Korea Threatens Attack

bullshit. three weeks before 9/11, my wife and I went through airport security at Portsmouth, NH on a trip to the midwest. The guy in front of us heading for the xray scanner was a gnarly looking freak wearing a wife beater and a pair of gym shorts carrying a backpack. Inside the backpack was a wicked nasty hunting knife, with a serrated edge on the back of the blade. The security guard merely took the knife and measured the length of the blade against a gauge that was mounted on the xray machine. The blade, apparently, was short enough to "pass inspection" and the guard handed it back to the guy who passed right on through and boarded the our southwest plane shortly after we did and, as luck would have it, sat right next to me on the flight to midway. If he had been a terrorist, he was allowed in the passenger cabin with a very lethal weapon with no questions asked. If that is what you call, "stepped up security", I would have to say we have different definitions of that term.

So that's what muslim terrorists look like? you idiot the fact he had that knife may have saved your life
it certainly does not change the fact that you tried to pass off a right wing blog as a piece of factual journalism.

You are obviously fond of the mainstream liars on cbs, msnbc, abc, nbc, , who refuse to report anything, Just because it came from a source you don't like does NOT change the FACTS.

So that's what muslim terrorists look like? you idiot the fact he had that knife may have saved your life

"muslim terrorists" don't necessarily "look" different than anyone else. sorry. Oh, and did I say that he was dark skinned and semitic in appearance?
You are obviously fond of the mainstream liars on cbs, msnbc, abc, nbc, , who refuse to report anything, Just because it came from a source you don't like does NOT change the FACTS.

the fact of the matter is that we did NOT have any incriminating evidence about OBL that would have allowed us to legally take custody of him in the spring of 1996.
So, his "threats" end the armistice? What about the military exercises of the US and South Korea? Could they be perceived the same way then?

I, like you, feel this is for the benefit of Kim Jong to establish he is a brave leader like his father, just silly posterturing, must have had one internal troubles or needs more money! Lol

Not just threats. He issued, for lack of a better word, an "official" edict ending the armistice yesterday.

Legally? I dont know, based on what law?

See above.
Please, no, I have family there and she is sweeter than peaches!

Yeah, but STY's there. :)

Just the thought of him taking on a nuke with his bulletless Barney Fife pistol is comedy gold.

What was that old movie satire with the washed up cowboy star riding the missile into space?
Here is a good graphic illustrating the range of Korean missiles.

Here is a good graphic illustrating the range of Korean missiles.


I haven't seen Cameron's latest but it seems that he completely misunderstood and suggested that if the NK missiles would reach mainland US then the UK was in grave danger too. I would assume/hope that he has been correctly advised.
Could you split that hair any finer?

If we're still "at war," then what, pray tell, could we do with our military that would be separate from that war?

You are really reminding me of the poster who must not be named (starts with "Y", rhymes with flirt).

Could you split that hair any finer?

If we're still "at war," then what, pray tell, could we do with our military that would be separate from that war?

You are really reminding me of the poster who must not be named (starts with "Y", rhymes with flirt).

I am starting to think that long nightmare is finally over. Especially with the very recent return of a particular poster which should put the icing on that cake. We might be in the clear Onceler. Isn't is wonderful!
Skipping through this thread I notice one over-riding factor that is peculiarly American. That factor is an inate belligerence. No one has really tried to understand the situation; even those I count as allies and friends have been persuaded into the demonising and ridiculing of Kim Jong Un.
Kim is making a huge mistake and therein lies the danger. He has insufficient experience to temper his judgement with wisdom. His target at this moment, is two fold. First to prove to his generals that he is a great leader and second to give his people something a) to fear and b) tsomething on which to build their hopes.
It is his mistake that is the important point. He is Korean. And, like the Chinese, mistakes mean huge loss of face. He will kill himself and his generals and his people rather than lose face.
America you just dont get that.
So the ONLY course of action, in my extremely humble opinion, is to help him out of the hole he has dug and continues to dig for himself.
The armistice must cease and a ceasefire must be enacted. That would save his face I think. It would also take the monster America from his doorstep. Second, China and South Korea must help NK to develop and to grow economically. This to be done by creating opportunity not by giving aid. (see Burma)
When NK no longer sees itself as under permanent threat it can set about working to bring itself into the mainstream. Neither America nor any other country can put the clock back to before NK had nuclear weapons. They have them. End of story.
In my opinion this is the only way out of this mess and I would put a couple of bob on the fact that negotiations along those lines are either underway or under very serious consideration.
Skipping through this thread I notice one over-riding factor that is peculiarly American. That factor is an inate belligerence. No one has really tried to understand the situation; even those I count as allies and friends have been persuaded into the demonising and ridiculing of Kim Jong Un.
Kim is making a huge mistake and therein lies the danger. He has insufficient experience to temper his judgement with wisdom. His target at this moment, is two fold. First to prove to his generals that he is a great leader and second to give his people something a) to fear and b) tsomething on which to build their hopes.
It is his mistake that is the important point. He is Korean. And, like the Chinese, mistakes mean huge loss of face. He will kill himself and his generals and his people rather than lose face.
America you just dont get that.
So the ONLY course of action, in my extremely humble opinion, is to help him out of the hole he has dug and continues to dig for himself.
The armistice must cease and a ceasefire must be enacted. That would save his face I think. It would also take the monster America from his doorstep. Second, China and South Korea must help NK to develop and to grow economically. This to be done by creating opportunity not by giving aid. (see Burma)
When NK no longer sees itself as under permanent threat it can set about working to bring itself into the mainstream. Neither America nor any other country can put the clock back to before NK had nuclear weapons. They have them. End of story.
In my opinion this is the only way out of this mess and I would put a couple of bob on the fact that negotiations along those lines are either underway or under very serious consideration.

That is a very interesting view Low. You may very well be right in your conclusion too, because it would not be the first time we have dealt behind closed doors to allow another leader to save face.
I am starting to think that long nightmare is finally over. Especially with the very recent return of a particular poster which should put the icing on that cake. We might be in the clear Onceler. Isn't is wonderful!

It is! It's a glorious day, if true. I think what really set him off was getting banned from so many threads. Whatever it was, I'm grateful.
Skipping through this thread I notice one over-riding factor that is peculiarly American. That factor is an inate belligerence. No one has really tried to understand the situation; even those I count as allies and friends have been persuaded into the demonising and ridiculing of Kim Jong Un.
Kim is making a huge mistake and therein lies the danger. He has insufficient experience to temper his judgement with wisdom. His target at this moment, is two fold. First to prove to his generals that he is a great leader and second to give his people something a) to fear and b) tsomething on which to build their hopes.
It is his mistake that is the important point. He is Korean. And, like the Chinese, mistakes mean huge loss of face. He will kill himself and his generals and his people rather than lose face.
America you just dont get that.
So the ONLY course of action, in my extremely humble opinion, is to help him out of the hole he has dug and continues to dig for himself.
The armistice must cease and a ceasefire must be enacted. That would save his face I think. It would also take the monster America from his doorstep. Second, China and South Korea must help NK to develop and to grow economically. This to be done by creating opportunity not by giving aid. (see Burma)
When NK no longer sees itself as under permanent threat it can set about working to bring itself into the mainstream. Neither America nor any other country can put the clock back to before NK had nuclear weapons. They have them. End of story.
In my opinion this is the only way out of this mess and I would put a couple of bob on the fact that negotiations along those lines are either underway or under very serious consideration.

Well stated... and a point that I think (and hope) the Obama admin has learned. The last couple of days the DoD stated that their actions in the region were of similar bluster (though unintentional they say) and therefore not helping matters. If they can walk back a bit further, it will provide Kim Jong Un the ability to save face.

I also agree that the best way to edge NK forward is via the 'showing them how to fish' vs 'giving them a fish' approach. I think China could be a great help in this area as they have seen the benefits of loosening their grip on capitalism and they have morphed into an economic powerhouse as a result of the capitalist (largely) economy with communist leadership. Oddly this combo has worked well vs. our two party system that becomes ever more polarized and dysfunctional.
Skipping through this thread I notice one over-riding factor that is peculiarly American. That factor is an inate belligerence. No one has really tried to understand the situation; even those I count as allies and friends have been persuaded into the demonising and ridiculing of Kim Jong Un.
Kim is making a huge mistake and therein lies the danger. He has insufficient experience to temper his judgement with wisdom. His target at this moment, is two fold. First to prove to his generals that he is a great leader and second to give his people something a) to fear and b) tsomething on which to build their hopes.
It is his mistake that is the important point. He is Korean. And, like the Chinese, mistakes mean huge loss of face. He will kill himself and his generals and his people rather than lose face.
America you just dont get that.
So the ONLY course of action, in my extremely humble opinion, is to help him out of the hole he has dug and continues to dig for himself.
The armistice must cease and a ceasefire must be enacted. That would save his face I think. It would also take the monster America from his doorstep. Second, China and South Korea must help NK to develop and to grow economically. This to be done by creating opportunity not by giving aid. (see Burma)
When NK no longer sees itself as under permanent threat it can set about working to bring itself into the mainstream. Neither America nor any other country can put the clock back to before NK had nuclear weapons. They have them. End of story.
In my opinion this is the only way out of this mess and I would put a couple of bob on the fact that negotiations along those lines are either underway or under very serious consideration.

Kim Jong-nam, his older brother would be in power now if he hadn't blotted his copybook by going to visit Disneyland in Japan on a false passport. China could end this tomorrow if they wanted considering that they supply 90% of the energy needs, 80% of its consumer goods and 45% of its food, virtually all going to the North Korean armed forces and the communist elite. I think that they have been leaving to the US until now but I am damned sure they are talking in the back channels. Of course it doesn't help that the boy dictator has thus far refused to go to China to meet the new leadership, even demanding that they go to Pyonyang first. I wonder if he smokes Cuban cigars, maybe the CIA have a few exploding ones left over?
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I haven't seen Cameron's latest but it seems that he completely misunderstood and suggested that if the NK missiles would reach mainland US then the UK was in grave danger too. I would assume/hope that he has been correctly advised.

He was doing what all politicians do, not letting a good crisis go to waste. There is absolutely no reason to keep nuclear subs any more other than they guarantee a seat at the top table.

The question on our end is, how will Hussein respond to Ding Dong-Un? Will he roll out the welcome mat? Will he get his dick sucked on The View? Or will he stand ready to authorize our armed forces to put this nutjob in his place?
Who cares? Gay people can get married! That nasty 2nd amendment is dying a death of a thousand cuts! "Medical" marijuana! We created 88,000 jobs in March! The sequester is gutting the military so we're not going to be able to do anything anyway! It's all good because Hussein's got his priorities straight, right?
Could you split that hair any finer?

If we're still "at war," then what, pray tell, could we do with our military that would be separate from that war?

You are really reminding me of the poster who must not be named (starts with "Y", rhymes with flirt).

I am starting to think that long nightmare is finally over. Especially with the very recent return of a particular poster which should put the icing on that cake. We might be in the clear Onceler. Isn't is wonderful!

I understand he's stalking Poet.

Oh. He's also found the perfect candidate for '16
