Legalize Marijuana to pay for the "Public Option".


Radical liberal
The democrats are looking for funding the Public option.It only make sence to legalize marijuana tax it and use those Taxes to pay for public health care.
We who are below the federal poverty level needs the Public Option.For many its a matter of life and death.
Omg this guy? I missed him. He's hilarious.

And yeah sure I'd make that trade, but neither of those things are going to happen in reality.
Holy Shit. Welcome Wanderingbear. Welcome. I hope you're healthy and well.

You still maintaining your website? What was it called again?
The democrats are looking for funding the Public option.It only make sence to legalize marijuana tax it and use those Taxes to pay for public health care.
We who are below the federal poverty level needs the Public Option.For many its a matter of life and death.

I love you wandering bear, I'm sending an internet spliff of sticky icky your way brother!!!:good4u:
Check out LEAP. Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. They're anyone involved with criminal justice who are for ending prohibition on drugs. Some people are more extreme than others and want all drugs legalized and they have good reason's and their own experiences too in the system.
The democrats are looking for funding the Public option.It only make sence to legalize marijuana tax it and use those Taxes to pay for public health care.
We who are below the federal poverty level needs the Public Option.For many its a matter of life and death.

LOL Another doper. There is very little tax revenue that would be gained by legalizing a weed that anyone with a windowsill and a pot of dirt can grow for free.
They could do that now. But still they buy from the dealer. Its not easy to grow marijuana.
They buy from a dealer because their mom's don't let them grow it in her house, and if they did so their exposure to arrest is greater. It's called weed because it grows like, well, a weed.
Just because your dad was and left, then you turned gay and went on TV claiming to the world you switched teams doesn't mean we all believe you.
My Dad isn't gay, was married to my mother for 58 years before she died. And I've been married to the same gal for 23 years now and still going strong.

You fail again, faggot.