in S Korea, I might be a bit more concerned.
I'm pretty sure it's the west coast Cawacko. So you should be good in Florida. Assuming you don't get shot of course.

They can't get a missile into the sea of Japan accurately. They do not have the missile technology to hit Guam let alone the US.

The concern is predominantly Seoul with an outside shot at Japan.
Let's look on the bright side, ok?

We can save Cawacko, but lil Kim's also targeting Texas.

Can we just let them be blown away to smithereens?
Is that a*hole targeting San Francisco? I was just working on my itinerary for a Florida business trip next week and I was going to write to Dennis Rodman to see if he knew which coast Kim Jong-un wanted to blow up before I finalized the details.

It's over 5500 miles from Pyonyang to San Francisco, so I wouldn't worry too much.
But not specifically planes used as missiles, and airport security was warned, and stepped up.

bullshit. three weeks before 9/11, my wife and I went through airport security at Portsmouth, NH on a trip to the midwest. The guy in front of us heading for the xray scanner was a gnarly looking freak wearing a wife beater and a pair of gym shorts carrying a backpack. Inside the backpack was a wicked nasty hunting knife, with a serrated edge on the back of the blade. The security guard merely took the knife and measured the length of the blade against a gauge that was mounted on the xray machine. The blade, apparently, was short enough to "pass inspection" and the guard handed it back to the guy who passed right on through and boarded the our southwest plane shortly after we did and, as luck would have it, sat right next to me on the flight to midway. If he had been a terrorist, he was allowed in the passenger cabin with a very lethal weapon with no questions asked. If that is what you call, "stepped up security", I would have to say we have different definitions of that term.
They can't get a missile into the sea of Japan accurately. They do not have the missile technology to hit Guam let alone the US.

The concern is predominantly Seoul with an outside shot at Japan.

You love when you think you can teach me something don't you? Do you know how fast I could have you heeled like a puppy if I wanted? Remember how i killed you in werewolf playing the "oh superfreak I don't understand this game i feel so confused can you instruct me" card? I am so good at it. Look how this is the first post you made to me in how long that didn't curse me out.