
Liberalism is...

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The main difference is ... if a person is trapped in a hole ...a liberal will give that person a ladder to climb out ... a conservative would prefer to include a set of instructions.

actually, the conservative would give the person the set of instructions but not the ladder.
actually, the conservative would give the person the set of instructions but not the ladder.

No, A real conservative would give him the ladder and the instructions. A liberal would jump down the hole, give him moral support, and then realize they're both fucked.
No, A real conservative would give him the ladder and the instructions. A liberal would jump down the hole, give him moral support, and then realize they're both fucked.
<*sigh*> Y'all really aren't paying attention are you?

A real conservative would hold the ladder over the hole and haggle over the price. A real liberal would organize a rally to try to get the government to buy the ladder and install it in the hole.
USC what about it? If you are going to talk about how messianic you are..... then you need to back it up with fact ... fact is The Democrats were the majority party 1964... but a much higher percentage of republicans voted for the civil rights act than Democrats. And I dont give a shit about the South... it was Dem territory in that time...... as maineman likes to point out...... they were on your watch.... and they helped to elect Democratic Presidents.... , Johnson and Kennedy didnt turn down their support ..did they?

Hmm could the fact that the main part of the race problems were still in the south have anything to do with it. How many KKK groups in Colorodo back then ?
How many black marches were there in Montana or North Dakota. Equal rights and deseg were almost ALL about the south.
Hmm could the fact that the main part of the race problems were still in the south have anything to do with it. How many KKK groups in Colorodo back then ?
How many black marches were there in Montana or North Dakota. Equal rights and deseg were almost ALL about the south.

Better do your home work about the KKK ... and the mid-west ....

And it seems like I remember an awful lot of racial riots in the 60's and 70's in what is commonly refered to as the "bastion of liberalism" aka NYC and Boston Mass... wake up USC... you need to stop with the selective memory.
Umm not selective memory, PBS has been running a series on the issue of desegration and related events lately.
Plus I lived the era of desegregation, I was actually old enough to realize what was going on.
Yes there was other problem areas, however the south was the big boiling kettle.