Leftists indoctrination


That is why we are seeing what we are now with the "woke" bullshit, because they planted that seed.

The rise of BLM and Antifa are all a result of that, the attacks on conservatives and Christians nowadays, calling for the deaths of politicians...it's all because this is how the children were taught to think by the left.

And it's only going to get worse since they now control the education system.

That is why we are seeing what we are now with the "woke" bullshit, because they planted that seed.

The rise of BLM and Antifa are all a result of that, the attacks on conservatives and Christians nowadays, calling for the deaths of politicians...it's all because this is how the children were taught to think by the left.

And it's only going to get worse since they now control the education system.

The left believes in literacy and access to information.

To the corporate oligarchs who control the semi-literate conservative rank and file,
their privileged existence is dependent on impeding this to whatever extent possible.

Anti-intellectualism, perhaps even more than racism and xenophobia, is the damning deficiency of the conservative faction.
When we get down to the gist of it, Joe Sixpack is usually a complete asshole.
The left believes in literacy and access to information.

No, they don't. The Left could care less if the average child in public school is an illiterate so long as they are properly indoctrinated and 'think' politically correctly.

To the corporate oligarchs who control the semi-literate conservative rank and file,
their privileged existence is dependent on impeding this to whatever extent possible.

This is utter nonsense. Corporations need skilled workers. They want literate and intelligent people. This isn't the 18th Century where factories could be operated by trained monkeys.

Anti-intellectualism, perhaps even more than racism and xenophobia, is the damning deficiency of the conservative faction.
When we get down to the gist of it, Joe Sixpack is usually a complete asshole.

That would be the Left. The Left is as anti-intellectual as it gets. They prefer pseudointellectuals seeped in the Left's politics, not free thinkers or the inventive. That type represents a grave danger to the Left's authoritarian, rigid, political dogma.
The left believes in literacy and access to information.
more like indoctrination .

the left works hard to make sure young kids can have access to mature or sensitive information while trying to prevent adults from viewing podcasts or argue on twitter

the fascist party - used to be the slavery party
No, they don't. The Left could care less if the average child in public school is an illiterate so long as they are properly indoctrinated and 'think' politically correctly.

This is utter nonsense. Corporations need skilled workers. They want literate and intelligent people. This isn't the 18th Century where factories could be operated by trained monkeys.

That would be the Left. The Left is as anti-intellectual as it gets. They prefer pseudointellectuals seeped in the Left's politics, not free thinkers or the inventive. That type represents a grave danger to the Left's authoritarian, rigid, political dogma.

I view you as an intellectual Neanderthal, TAG, so I find it difficult to afford a lot of credibility to your views.
Nonetheless, I recognize your prerogative to express such curious opinions.
Since I'm not currently employing an ignore list, I can even see them.
I view you as an intellectual Neanderthal, TAG, so I find it difficult to afford a lot of credibility to your views.
Nonetheless, I recognize your prerogative to express such curious opinions.
Since I'm not currently employing an ignore list, I can even see them.

I view you as a shit stain that drags your smelly shitty ass all over these forums leaving a trail of stink in your wake

you are basically the skid mark on these forums - and that should be your username
I view you as an intellectual Neanderthal, TAG, so I find it difficult to afford a lot of credibility to your views.
Nonetheless, I recognize your prerogative to express such curious opinions.
Since I'm not currently employing an ignore list, I can even see them.

It would take me writing a lengthy paper to absolutely demolish your views. Social Justice schools--and there are lots of them in blue states-- teach radical Leftist politics, and revolution, not core competencies. They want students to have the correct "thoughts" not necessarily be literate in math, science, or language, and sufficiently radicalized they will willingly participate in violent revolutionary activities.

It would take me writing a lengthy paper to absolutely demolish your views. Social Justice schools--and there are lots of them in blue states-- teach radical Leftist politics, and revolution, not core competencies. They want students to have the correct "thoughts" not necessarily be literate in math, science, or language, and sufficiently radicalized they will willingly participate in violent revolutionary activities.


The big thing they are doing is teaching kids how to not cognitively think for themselves. They are indoctrinating them into believing the state knows what's best for them.

They are telling whites that they are responsible for everything bad in society, they are telling minorities they cannot succeed without the state, they are telling girls they are victims.
It could only be a surprise to leftists that democrats control education.


But why do they need to control education? Their god, lenin has the answer

"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."

They have had decades. The left is the single biggest threat to America

Controlling education is but only one way the LEFT uses Marxism as their #1 American destroying action. Weaponizing the entire government
into a two-tiered authoritarian state by having power over the people is their attempt to control the average American. Methinks next
week's congressional meeting with Hunter's good friend and close business partner Devon Archer, the criminal wheels to the biden crime
family with the pay to play and bribery, making millions off our adversaries will finally begin to crumble. None of these treasonous crimes
by the biden crime syndicate would have ever gotten to this point had the Republicans gotten control of congress.
They want students to have the correct "thoughts" not necessarily be literate in math, science, or language, and sufficiently radicalized they will willingly participate in violent revolutionary activities.

I wonder how the hell I got into college and graduated with such inadequate preparation.
You graduated HS in what, 1966? You didn't need a computer to count correct change!

I graduated from high school in 1964, from college in 1968, and I counted correct change selling pizza as a teenager--with no computer.

The government was so impressed with my skills that they gave me an M-16.
I graduated from high school in 1964, from college in 1968, and I counted correct change selling pizza as a teenager--with no computer.

The government was so impressed with my skills that they gave me an M-16.

I stand corrected on the HS graduation. I could count change in 1978 without a calculator or computer.
Took a few classes it a Community College (algebra was generally useless) to learn Trig and Geometric Dimensioning

The government was so impressed with mine (plus $179), they gave me an M1, with which I qualified a Distinguished Expert.