Left Turns to Violence as it Refuses to Honor the Will of the Voters in France

Notice how anyone NOT a Marxist s "hard right" to the Marxist media... must like here in the US. There is never the "radical left" in Leftgoofyspeak.

And, of course, the RADICAL LEFT resorts to violence when they lose elections, as always....also just like here in the US.

French police clashed with protesters in Rennes and Paris on Saturday as tens of thousands of people took to the streets in marches against the hard-Right.

Police in Rennes deployed tear gas against black-clad protesters who appeared to throw projectiles towards their lines.

Paris authorities reported “numerous attempts at damage”, with at least one person being arrested.

Riot officers in the French capital reportedly used tear gas against demonstrators who tried to vandalise a bus stop.

Tens of thousands of Left-wing marchers took to the streets to protest against the hard-Right, who are on course to win snap elections later this month.

In Paris, demonstrators set off from the Place de La Republique, in the east of the city before marching on to the Bastille square.

When they get around to storming and occupying the Palais Bourbon get back to us
And here we go with the standard Marxist/leftist response to election losses....throughout history:
