Legacy of shame

So you are of the opinion that black people are too stupid to vote their own best interest good luck?
Punishment? Was someone convicted of a crime? Was anyone sentenced? Fined?

I suppose you forgot to mention the dissenting opinion.

In 2000 we had alleged fraud in Florida, and then in 2004 there was alleged fraud in Ohio. Claims that were unsubstantiated.

In 2006 the Democrats regained control of both chambers of Congress.

None of them said there was any voter fraud (or complained about the Diebold machines that tallied their winning votes).

Do Democrats assume that if they fail to win there had to be fraud?

It was settled with a consent decree which bound the RNC from ever using the tactics again.
Desenting opinion? it was a fucking court case.

The felons list is not in dispute.The facts are perfectly clear.
2004 election resulted in rigged recounts for which people are in jail. Bob Ney the fricking then gov of Ohio is also in jail.

Americans stood in line in nov. for 11 hours just to vote. This happened predominiently in democratic precients. There were machines which just sat in the warehouse while people stood for 11 hours in the rain. The entire system was run by republican politicians in Ohio in 2004.

About congress never saying anything? You must really not pay any attention to congress. They are voting on paper trail voting for the entire country tomarrow in the house.

Conyers held investigations into the voting and he had to do it in a unused basement room because the Republicans refused to even give him a room to do it in.

You are so blind to the truth that you may never see.

Open your eyes you are being used fella.
A black woman speaks:

"I remember the bombing of that Sunday School at 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham in 1963. I did not see it happen, but I heard it happen, and I felt it happen, just a few blocks away at my father's church. It is a sound that I will never forget, that will forever reverberate in my ears. That bomb took the lives of four young girls, including my friend and playmate, Denise McNair. The crime was calculated to suck the hope out of young lives, bury their aspirations. But those fears were not propelled forward, those terrorists failed. Those terrible events burned into my consciousness. I missed many days at my segregated school because of the frequent bomb threats."

Those reprehensible events were condoned and sanctioned by Democrats - men who remained Democrats even after Everett Dirksen and Hubert Humphrey courageously put aside their partisan disfferences and overcame the racist Democrats like Al Gore Sr. and "Kleagle" Byrd, the man Ted Kennedy praised as the "conscience of the Senate".

By the way, the black woman whose searing memories are recorded above is named Condoleeza Rice, PhD.
have you not been following the thread?

That was fifty years ago.

When the democratic party accepted civil rights as part of its platform those assholes in the south joined the republican party.

Now how does this erase the wrong the republican party is doing in recent history?
Let's review

In 1863 Abraham Lincoln emancipated the slaves

In 1866 the first Civil Rights Act was passed by Republicans, blacks were granted citizenship, segregation was forbidden

In 1868 Republicans shepherded the 14th Amendment through the ratification process granting equal protection to all Americans

In 1871 Republicans fought for voting rights for the freed slaves

Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to invite an African-American to share dinner with the Chief Executive in the White House.

In the 1920s, the Democratic platforms didn't call for anti-lynching legislation. The Republican platforms did. In fact, the Democrats courted the Klan.

The 1957 Civil Rights Act, pushed by Ike, passed Sen John Kennedy voted against it. Strom Thurmond - then a Democrat - filibustered it for 24 hrs. Senator Lydnon Johnson watered it down so that it lacked enforcement powers.

Eisenhower sent Federal troops to Little Rock - home of BJ Clinton's political mentor - to integrate Central High.

1960 saw another Civil Rights Act, again Democrats amended enforcement measures out of it.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act were passed over Democrat opposition. Over eighty percent of Republicans voted for both.

Nixon created the EEOC and expanded civil rights law

Ronald Reagan signed the bill making MLK day a public holiday

Today, the three highest ranking black government officials to date were all Republicans (Powell, Rice and Thomas), and Hildebeast Clinton will do anything to stop a black man form being our fisrt African American president.
Dems try to hide their racism

Recommended reading: A Short History of Reconstruction by Dr. Eric Foner and Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party's Buried Past by Bruce Bartlett.

The chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd. All remained Democrats, as did George Wallace, Lester Maddox, and others. Senator Thurmond beacme a Republican later. He was never in the Ku Klux Klan and, after he became a Republican, voted to outlaw lynching and the discriminatory poll taxes imposed on blacks by Democrats.

Contrary to false assertions by Democrats today, the racist "Dixiecrats" did not all migrate to the Republican Party. With the party slogan: "Segregation Forever!," the Dixiecrats, who were Democrats, formed the States Rights Democratic Party for the presidential election of 1948. The Dixiecrats remained Democrats for all local elections and all subsequent national elections.

Today, some of those Dixiecrats continue their political careers as Democrats, including former Democrat Senator Ernest Hollings who put the Confederate flag over the state capitol when he was governor of South Carolina.

Another former "Dixiecrat" is Democrat Senator Robert Byrd who was a "Keagle" in the Ku Klux Klan. There was no public outcry when Democrat Senator Christopher Dodd praised Senator Byrd as someone who would have been "a great senator for any moment".

In the arsenal of the Democrats is a condemnation of Republican President Richard Nixon for his so-called “Southern Strategy.” These same Democrats expressed no concern when the racially segregated South voted solidly for Democrats; yet unfairly deride Republicans because of the thirty-year odyssey of the South switching to the Republican Party that began in the 1970's. Nixon's "Southern Strategy was an effort on his part to get fair-minded people in the South to stop voting for Democrats who did not share their values and were discriminating against blacks.

Georgia did not switch until 2004, and some Southern states, including Louisiana, was controlled by Democrats until the post-Katrina election of Republican Bobby Jindal in 2007.

As part of their efforts to keep blacks toeing the Democratic Party line, Democrats falsely accuse Republicans of “disenfranchising“ blacks, citing the 2000 election, even though second recounts of the votes in Florida by the Miami Herald and a consortium of major news organizations confirmed that President George W. Bush won the election. Investigations by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission and the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division found that no blacks were denied the right to vote.

If even one black person had been denied the right to vote, that person’s name would have been blasted on the front page of every newspaper in the nation. As for the “felon purge list,” the Miami Herald found that whites were twice as likely to be incorrectly placed on the list as blacks.
Democrats used the tragedy caused by Hurricane Katrina for their own partisan political gain. While criticizing President Bush, Democrats turned a blind eye to the failures of the Democrats running the city of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana.

Democrat officials in New Orleans did not execute the emergency evacuation plan and allowed over 1,000 school buses and city transit buses to stay in parking lots and become ruined by the flood.

Further, the Posse Comitatus Act prevents a president from sending federal troops to a state without the governor’s consent. The Democrat governor of Louisiana refused to when the president asked for her consent to begin a mandatory evacuation four days before the storm.

Democrats in the Louisiana homeland security office also refused to let the Red Cross bring truckloads of food, water and supplies to the Superdome. Since 1980, Louisiana emergency personnel knew that the levees in New Orleans would not withstand a category 3 or 4 hurricane. Yet, Democrats in Congress filibustered President Bush’s energy bill which was introduced in 2001 and contained $540 million for repairing the levees in New Orleans.
Since 1980, Louisiana emergency personnel knew that the levees in New Orleans would not withstand a category 3 or 4 hurricane. Yet, Democrats in Congress filibustered President Bush’s energy bill which was introduced in 2001 and contained $540 million for repairing the levees in New Orleans.

Ummm what happened during all those years between 1980 and 2001 ?
Naaw silly me it was all because of the 2001 energy bill fillibuster.

what is levee repair doing in an energy bill anyway ?
Since 1980, Louisiana emergency personnel knew that the levees in New Orleans would not withstand a category 3 or 4 hurricane. Yet, Democrats in Congress filibustered President Bush’s energy bill which was introduced in 2001 and contained $540 million for repairing the levees in New Orleans.

Ummm what happened during all those years between 1980 and 2001 ?
Naaw silly me it was all because of the 2001 energy bill fillibuster.

what is levee repair doing in an energy bill anyway ?
Why would it be the Feds responsibility to fix the levees in an individual city? Don't they have a State Government?
Democrats used the tragedy caused by Hurricane Katrina for their own partisan political gain. While criticizing President Bush, Democrats turned a blind eye to the failures of the Democrats running the city of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana.

Democrat officials in New Orleans did not execute the emergency evacuation plan and allowed over 1,000 school buses and city transit buses to stay in parking lots and become ruined by the flood.

Further, the Posse Comitatus Act prevents a president from sending federal troops to a state without the governor’s consent. The Democrat governor of Louisiana refused to when the president asked for her consent to begin a mandatory evacuation four days before the storm.

Democrats in the Louisiana homeland security office also refused to let the Red Cross bring truckloads of food, water and supplies to the Superdome. Since 1980, Louisiana emergency personnel knew that the levees in New Orleans would not withstand a category 3 or 4 hurricane. Yet, Democrats in Congress filibustered President Bush’s energy bill which was introduced in 2001 and contained $540 million for repairing the levees in New Orleans.

Why dont you tell us why it is that black voters vote for Democrats at a rate of 90%?

If the democratic party is the party of racists why cant black people see this so called indisputable fact of yours?
I don't know why

Unlike some, I refuse to speculate and pass off my opinions and conjectures as fact.

I can state this: freeing the slaves and fighting for the civil rights of all Americans was - and is - the right thing to do.

Too bad the Jackass Party cannot claim to have accomplished anything like it.

Although the DNC does appear to feel they are entitled to the votes of those whose rights they trampled for so long...
You wont speculate because you know that the fact that 90% of black voters vote democratic in and of its self is proof who is the least prejudice party. They are fully intelligent Americans who know which party acts in their self interest.

All of your history diving means nothing to what is happening today. The entire political spectrum has shifted since then. You really do forget that Republican and Democrat are just names. If the republican party shifted there focus and actually performed in the best interests of all Americans I and I bet these black voters too would switch to the Republican party in a heartbeat. I would proudly proclaim myself a Republican. They have not and are not likely to anytime soon.

You are beating a dead horse. The facts on the ground have changed no matter how many hours you spend in the past.

Katrina was a failure all arround. The really telling thing was the republican reaction to people in a disastor because of the color of their skin was heartwrenching to me. Nearly every republican I talked to at the time screamed about how they were a bunch of looters and deserved to be abandoned by their country. When you are in a disastor and there is no one at the store to pay for the suipplies you need like clean water and new shoes or say food stuffs you dont just let your kid die of thirst or go barefoot in knee high filthy water, You take the shit. It was completely understandable behavior. I heard so many evil things said about the Katrina victims by and large by republicans that I truely thought that Obama had no chance of winning any election. I for the first time in a long time feel proud that this country is not as evil as things like Katrina had made me think. I understood perfectly what Mrs Obama meant with her comment on that.

Im a fifty year old white lady and I can see why black people dont vote republican. The sad thing is you pretend you have no idea why. Its because you know your prejudice would show if you said out loud why you think they do.
Sure you did....

"Nearly every republican I talked to at the time screamed about how they were a bunch of looters and deserved to be abandoned by their country", eh?

How convenient that you can produce no evidence of these alleged statements...and how typical.

Should I just take your word for it?
So you are of the opinion that black people are too stupid to vote their own best interest good luck?
No, I do not think blacks nor NAs are too stupid to vote their best interests. Quit being a typical democratic ass.

I think that the democratic party has designed their social assistance programs to make sure blacks and other minorities remain dependent on it, thereby making the continuance of those programs in the best interest of the minorities and other poor groups.

I also think if the democratic party TRULY wanted to help minorities, they'd redesign their programs so the recipients aren't encouraged to stay home to maximize their benefits. The programs would allow a degree of participation that would let recipients feel they'd earned some of it instead of being made to feel like they are forever dependent on the continued "compassion" of the democratic party. Pride is a significant factor in one's ability to raise themselves by their boot straps. Lack of pride, which is what is encouraged by democratic designed assistance programs, is likewise a big factor in one's sitting at home despondently with feelings of helplessness.

If the democratic party cared about the poor, the programs they design would reward initiative. They would reward those who choose to work a few extra hours, or get a temporary additional job rather than punish them with a disproportionate withdrawl of the assistance they have been force to grow dependent on. They would have internal programs encouraging participants to help each other by working for each other providing day care or cooking a meal while one works, and then the one does the home assistance while the other works. By setting up mutual assistance the government would save by not having to bring in and pay for third parties to provide those types of assistance, and simultaneously give the participant a measure of pride that they are doing something to not only help themselves, but also help each other.

But the democratic party will NOT do any of those things because they fear losing their voting base if the people they are "helping" actually start to make something of themselves and are no longer dependent on their social assistance traps.