Kudos to McCain and the republican party

Yeah I agree with everything DH has written on this thread (no matter how alarming he might find this), and with nothing that anyone else has written.
Hey I dont care as long as they display class.

Im sure we could speculate it was all to have McCain look gracious and powerful but hell even if that were true at least it sends a great message to the American people about the tone we want for our elections.

Wow Desh, good post.
There are plenty of things he could have done. I mean, if the ads were never going to hit the air why the hell does every news station already have a copy of the thing. Keep it from getting out. It doesn't matter if it hits the air now in North Carolina. It has already hit the air across the entire country. For free.

This is another tried and true tactic. Huckabee pulled the same shit in the primary with a negative ad about Romney.

. . . adding, pulling the ad gives us yet another reason to keep showing the ad over and over again while heaping praise on the RNC and McCain for getting it "pulled."

It's win - win and they're laughing their asses off as we speak I'm sure.

Dung, I always find your posts to be objective and informative. You are diligent in providing sources for your claims and you don't usually give your own party free passes on criticism.

But I have come to realize that you are too prejudiced against McCain to give a truly objective analysis of him.

I'm not even sure you realize it.

When you discuss anyone but him you are a fair and reasonable in your assertions, but when discussing McCain you absolutely lose it and refuse to accept any explanations but your own.
Dung, I always find your posts to be objective and informative. You are diligent in providing sources for your claims and you don't usually give your own party free passes on criticism.

But I have come to realize that you are too prejudiced against McCain to give a truly objective analysis of him.

I'm not even sure you realize it.

When you discuss anyone but him you are a fair and reasonable in your assertions, but when discussing McCain you absolutely lose it and refuse to accept any explanations but your own.

What is there in anything that I have said above that is untrue? McCain can come out and condemn the ad all he wants because it exposes him to zero political risk. It's all upside. Afterall, the ad has been playing continuously on the cable news networks for free and will continue to do so.

Maybe I would give him a bit a credit if he did something to prevent the further dissemination of the ad, like getting the North Carolina GOP to take it down from the front-page of their website while soliciting donations to pay to have it aired:


That might move me a bit, but mealy-mouthed condemnations for the GOP not to air the ad that doesn't even need to be aired at this point since it's running nationally for free, makes the cynic in me a bit pissed off. On top of that, people heap praise on the guy like he did something beneficial. What has he done? Nothing.

It's classic McCain - no risk, all reward.
Rush was bemoaning McCain getting involved in this and so was Sean Insannity. People were calling Rush saying that McCain didn't have the stones to take on Obama and was giving Obama a pass. Hannity said he should just stay out of it. McCain can't win for losing. Now the right is pissed because, as Rush said "He just wants to engage in a civics lesson with Obama."
Rush was bemoaning McCain getting involved in this and so was Sean Insannity. People were calling Rush saying that McCain didn't have the stones to take on Obama and was giving Obama a pass. Hannity said he should just stay out of it. McCain can't win for losing. Now the right is pissed because, as Rush said "He just wants to engage in a civics lesson with Obama."

That's kind of the Catch-22 of partisan politics. Dungheap was calling it a win-win for McCain but in reality I think it can just as easily be a lose-lose. He pisses off his base and doesn't really gain any points from his oppenents who don't care for him anyway.
Just as a purely factual matter, I see no indication whatsoever that the North Carolina GOP plans to "pull" the ad. They're featuring it at the top of their homepage while soliciting donations to "keep [it] on the air" and have a lengthy press release about it.
Just as a purely factual matter, I see no indication whatsoever that the North Carolina GOP plans to "pull" the ad. They're featuring it at the top of their homepage while soliciting donations to "keep [it] on the air" and have a lengthy press release about it.

Oh, that. But they said they were pulling it. Why do liberals have to be so anal about everything? Now, you guys are demanding that they actually pull it. You are just picking on McCain now because you are irrational about him.
Never trust a conservative Darla, they always "misspeak". You know about who is going to pick up the check, whether they wore your pantyhose or not, etc...
Rush IS the representative of the rightwing base of the republican party. Until the Repubs chase them off, which would be the best thing they ever did. But yeah he is the mouthpiece for the base. Look at the people who are mobilizing to go out and fuck with the election at his behest.