Lab Grown Meat Could Be Terrible for the Environment

Yes sir, I knew some folks wouldn’t appreciate the caning reference. But I am a corporal punishment guy so it works for me. I still have a paddle in my classroom and still use it. I think they did right back when the kid got caught for the graffiti in Singapore. We can chalk that up to more of our differences.

Give it some more thought, LR.

'Beyond excruciating': When it comes to brutality, Singapore canes it

OUCH, double ouch and triple ouch. The brutal act of caning in Singapore has been described as "beyond excruciating".

"If West Australian maritime worker Bruce Griffiths is caned for swearing on a flight bound for Singapore, he's in for a punishment so brutal it is classed by Amnesty International as torture. The cane used in Singapore is a 1.2 metre rattan rod which is just over a centimetre in thickness. It is applied with such ferocity that victims' buttocks are completely stripped of skin, leaving them raw and mutilated. One recent recipient of the cane described the pain as "beyond excruciating".

When many Australians think of the cane, we recall the punishment we or our parents copped way back when corporal punishment was a standard procedure in Australian schools. That was a tickle with a feather duster compared to what goes on in Singapore.

One widely circulated online video taken in the courtyard of a Singapore prison shows a man strapped to a trestle with his buttocks bared. The first two strokes visibly redden his skin. The third and fourth open deep cuts. By the fifth stroke, the victim cries out in agony as his wounds spread to almost the entire surface of his buttocks. You can only imagine the scene after the maximum 24 strokes.

Caning in Singapore can be administered for a wide range of offenses, from violent crime to trivial administrative offenses like overstaying a tourist visa for more than 90 days. Singapore also has to what it calls "outrage of modesty crimes", and the laws can apply to incidents which occur onboard planes registered in Singapore.

There is no recent precedent of an Australian receiving the cane in Singapore, although a Swiss national received three strokes of the cane in 2010 for vandalising a Singapore train. Mr Griffiths is currently receiving assistance from the Australian High Commission. He will be hoping, quite literally, that they save his backside."
Do not listen to anything Tinker says because she's stupid.

Lab grown meat, has all the potential of recreating the meat in a way no person will be able to distinguish from hunted or farmed meat.

We are not there yet but the promise is great.

It will likely cause cancer
If it tastes like Ribeye, I'm not complaining. :)

I love cooking hunted fresh meat on an open fire.

But that does not mean the entire process or animal killing, dressing and cooking will not be looked at by future generations as one of the grossest things we barbarian humans had to do to survive.

The raising of animals (or hunting of them) and then the slaughter, and hair and guts to get to the edible parts, ....compared to a Star Trek replicator creating a steak, will not be a tough choice for people who do not grow up with the history of killing animals for meat.

I don't say this as some vegan type. I eat meat, and cook the meat that my friends hunt and bring back and i love it. But it is not hard to see how future generations will see the practice, when they are a bit distanced from it.
I love cooking hunted fresh meat on an open fire.

But that does not mean the entire process or animal killing, dressing and cooking will not be looked at by future generations as one of the grossest things we barbarian humans had to do to survive.

The raising of animals (or hunting of them) and then the slaughter, and hair and guts to get to the edible parts, ....compared to a Star Trek replicator creating a steak, will not be a tough choice for people who do not grow up with the history of killing animals for meat.

I don't say this as some vegan type. I eat meat, and cook the meat that my friends hunt and bring back and i love it. But it is not hard to see how future generations will see the practice, when they are a bit distanced from it.

As long as it tastes good, I'm good with it.
No, they should be a place of punishment.

They should be so bad that no crime would be worth going there.

No visitation, no commisary, no tv, just enough food to barely survive, extreme forced labor.

Trust me, if we were to do that then our prisons would be empty.

You either believe that sane people do insane things or that people deserve to be punished for their mental illness.
I profoundly disrespect both of those concepts as being anti-intellectual and illogical

You are, essentially, a monster, Tink.
That's what right wing conservatives tend to be as viewed by my sincere value structure.
Yes sir, I knew some folks wouldn’t appreciate the caning reference. But I am a corporal punishment guy so it works for me. I still have a paddle in my classroom and still use it. I think they did right back when the kid got caught for the graffiti in Singapore. We can chalk that up to more of our differences.

No, this is a game changer, Rev.
My entire image of you has changed with this.
I was a professional boxer, and if some teacher ever touched my child with a paddle or anything else,
I would have beaten him [or even her] beyond your ability to imagine it.
Floating face down in the Mystic River is completely on the table here.

You would not be allowed to teach in Boston.
If you weren't arrested, a parent would kill you.
I'm sorry, but
you don't get to have an opinion on violence against children.

As a matter of fact, I would put you on my ignore list if you weren't a moderator.
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You either believe that sane people do insane things or that people deserve to be punished for their mental illness.
I profoundly disrespect both of those concepts as being anti-intellectual and illogical

You are, essentially, a monster, Tink.
That's what right wing conservatives tend to be as viewed by my sincere value structure.

Your way obviously doesn't work does it?
Your way obviously doesn't work does it?

It hasn't been tried, at least not in America.

We're largely perverted by obsolete biblical concepts of guilt and innocence.

We believe that it's just to punish people for being criminally insane.

I believe in gently and humanely euthanizing the unrehabilitable, not punishing them.
You either believe that sane people do insane things or that people deserve to be punished for their mental illness.
I profoundly disrespect both of those concepts as being anti-intellectual and illogical

You are, essentially, a monster, Tink.
That's what right wing conservatives tend to be as viewed by my sincere value structure.

Sane people can do insane things. "A Momentary Lapse of Reason". Stress, inebriation and physical pain are three reasons why people might "lose it" just for a few seconds.

Yes, Tink is a RWer, but I think she's more role playing than a cruel, sadistic incarnation of evil.
No, they should be a place of punishment.

They should be so bad that no crime would be worth going there.

No visitation, no commisary, no tv, just enough food to barely survive, extreme forced labor.

Trust me, if we were to do that then our prisons would be empty.

You're both ignorant and living in a fantasyland, Tink. Russia, China and other shithole countries have such prisons and they are still full.
You're both ignorant and living in a fantasyland, Tink. Russia, China and other shithole countries have such prisons and they are still full.

They are Disneylands compared to what I would do.

A prison should be a place of survival.

You would be lucky to make it out alive.
Prisons right now are like Disneyland.

How do you know I haven't been there before?

I don't. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me.

I simply suspect that you'll be there again.

Disneyland is in California, of course.

I imagine Disney World in Florida is the place from which to stay away.
No, this is a game changer, Rev.
My entire image of you has changed with this.
I was a professional boxer, and if some teacher ever touched my child with a paddle or anything else,
I would have beaten him [or even her] beyond your ability to imagine it.
Floating face down in the Mystic River is completely on the table here.

You would not be allowed to teach in Boston.
If you weren't arrested, a parent would kill you.
I'm sorry, but
you don't get to have an opinion on violence against children.

As a matter of fact, I would put you on my ignore list if you weren't a moderator.

Sorry to taint your image of me, Mr. Niblick. I figured most people knew that most people where I am from (among other places in the US) spank their children.

As a teacher, parents opt out of corporal punishment for their child at the beginning of the school year. No child is spanked without the parents being notified. I haven’t had to spank a child at school in almost two years, and that wasn’t for a situation in my class. Our superintendent at the time was not a … well, let’s just say he wasn’t a guy who spanked high school students. He asked me to carry out the punishment for this kid for vaping because the principle wasn’t there. I called the kid’s dad (who was a former student of mine) and told him what the kid had done and the consequence decided on by the Superintendent was three swats. He said, “Make them good ones.” This kid was back in class immediately and missed no instruction. By contrast, the other kid involved was on the “no paddle” list. He was suspended for 2 weeks and miss instruction for those 10 days.

I get that corporal punishment stems from “perverted obsolete biblical concepts,” but it is in no way “child abuse.” I will argue this until my dying day. It has been abused, yes indeed. But when done correctly it’s not abuse.

I have seen real child abuse. I have had to report real child abuse to the proper authorities. I have had to escort DHS agents to homes where real child abuse had taken place. I have had to testify and give depositions in real child abuse cases. I have made enemies of parents who were guilty of real child abuse. Made enemies because actions I took to protect their children from them.

So when someone wants to call properly administered corporal punishment “child abuse” I’m pretty numb to it. My wife and I talked about this before our son was born and decided to use corporal punishment. I spanked my son three times, the last time when he was 12 for saying “shit.” I have spanked very few students in 35 years of teaching. None were harmed and many have returned to thank me for caring. I couldn’t tell you the times that I’ve run in to former students at a restaurant, a few of whom I’ve paddled, say our pleasantries, the wife and I go eat our meal and get ready to pay only to find that that former student has already paid for it. That’s real life for me.