Legislators aim to snuff out penalties for pot use

Many users of pot are in prison for using pot ?

or were they busted for the other stuff besides pot they also had ?

I am for legalization of pot just like alcohol. Same laws and rules.
Big taxes too.

700,000 arrested each year and imprissoned for minor use.
I'm glad you support legalization, educating your age group is the biggest obsticle along with the low IQ religious nuts.
Like I said what we really lack for pot is a finite number at which we can say you are legally intoxicated. .

A roadside sobriety test would prove you to be functionally sober but it lacks a number.
people rarely get pulled over for being on pot.
Under the influence they tend to drive slower looking for fast food.

reaction time is down and such. It is not very safe to drive while stoned.

With that said I admit to having done it in the past.

Of course I used to carry handgrenades in my pockets too.
First thing a Dem thinks of.


It doesn't matter though. You could have like 1000% taxes and legal pot would still be cheaper.

Right now the taxes are being paid to the dealers. They even call it that. Each one puts his own "tax" on the product before he hands it down the chain.

Drug reform opponents are in the pocket of Big Narcotics and just want to deny the American government the taxes!
didn't you drive slower??
seriously, prior to working for the Ghestapo I had probably partaken 1,000 times.
I'm betting I never got on an interstate or any road with a speed limit over 30.
Mostly runs for Dorrito's or Burgers.
Right now the taxes are being paid to the dealers. They even call it that. Each one puts his own "tax" on the product before he hands it down the chain.

Drug reform opponents are in the pocket of Big Narcotics and just want to deny the American government the taxes!

That's what I'll say in my speech to DNC Epi. Now how will you win over the RNC?

It's unfortunate that for every civil libertarian in the Democratic party there are two "public safety" Dems.
I think that smoking pot would make you less likely to hurt another person. We should just keep ex-cons lit up all the time, it's actually a good idea.

Less likely to intentionally hurt someone.... that I agree with. But if you are driving, your reflexses are much slower and may cause an accident.
That's what I'll say in my speech to DNC Epi. Now how will you win over the RNC?

It's unfortunate that for every civil libertarian in the Democratic party there are two "public safety" Dems.

Still constructing a faith-based argument for that.
Like I said what we really lack for pot is a finite number at which we can say you are legally intoxicated. .

A roadside sobriety test would prove you to be functionally sober but it lacks a number.

I'll answer you here rather than go back to the earlier posts dealing with detectability.

The problem with THC vs. alcohol is the amount of time each remains in your system. The generally intoxicating effects of alcohol can be estimated by determining the blood alcohol level, which actually can be measured by the amount detectable in an individual's exhalation. Such a test doesn't exist for THC, however. Unlike alcohol, the metabolites, or byproducts, of THC stick around (no pun intended but it's descriptive nonetheless) in the body for up to 30 days. This makes it impossible to determine at what point in time an individual actually used marijuana, and so when s/he might be under its influence.

What is needed is a means to detect THC, the active component of marijuana, and to determine at what level an individual might be considered medically, and therefore legally, under its influence. Any penalties should be just like those for alcohol or even prescription drug use: driving under the influence to the extent where your attention or performance is impaired is a no-no. I don't have the time at the moment to check this out, but will in a few weeks if this is still a news issue. It's possible that such research is in fact being carried out, and that it has been published.
Yeah those gym goers..
When I worked in cubeville in FL many would pay to go to the gym for exercise and pay someone to mow their yard to avoid exercise.
Must be a trendy social scene thing.

Alkies are morons.