Latest from the Snowflake files...

Hey, maybe we can arrange that for them! Let them work as housekeeping/laundry staff in facilities rampant with COVID, without those freedom-stealing masks, of course. Or find a nice little war somewhere, dress them up as mini-Trumps and drop them off.

You know, Deplorables used to giggle about how Obama voters treating him supposedly like a messiah. But I cannot remember Obama voters saying they would die for him and crawl across broken glass to demonstrate their loyalty and subservience. Trump voters have literally said those things.
I just can not understand how people can be so fanatic, as to cry when they lose an election, it just makes not sense.

I don't know if crying is the proper term, but I can remember the night we learned Trump was going to be our president for the next 4 years.

I was working out of town in Phoenix, and by the time I returned to my hotel on election night, they were announcing Donald Trump president.

That shock hit me like a ton of bricks, as I knew that the next 4 years were going to be devastating for our country. I didn't cry, but I was so damn disappointed, I didn't want to talk to anyone- I didn't want to see anyone- I just wanted to go home. I was so mad, I called my boss, and told him I was going home, and caught the next flight out back to Dallas. I officially retired the next day! Well I was already past retirement age and I didn't need the income or the hassle anymore.

But I was the first one to say, OK, so maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I should give DOnald Trump a chance. AND THEN I WATCHED THE INAUGURATION. It was the worst inauguration speech I ever saw. I found it pathetic. And then Donald Trump started all of this crap about inauguration crowd size, and then the chain of stupid and hateful tweets, and then the non-ending of Trump's hateful executive Orders, and he lost me forever. I KNEW THEN THAT WE HAD A MONSTER PRESIDENT ON THE LOOSE! And it has been hell to pay ever since with him- NON STOP 24 hours a day- 8 days a week of DONALD TRUMP CLOWN CIRCUS AND EXPERIMENT IN TERROR FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS!

But now, since November 3rd.......

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I don't know if crying is the proper term, but I can remember the night we learned Trump was going to be our president for the next 4 years.

I was working out of town in Phoenix, and by the time I returned to my hotel on election night, they were announcing Donald Trump president.

That shock hit me like a ton of bricks, as I knew that the next 4 years were going to be devastating for our country. I didn't cry, but I was so damn disappointed, I didn't want to talk to anyone- I didn't want to see anyone- I just wanted to go home. I was so mad, I called my boss, and told him I was going home, and caught the next flight out back to Dallas. I officially retired the next day! Well I was already past retirement age and I didn't need the income or the hassle anymore.

But I was the first one to say, OK, so maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I should give DOnald Trump a chance. AND THEN I WATCHED THE INAUGURATION. It was the worst inauguration speech I ever saw. I found it pathetic. And then Donald Trump started all of this crap about inauguration crowd size, and then the chain of stupid and hateful tweets, and then the non-ending of Trump's hateful executive Orders, and he lost me forever. I KNEW THEN THAT WE HAD A MONSTER PRESIDENT ON THE LOOSE! And it has been hell to pay ever since with him- NON STOP 24 hours a day- 8 days a week of DONALD TRUMP CLOWN CIRCUS AND EXPERIMENT IN TERROR FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS!

But now, since November 3rd.......


I too remember the day after the election in 2016, and I heard it on the radio on my way to work, and I was totally shocked.
I too remember the day after the election in 2016, and I heard it on the radio on my way to work, and I was totally shocked.

Like I said before, I didn't exactly look at the 2016 presidential race from a political perspective, as I had always done before with previous political races. IT CAME DOWN TO A MATTER OF HUMAN DIGNITY FOR ME. It was a choice for Good Vs. Evil for me. As DOnald Trump was someone who I had read about for many years, and everything I ever read about him, I found to be repulsive, Offensive, and embarrassing for my own political party, as Donald Trump claimed to be a Democrat as far back as I remember. I was ashamed for this person, and embarrassed for him. He was the perfect example of what my parents taught me NOT TO BE in life.
Like I said before, I didn't exactly look at the 2016 presidential race from a political perspective, as I had always done before with previous political races. IT CAME DOWN TO A MATTER OF HUMAN DIGNITY FOR ME. It was a choice for Good Vs. Evil for me. As DOnald Trump was someone who I had read about for many years, and everything I ever read about him, I found to be repulsive, Offensive, and embarrassing for my own political party, as Donald Trump claimed to be a Democrat as far back as I remember. I was ashamed for this person, and embarrassed for him. He was the perfect example of what my parents taught me NOT TO BE in life.

I was shocked that after it was revealed that Trump had stiffed building contractors and his Trump University scam came to light that so many people still voted for him.
I was shocked that after it was revealed that Trump had stiffed building contractors and his Trump University scam came to light that so many people still voted for him.

Donald Trumps hateful ways attracted his fan base! They voted for him because he became the voice and face of their hatred towards others.
You know, Deplorables used to giggle about how Obama voters treating him supposedly like a messiah. But I cannot remember Obama voters saying they would die for him and crawl across broken glass to demonstrate their loyalty and subservience. Trump voters have literally said those things.

So he says he is.......... Let him prove it, then I will believe him...... :nodyes:

Anyway I bet there are some willing to do so, or die for his network, or his twitter account, his old golfing socks:rolleyes:
none of you fucks would proclaim that because you have no courage or're all a bunch of cowards who need mercenaries to fight for you.

what are you talking about, boy? you mean like trump and his bone spurs? or trump and his sons never being in the service? or almost all the repubs who voted to invade iraq on lies who never served? you sound like you are a pretty big chickenshit, too, come to think of it, bitch.
what are you talking about, boy? you mean like trump and his bone spurs? or trump and his sons never being in the service? or almost all the repubs who voted to invade iraq on lies who never served? you sound like you are a pretty big chickenshit, too, come to think of it, bitch.


none of you fucks would proclaim that because you have no courage or're all a bunch of cowards who need mercenaries to fight for you.

You are the kind of coward that thinks he has to own a bunch of guns to be a man!

Your guns and your love for them are more important to you than your wives, children, and grand chldren- who more than likely are now scared of you and are estranged of you!

You are the kind of coward that thinks he has to own a bunch of guns to be a man!

Your guns and your love for them are more important to you than your wives, children, and grand chldren- who more than likely are now scared of you and are estranged of you!


I'm 54 years old, squirt, so i'm too old to be out gangbanging and bullying the homeless like you want to do.
Many distraught Trump supporters were crying - men and women

Trump voters in Pennsylvania face distress and disbelief: ‘I don’t ever remember feeling so devastated’

LATROBE, Pa. — For the last five years, Leslie Rossi’s red, white, and blue-drenched Trump House, with a 14-foot metal cutout of the president looming over the front lawn, has been more than a roadside attraction.

It’s been a hub of grassroots support for President Donald Trump, with Rossi registering voters and distributing campaign merchandise. It’s been a place of community for conservatives in this rural area east of Pittsburgh, with wedding parties stopping by and long-lost friends reconnecting after chance encounters.

And on Saturday, when Joe Biden became president-elect with a win in Pennsylvania, it was a place for mourners to gather and skeptics to compare notes on what they saw as a fraudulent election.

By Saturday evening, the Trump House visitor book had six pages of fresh entries from Saturday. Many who came by were crying, Rossi said.

“Men, too. Not just women,” said Rossi, 50, who was a delegate to the Republican National Convention. “Obviously, we’re seeing a lot of people that are distraught, that are in disbelief.”
I own 6, but three are antiques that I wouldn't trust to shoot. just family heirlooms from WW2.

OK, so you are not a gun horder!

My apologies! Every gun responsible and law abiding man needs a shotgun, a high powered rifle and a pistol! And WWI and II guns and Old West guns are fun to collect.

And thanks for your honesty.

I am not worried about you now.
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"I would die for Trump": Tearful Caller Tells Rush Limbaugh, He’s "Given More to This Country Than Anybody"

A caller to Rush Limbaugh’s radio program broke down on Friday as he told the conservative radio king he was prepared to “die” for President Donald Trump.

The caller began by saying he would “try to hold myself together and not get emotional” before choking up and spilling his guts about how upset he was about the Republican Georgia secretary of state admitting that President-elect Joe Biden had won his state.