Legacy of shame

From it's corrupt inception, the Democratic Party has resolutely defended racism and bigotry.
At the constitutional convention, Southern delegates demanded - and got - the institutionalization of slavery.
The precursor of the modern-day Democratic Party, the oddly-named Democratic-Republican Party, was one of the two major American political parties in the early history of the United States.
Founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, it lasted from 1792 to 1824.
The early Party of Racism morphed into today's Jackass Party under the 'leadership" of uber-racist Andrew Jackson, who as the only President ever to commit murder, savagely repressed Native Americans and started the odious practice of political cronyism by introducing the reprehensible policy of "patronage".
Democrats finally started the Civil War rather than acknowledge the evil of slavery and racism.
The Republican Party was formed in the 1850's for the purpose of abolishing slavery. Barely thirteen years later, it was a Republican president and Congress that freed the slaves.
Astute students of history may recall that President Lincoln was assassinated by the nineteenth-century equivalent of today's typical Hollyweird Leftist. An actor, incensed by the slaveowner Party's defeat in the Civil War, fired a bullet into the back of Lincoln's head while the President's back was turned.
Despite the Jackass Party's cowardly attempt to perpetuate their legacy of racism and hatred by murdering the man who freed the slaves, the Republicans presed on and passed three constitutional amendments that ended slavery, extended citizenship to freed slaves, and guaranteed the voting rights of African Americans. Frederick Douglass and the first twelve blacks to serve as U.S. congressman were Republicans. Congressional white Republicans were the architects of Reconstruction, a ten-year period of unprecedented political power for black people.
In the 1870's, Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan, the world's most notorious racist terror organization. The old Jackass standbys of vote fraud, violence, and intimidation helped the racist 'Crats regain control of many state legislatures, who swiftly reverted to type by disenfranchisng African Americans.
But then, the notoriously corrupt Democratic Tammany Hall machine (patronage, election fraud, and the old Democrat standby of physical violence at election time were the sources of Tammany strength) allowed the racist Party of the Jackass to regain control of the Congress and the White House. They promptly repealed what little of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment Enforcement Acts remained after two decades of Dem-controlled Jim Crow legislation in the former slave states. As a result, African American civil rights remained a dream.
Democrats continued to filibuster civil rights for another 70 years.
In the twenty-six major civil rights votes between 1933 and 1964, the majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation - in over 80 percent of the votes.
Republicans continued to favor civil rights - in over 96 percent of the votes.
The landmark Civil Rights Bill of 1964 (that today's lying Dems like to take credit for) was passed with overwhelming Republican support, despite the obstruction of the leading Democrats of the day.
In the House, 96 Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Bill of 1964. In the Senate, 82% of the Republicans voted for the Act.
The fact is that the Civil Rights Act was opposed by Al Gore Sr., William Fulbright, (BJ Clinton's political mentor), and KKKleagle Robert Byrd, who still serves in the Senate. In a political career that has spanned eight decades, Senator Robert Byrd has held every major leadership position in the U.S. Congress, from Senate majority leader to chairman of the powerful appropriations committee. He filibustered passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and voted against confirming Thurgood Marshall as the first black justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Ancient history? Liberal Democrats like Teddy Kennedy still revere Byrd as the elder statesman of their corrupt, racist party.
So much for Democrat's lying claims that their institutional racism is a dim, distant memory.
The Top Ten exhibits in the Dems' Hall of Shame
1. The Thirteenth Amendment which abolished slavery was opposed by Democrats

2. The Civil Rights Act of 1866, which gave African Americans citizenship and protected freedmen from Black Codes and other repressive legislation of the Jim Crow 'Crats, was opposed by Democrats.

3. The First Reconstruction Act of 1867 which provided poltical and judicial protection for African Americans in the former Confederate (Democratic-controlled) states was opposed by Democrats.

4. The Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 which made all persons born in the United States citizens was opposed by Democrats. Part of the Amendment states "No State shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; or deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

5. The Fifteenth Amendment of 1870 gave the right to vote to every citizen, and was opposed by Democrats.

6. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 attempted to stop Klan terrorists from terrorizing black voters, who were mainly Republicans, white teachers who taught blacks, and Abolitionists. It was opposed by Democrats.

7. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 sought to protect all citizens in their civil and legal rights and to prohibit racial discrimination in places of public accommodation. It was opposed by Democrats.

8. The Freedmen Bureau's social programs were established by Republicans to feed, protect, and educate former slaves. The Bureau was harrassed and repressed by Democrats.

9. The 1957 Civil Rights Act and the 1960 Civil Rights Act were signed into law by Republican President Eisenhower who also established the U.S. Civil Rights Commission in 1958, a commission that has been rejected by Democrat Harry Truman during his administration.

10. The 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed as a result of intense lobbying by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen, over the vocal opposition of most Democrats.

Sure hope you brought your flak jacket...the Demon/socialist in here are going to start by calling you a 'Liar' and calling this 'BS!' Keep posting facts though...it really gets them up in arms...:cof1:
Facts are stubborn things

I come by my screen name honestly.

Is the Hildebeast's anti-Obama campaign an extension of the historical racism of the Jackass Party, or just unabated lust for power?
40 year Statute of Limitaions on Democrat racism?

The Democratic Party is the architect of modern day racism, as exemplified by the following facts:

--Sen. Sam Ervin (D., N.C.), Chairman, Committee on Government Operations, 1971-75
"The decline and fall of the Roman empire came after years of intermarriage with other races. Spain was toppled as a world power as a result of the amalgamation of the races. Certainly history shows that nations composed of a mongrel race lose their strength and become weak, lazy and indifferent."

--Herman E. Talmadge, Democratic Senator from Georgia, 1957-81
Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, 1971-81
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again."

--Jimmy Carter, 1976
President, 1977-81
Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, 2002
"The Confederate Memorial has had a special place in my life for many years. There were many, many times that I found myself drawn to this deeply inspiring memorial, to contemplate the sacrifices of others, several of whom were my ancestors, whose enormous suffering and collective gallantry are to this day still misunderstood by most Americans."

--James Webb, 1990
Now a Democratic Senator from Virginia
"Everybody likes to go to Geneva. I used to do it for the Law of the Sea conferences and you'd find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they'd just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva."

--Sen. Ernest F. Hollings (D., S.C.) 1993
Chairman, Commerce Committee, 1987-95 and 2001-03
Candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, 1984
"I do not think it is an exaggeration at all to say to my friend from West Virginia [Sen. Robert C. Byrd, a former Ku Klux Klan recruiter] that he would have been a great senator at any moment. . . . He would have been right during the great conflict of civil war in this nation."

--Sen. Christopher Dodd (D., Conn.), 2004
Chairman, Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
Candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, 2008
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African American [Barack Obama] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy. There's less than 1% of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than 4% or 5% that is, are minorities. What is it in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with."
Sen. Joseph Biden Jr., (D., Del.), 2006-07
Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, 1987-95
Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations
Candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, 2008

Just outside the farcial, imagined "40 year rule": Democratic Attorney General Robert Kennedy approved wire taps on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Democratic President Lyndon Johnson that referred to Dr. King as " that n***** preacher."
Senator "Kleagle" Byrd D-WV) referred to Dr. King as a "trouble maker" and "coward".

It's been over 40 years since Hitler's death. Does that mean anti-Semitism and those who promoted it should be forgotten?
Today, Democrats, in pursuit of their socialist agenda, are fighting to keep blacks poor, angry and voting for Democrats.

Examples of how egregiously Democrats act to keep blacks in poverty are numerous, and surprisingly easy to discover.

After wrongly convincing black Americans that a minimum wage increase was a good thing, the Democrats killed the minimum wage bill passed by House Republicans. The blockage of the minimum wage bill was the second time in as many years that Democrats stuck a legislative finger in the eye of black Americans.

On April 1, 2004, Senate Democrats blocked passage of a bill to renew the 1996 welfare reform law that was backed by Republicans and vetoed twice by impeached ex-President BJ Clinton, the disgraced, convicted plagiarist who once gloried in the patronizing, paternalist racist epithet of "first black President".

Democrats continue to oppose school choice opportunity scholarships that would help black children get out of failing schools controlled by fat cat union bosses - who incidentally are big dollar Dem donors.

Thanks to vote-rigging and corruption, Democrats have been running the majority of our inner cities for the past century, and have accomplished no measurable improvement in the lives of those they condemn to live there.

Over $7 trillion dollars were spent on poverty programs since Democrat President Lyndon Johnson's inaptly-named 'War on Poverty' kicked off, with little, if any, impact on those black Americans who live in a vicious cycle of penury because of the failed socialist policies of the 'Crats.

Indeed, in every election cycle, incumbent Democrats blame “rich” Republicans for the deplorable living conditions in the inner city, then visit black churches to court blacks for their votes. Somehow the subject of unfulfilled promises never seesm to come up...

In order to free black Americans from the Democrat Party's plantation, you only need to shed the light of their own history on the 'Crats, as they scurry like roaches in a vain attempt to escape their heritage of hatred.

The Democrat Party's core policies of socialism and dependency on government handouts have perpetuated the pathway to poverty for millions, while Republican ideas like personal responsibility, improved educational opportunities for all, and reduced government regulation of small businesses offer all Americans a way to prosperity.

Hildebeast Rotten Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) current shameful efforts to deny Senator Barack Obama (D-Il.) the party’s nomination are the icing on the racist cake that is the Jackass Party, the party of racism.
Most all whites used to be against blacks and integration equal rights, etc.

Plenty of shame to go around on this issue , and still is an issue of shame shared by both parties..

The Emancipation proclamation only freed slaves in confederate states, not in union states.
Can you cite a source for your assertion?

"Most all whites used to be against blacks and integration equal rights, etc."

Got any statistical evidence for this vile canard?

Didn't think so.
Hmm ask a question and answer it your self. You related to BB ?

History is my statistical evidence including much of your opening post in this thread.

Lincoln was personally against slavery but bowed down to the business interests of slavery as most Rebutlickens do, and more an more Demoncrats do as well.
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The truth is...

The Republican stand on civil rights is a matter of public record.

After they lost the Civil War - which they started in an attempt to continue to enslave black Americans, the Democratic Party legislated Jim Crow laws, Black Codes and a multitude of other racist attempts to deny African-Americans their rights.

The Party of the Jackass opposed Civil Rights, integration, and even authorized a wiretap on Dr. Martin Luther King.

The Republican Party was formed in 1854 to abolish slavery and challenge the racist outrages perpetrated by the Democratic Party.

In addition to the Emancipation Proclamation, Republicans authored and pushed for the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.

What have Democrats ever done to establish equality?
LOL, You need to understand what you read a bit better.
And the civil war was not started over slavery.
That is a fact Jack.
"History is my statistical evidence"....

Unfortunately, vague, bald assertions (a la Dr. Goebbels) do not constitute evidence for your patently insupportable claims.

Far from being "a fact, Jack", your attempts to cloud the issue are at odds with the historical record, but I suspect that you already knew that.

Abraham Lincoln said - publicly:

"Republicans inculcate, with whatever ability they can, that the Negro is a man, that his bondage is cruelly wrong, and that the field of his oppression ought not to be enlarged. The Democrats deny his manhood; deny, or dwarf to insignificance the wrong of his bondage; so far as possible, crush all sympathy for him, and cultivate and excite hatred and disgust against him; compliment themselves as Union-savers for doing so; and call the indefinite spreading of his bondage a sacred right of self-government."

Can you produce some empirical evidence for your Democrat apologia?
And when did Lincold state that in relation to the civil war ?
As I stated Lincoln was personally against the civil war but he did not take any official stances on it until it became useful in the war effort.

I did an A grade research paper on the civil war many years ago. Perhaps you should do the same.
LOL. I have nothing to prove to you.
Read on it yourself an learn. Learning is very helpful in life.

I would think that your id on here shows a bit of how much you have to learn.

Everything is disputable.
And when did Lincold state that in relation to the civil war ?
As I stated Lincoln was personally against the civil war but he did not take any official stances on it until it became useful in the war effort.

I did an A grade research paper on the civil war many years ago. Perhaps you should do the same.

You think because some liberal asshole gave you an A for confirming what his own biased beliefs were, your view of history is the correct one....you're a joke...