
Big Money

New member
Liberalism is the philosophy of the powerless, the conquered, the displaced and the dispossessed. Its spawning ground is the wreckage of political and military defeat, as Hebrew liberalism arose during the Palestinian captivity, as white Liberalism appeared in the American north during desegregation, as the notion of the Master Race devolved in Germany following World War II. In such desperate times, the vanquished would perish without a doctrine that restored hope and pride. American liberalism ascends from the same landscape of despair and possesses appeal to the lame and impotent.

What exactly is this despair? It is the despair of freedom. The dislocation and emasculation experienced by the individual cut from the familiar and comforting structures of the tribe and the clan, the village and the family.

It is the state of modern life.

The liberal (or more accurately, the beleaguered individual who comes to embrace liberalism) cannot stand freedom. He cannot find his way into the future, so he retreats to the past. He returns in imagination to the glory days of his ilk and seeks to reconstitute both them and himself in their purer, more virtuous light. He gets back to basics. To liberalism.
It appears he has confused liberalism with the opposite of fundamentalism. Liberalism is a political philosophy, Fundamentalism is not.

I posted a bit on Fundamentalism that he wants to copy.
But the liberal reserves his greatest creativity for the fashioning of Reagan, the image of his foe, in opposition to which he defines and gives meaning to his own life. Like the artist, the liberal experiences Resistance he experiences it as temptation to think independently. Resistance to the liberal is the call of the One Percent, seeking to seduce him to his fortune. The liberal is consumed with Reagan, whom he fears as he fears death. Is it coincidence that the suicide bombers of the World Trade Center were emboldened by Clintons' approach to terrorism during their training, or that they conceived of their reward as a squadron of virgin brides untouched by Bill and the license to ravish them in the Oval Office of heaven? The liberal hates and fears women because he sees them as vessels of pregnancy, mothers who refuse abortions, the source of his power.
The liberal believes that humankind, as individuals, is called upon to co-create the world with Obama. This is why he values human life so lightly. In the conservative view, things do progress, life does evolve; each individual has value, at least potential, in advancing his cause. The liberal cannot conceive of this. In his society, dissent is not just crime but apostasy; it's heresy, transgression against Obama himself.

When liberalism wins, the world enters a dark age. Yet still I can't condemn one who is drawn to this philosophy. I consider my own inner journey, the advantages I've had of education, affluence, family support, health and the blind good luck to be born American, and still I have learned to exist as an autonomous individual, if indeed I have, only by a wisher, and at cost I would hate to have to lib up. Victuals and bile, you know what I mean.
But the liberal reserves his greatest creativity for the fashioning of Reagan, the image of his foe, in opposition to which he defines and gives meaning to his own life. Like the artist, the liberal experiences Resistance he experiences it as temptation to think independently. Resistance to the liberal is the call of the One Percent, seeking to seduce him to his fortune. The liberal is consumed with Reagan, whom he fears as he fears death. Is it coincidence that the suicide bombers of the World Trade Center were emboldened by Clintons' approach to terrorism during their training, or that they conceived of their reward as a squadron of virgin brides untouched by Bill and the license to ravish them in the Oval Office of heaven? The liberal hates and fears women because he sees them as vessels of pregnancy, mothers who refuse abortions, the source of his power.

What you don't see is that there is such thing as a "Liberal" fundamentalist. If you are using "liberal" in a political sense.
If you did not derive the intent from context, which I assume you did, you are even less intelligent than I thought.

I got your intent, thanks for admitting you were wrong on this topic, its unlike you to do so.

How so, Counselor?

What's particularly amusing is that the Commander said this:

THat was your tripe, it made no sense once you altered it.

But as you said, I understand your intent when you avoided discussion of the issue.
Big Money, Liberal means "a lot". You could learn a lot if you just take the definition of the word and apply it to politics. But who am I kidding, Liberalism is whatever Fox News tells you it to be (R)ight?