Legacy of shame

Lincoln was personally against slavery but bowed down to the business interests of slavery as most Rebutlickens do, and more an more Demoncrats do as well.
Outright lie. I don't know where people get their misinformation. Do you make it up? Or do you use books written by other liars?

Lincoln was making anti-slavery speeches as a state legislator almost 30 years before the Civil War. He was a Whig member of the Illinois house of Representative for four terms.

In 1837 he made his first officially recorded protest against slavery in the Illinois House, stating that the institution was "founded on both injustice and bad policy." It can be found in the Illinois House records. Nice thing about making statements in such places - they become part of an official record that cannot be re-written to prove some bullshit claim later.

Being that is the first OFFICIALLY recorded statement against slavery, there is little doubt he was making similar private statements before his speech in the 1837 state legislature.

There are also two recorded debates he was involved with during his bid for reelection in 1838. In both those debates he made strong anti-slavery comments which were ridiculed by both Whigs and Democratic/Republican opposition. He lost his re-election bid, primarily due to his anti-slavery stance.
You just reaffirmed what I said that he was anti slavery.
Statements yes , actions as president no. Until it became expedient for the war effort.

I said this before, reading comprehension problems I guess.
Facts are stubborn things

There is a vast wealth of historical evidence for Abraham Lincoln's anti-slavery views prior to his election in 1860, prior to the outbreak of the Democrat's War to Perpetuate Slavery in 1861, and prior to the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863.

In August ,1862, the New York Tribune published an editorial by Horace Greeley urging Lincoln to proclaim emancipation. The President had already decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.

Perhaps an escaped slave said it best...

"The (miscalled) Democratic party ...clearly before us, all hesitation ought to cease, and every man who wishes well to the slave and to the country should at once rally with all the warmth and earnestness of his nature to the support of Abraham Lincoln".

Frederick Douglass

Lincoln possessed as much anti-slavery conviction as Douglass himself. "I have always hated slavery," said Lincoln in 1858, "as much as any Abolitionist." Douglass was convinced that Lincoln was the black man's genuine friend. The President twice invited Douglass to the White House for private consultations on racial policies and also invited him to tea at the his family's summer cottage. Douglass reported "a deeper moral conviction against slavery than I had ever seen before in anything spoken or written".

Like the deniers of the Holocaust, some would attempt to rewrite this history for their own political ends.

Unfortunately for the revisionists, the facts are there for all to see.
You just reaffirmed what I said that he was anti slavery.
Statements yes , actions as president no. Until it became expedient for the war effort.

I said this before, reading comprehension problems I guess.
You said "Lincoln was personally against slavery but bowed down to the business interests of slavery as most Rebutlickens do, and more an more Demoncrats do as well."

Since Lincoln delayed doing anything about slavery until after the war has started, that statement can easily be read to mean Lincoln was bowing to the pro-slavery business pressures until it was expedient to the war effort to outlaw slavery.

No reading comprehension problems there. Your claim is he did nothing because of business interests. That is a concept which is plain false, and from the way it was stated, comes from some kind of unreasoned antipathy for the Republican party.

I guess Lincoln could have issued an executive order freeing all slaves his first day in office. But what would that have done except make the Civil War happen sooner? The south was already making secession noises prior to his presidency. His focus was on preventing secession, not make matters worse by pushing through a mandate that would have only served to anger the South more, and prove, from their South's POV, that federalism was overstepping it bounds.

While secession was brought about by a number of factors, those factors included the issue of slavery. Simply pushing through a mandate on an issue which was included in every southern state's declaration for secession would not have been a good idea at a time when avoidance of secession was the desired outcome.

When the South seceded anyway, he was then free to act on the slavery issue since it was no longer a factor that could have an effect on the actions of the South. And he did so.

The idea that his proclamation was in any way expedient to the war effort is ludicrous. The south had already, by their standards, seceded. We all, I am sure, agree that secession was what the Civil War was about, right? The South wanted to secede, the North said they couldn't. Slavery was a sub issue in the cause of secession, but not the cause of the Civil War. Agreed?

So, anyway, the U.S. was in a civil war, the South had seceded, and was not about to pay any attention to mandates coming from a government they no longer acknowledged as their own. From a war effort stance, the Emancipation Proclamation had zero effect, nor was it expected to have an effect. Lincoln was no idiot. To assume he even thought for a second his proclamation would affect the war is plain silly.
"So, anyway, the U.S. was in a civil war, the South had seceded, and was not about to pay any attention to mandates coming from a government they no longer acknowledged as their own. From a war effort stance, the Emancipation Proclamation had zero effect, nor was it expected to have an effect. Lincoln was no idiot. To assume he even thought for a second his proclamation would affect the war is plain silly."

Umm It was expected to have an effect on those like you in the north that thought it was all about slavery. It generated pro war sentiment in many in the north.





So millions of people - including those who took part in the events of the era, plus most historians - have been wrong for over a century?

This startling revelation seems to be based on one Democrat's unwillingness to accept the fact that his party is the party of racism and slavery that caused the Civil War, created the KKK, and represses black Americans to this day.
And rebutlickens had nothing to do with it did they. No rascist rebutlikens at all. Strange how all the bush voters in my area are now talking about not voting for that "God Dammned nigger". Sorry but it is a quote And that "The niggers are sure celebrating in bucktown".

Believe what you want I know what I hear .
You know its funny but for years I have said the republican party used to be an honorable and decent party arroung 40 years ago.

You see the democratic and the republican party are not the smae partys they were 40 years ago. Pretty much all the people who headed it 40 years ago are dead. They have both evolved and changed.

They both have great and shameful elements to their history. Im not tied to the name of my party Im tied to what it now tries to accomplish. 100 years ago I very well may have been a republican. What now matters is what they stand for and try to accomplish now.

I think the republican party of the last 3 or 4 decades have been a near complete disastor for this country. Huge debt, huge outlays in military spending for the military industrial complex's benifit which a Republican warned us of. Government that does the bidding of corporations instead of the people work. Say what you want about the past Im buzy looking to change the future.

You seem to ignore the last forty years up to the present....why?

Those would be the forty years in which Democrats insisted that black people couldn't make it without government assistance, and kept offering countless programs for such assistance... while requiring and offering none for whites by race?

Those forty years? :lolup:
So all Dem racists are dead, eh?

Robert "Kleagle Byrd", Ted "Backstroke" Kennedy" et al are dead?

What bout Hildebeast, the latest Dem racehater?

I don't believe your reports of racist remarks by Republicans. "Hearsay" isn't admissible as testimony in court for a reason.

Robert "Kleagle Byrd", Ted "Backstroke" Kennedy" et al are dead?

What bout Hildebeast, the latest Dem racehater?

I don't believe your reports of racist remarks by Republicans. "Hearsay" isn't admissible as testimony in court for a reason.

I do believe you just>>>>>>>>>>>>>:1up: Desh and us cit!
Robert "Kleagle Byrd", Ted "Backstroke" Kennedy" et al are dead?

What bout Hildebeast, the latest Dem racehater?

I don't believe your reports of racist remarks by Republicans. "Hearsay" isn't admissible as testimony in court for a reason.

Tell me why it is that 90% of black people vote democratic if it is a racist party?
Your racism is showing

Firstly, can you produce any evidence that "90% of black people" vote...

I doubt that 90% of any ethnic group votes.

I even dount that 90% of men vote...or women.

I wouldn't have much trouble believing that 90% of dead people vote Democrat.

Is that why the Jackass Party opposes legislation requiring voters to show ID at the polls?
I must have missed the research in your URL reference that states that 90% of black Americans vote.

If you want to know why anyone votes for one party or another, I suppose you'll have to ask them individually.

But you already knew that, didn't you?
Oh you are going to pretend that I was saying something else instead of answering, gee how clever.

Here you go. Im sorry if I stated my question ineliquently. Please let me restructure the question to reflect what I was truely meaning to ask.

Why do you think 90% of black voters vote democratic?
I don't mean to be rude

As I said, I suppose you'll have to ask them individually. I cannot imagine why anyone votes Democratic if they have a choice.

Historically, it's a puzzle.