Lab Grown Meat Could Be Terrible for the Environment


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Doesn't sound like anything I want to eat. Ranks right up there with GMOs that I do not eats

The USDA followed in the FDA's footsteps on June 21 by approving the sale of lab-grown meat to American consumers. As guinea pigs of nutritional science, Americans will join Singapore as the only country with the stamp of approval for "cell-cultured" meat. For now, only chicken has passed the same supposedly rigorous approval process of gaining a 'no questions' letter that grants permission for use. Pork and beef will have to wait.

However, you won't be finding cell-cultured meat next to the slaughtered poultry in the protein aisle just yet. Upside Foods and Good Meat, both California-based companies, will first be distributing their product in two restaurants: Bar Crenn, a Michelin-starred restaurant in San Francisco, and celebrity chef José Andrés' restaurant China Chilcano in Washington, D.C.

According to Upside Foods COO Amy Chen in the Scientific American, once the product hits supermarket shelves it's expected to bare the regular round-shaped USDA inspection label. What (hardly) differentiates the cultivated meat from conventional meat is the prefix "cell-cultured" written on the tag.

The creators of manmade chicken claim the process will emit 92 percent fewer carbon emissions and use 95 percent less land. How many farmers and workers of this land will be displaced by a partially automated cell-culture tank is yet to be seen, but for now the product still remains entirely in research facilities. The mass production of this meat could come from their "cell bank" which they say immortalizes the best cells painlessly extracted from live chickens or eggs and can be divided and produced indefinitely. Separate from the initial cells drawn, these immortal cells have their own unanswered questionsDespite leading scientists generally agreeing that lab grown meat is safe to eat, no long-term studies have been conducted to reliably demonstrate this, Bloomberg reported Tuesday.

Lab-grown meat is often made using immortalized cell lines, which, unlike regular cells, are capable of continuously dividing and growing in a manner similar to cancer cells, according to Bloomberg. Companies developing lab-grown meats have largely remained silent about the connection between their product and cancer cells, possibly in a bid to keep consumers from getting skittish about their products.
Although vegetarians are weary to say this fits their diet, it does satisfy a select portion of plant eaters waiting for meat to come to their plates cruelty-free. Because they are not slaughtering real animals, there's no risk of fecal contamination or pathogens like E. coli.

The process to create the franken-meat occurs in a bioreactor over a four-to-six-week period, where they keep it warm and immerse it in nutrients that would normally go into feeding chickens. When the raw product first finishes, before being mixed with co-ingredients for stability, it has the appearance of minced chicken, a GOOD Meat spokesperson told Townhall. It then goes through a process including scaffolding, 3-D printing, extrusion, and molding in order to make it look and feel edible.The University of California, Davis Department of Food Science did a study on the environmental impacts of lab-grown meat and found its environmental effects to be far more substantial than its natural counterpart. Purified growth media, the ingredients used to multiply animal cells, was found to have wide-ranging global warming potential, between four and 25 times the impact of conventional beef production.The study's lead author, doctoral graduate Derrick Risner, said, “If this product continues to be produced using the 'pharma' approach, it’s going to be worse for the environment and more expensive than conventional beef production.”
Of all the things we could copy from Singapore… I'd love it if we adopted caning. But fake meat grown in a lab. My we’ve sunk to new depths. ��
America has the weakest food regulations of any industrialized country. European are shocked by what food manufacturers can get away with here. it has a deleterious impact on our nation's health. But we gotta get rid of those regulations.
Of all the things we could copy from Singapore… I'd love it if we adopted caning. But fake meat grown in a lab. My we’ve sunk to new depths. ��

Not your best moment, Rev.

As for the meat, if we could produce tasty meat without having to kill anything, I'm all for it.
Not your best moment, Rev.

As for the meat, if we could produce tasty meat without having to kill anything, I'm all for it.

Anything produced in a lab has less flavor.

Flavor grows over time through the exercise of muscle, the acquiring of fat and the losing of it and you simply can't get that in a lab.

While it's fine to eat it will never be of the same quality.

Take farmed salmon for example, perfectly fine and tasty but no where close to something that actually ran up a river or had to swim in the ocean.
Anything produced in a lab has less flavor.

Flavor grows over time through the exercise of muscle, the acquiring of fat and the losing of it and you simply can't get that in a lab.

While it's fine to eat it will never be of the same quality.

Take farmed salmon for example, perfectly fine and tasty but no where close to something that actually ran up a river or had to swim in the ocean.

That may be true.
I'm not knowledgeable on the particular subject.

My point simply is that if good fake meat were available
and animals didn't have to be slaughtered,
I would regard that as a good thing.
necessity is the mother of all invention

You can't rule out that lab produced protein may some day be vital to our existence, so long live the human desire to explore and experiment!
Not your best moment, Rev.

As for the meat, if we could produce tasty meat without having to kill anything, I'm all for it.

Trust me, The Republicans already produced something close to this, and feed it to prisoners in all of the Contract Jails and prisons across the country in all the red states! It doesn't even have a real meat source, but comes in like Kittles and Bits in shit-brown nuggets! The prisoners have to eat it or starve.

The Democrats have been trying to end these Contract Prisons in all the Red States now for over 2 decades- for reasons of Cruelty!
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Private sector run prisons are an abomination,

and also evidence of how we're receding

in term of being a civilized nation.

Still interested in the faux meat concept if it can be executed artfully, however.
Trust me, The Republicans already produced something close to this, and feed it to prisoners in all of the Contract Jails and prisons across the country in all the red states! It doesn't even have a real meat source, but comes in like Kittles and Bits in shit-brown nuggets! The prisoners have to eat it or starve.

The Democrats have been trying to end these Contract Prisons in all the Red States now for over 2 decades- for reasons of Cruelty!

They are there for punishment.

Not to be cuddled.

They should be given the worse food possible and little of it.

This is a reason why people are not afraid to break the law, because democrats make prison comfy for them.
They are there for punishment.

Not to be cuddled.

They should be given the worse food possible and little of it.

This is a reason why people are not afraid to break the law, because democrats make prison comfy for them.

I'll remember you said all this when they lock Donald Trump up!
I have no problem with Trump being fed shit if he's a prisoner.

OK, thanks for sharing.

But, some states are already ending their contract prison contracts for all kinds of reasons.

I believe it's best to look at prisons and jails as rehabilitation centers, rather than the HOUSE OF USHERS- or torture chambers for short!
That may be true.
I'm not knowledgeable on the particular subject.

My point simply is that if good fake meat were available
and animals didn't have to be slaughtered,
I would regard that as a good thing.

Do not listen to anything Tinker says because she's stupid.

Lab grown meat, has all the potential of recreating the meat in a way no person will be able to distinguish from hunted or farmed meat.

We are not there yet but the promise is great.


What is lab-grown meat?
An illustration of a cow hugging a beaker holding lab-grown meat.
For as long as we can look back in history, people have been eating meat. We've always taken it for granted that meat comes from animals, but science has recently found a way to change this. It's now possible to grow meat in a lab, entirely outside of an animal's body. This is known as lab-grown meat, or cultured meat. But will it actually make factory farms obsolete?

How is lab-grown meat made?
Compared to terms like free range and farm raised, lab grown leaves a lot to the imagination when it comes to how the cultured meat is made, but it’s not as scary as it sounds. Take a cow for example. Scientists will use a cow’s stem cells, the building blocks of muscle and other organs, to begin the process of creating the cultured meat. The cells are placed in petri dishes with amino acids and carbohydrates to help the muscle cells multiply and grow. Once enough muscle fibers have grown, the result is a meat that resembles ground beef...

OK, thanks for sharing.

But, some states are already ending their contract prison contracts for all kinds of reasons.

I believe it's best to look at prisons and jails as rehabilitation centers, rather than the HOUSE OF USHERS- or torture chambers for short!

No, they should be a place of punishment.

They should be so bad that no crime would be worth going there.

No visitation, no commisary, no tv, just enough food to barely survive, extreme forced labor.

Trust me, if we were to do that then our prisons would be empty.
Not your best moment, Rev.

As for the meat, if we could produce tasty meat without having to kill anything, I'm all for it.

Yes sir, I knew some folks wouldn’t appreciate the caning reference. But I am a corporal punishment guy so it works for me. I still have a paddle in my classroom and still use it. I think they did right back when the kid got caught for the graffiti in Singapore. We can chalk that up to more of our differences.

No, they should be a place of punishment.

They should be so bad that no crime would be worth going there.

No visitation, no commisary, no tv, just enough food to barely survive, extreme forced labor.

Trust me, if we were to do that then our prisons would be empty.

Thanks for your viewpoint, Mr. Arpaio. Would you have the inmates dress in pink clothing also?