
Progressive Liberalism is a cancerous ideology that relies on lies and dishonesty and feeds off of the ignorance of individuals that believe they are entitled to someone else's money. It requires "victims" in order to fuel it's cancerous growth. Victims who are convinced that the few have more only because others got less. It is an economically ignorant ideology that believes the the economic output of a nation is finite and that only Government can be the justified "arbiter" of fair outcomes and equitable wealth distribution; but only if the political "deciders" of what is fair are Liberal ideologues marching in lockstep with its agenda of failure.

Without the ignorance of the sheeple and these "victims", this cancer cannot survive. Imagine if people actually believed what our founders did regarding "limited" government and understood that the economy is truly finite and that their potential is unlimited through education, independence and self reliance.

There are two kinds of people who are attracted to the Liberal ideology; the intelligentsia who are convinced that they know better what is good for mankind and arrogantly presume they are smarter than everyone else on the planet and should be entitled to be the "deciders", and the useless ignorant dregs of society who fall for the paucity of such ideologues and gullibly believe that they are entitled to that which they have not earned.

This cancerous failed ideology survives in spite of its historically failed agendas only through deceipt and ignorance. It is a cancer that appears to be untreatable because it's message is simplistic and emotionally appealing to gullible simpletons.

The treatment for Progressive Liberalism is through constant vigilance of recognizing and identifying the symptoms whenever it rears its ugly head and persistent efforts to eradicate it through good education. Unfortunately this cancer has found its greatest success within our educational establishments which no longer try to educate, but rather, indoctrinate. It's a difficult struggle due to the dishonest nature of this ideological disease; but a neccessary one if we are to preserve this greatest human experiment of democratic governance by man.
Progressive Liberalism is a cancerous ideology that relies on lies and dishonesty and feeds off of the ignorance of individuals that believe they are entitled to someone else's money. It requires "victims" in order to fuel it's cancerous growth. Victims who are convinced that the few have more only because others got less. It is an economically ignorant ideology that believes the the economic output of a nation is finite and that only Government can be the justified "arbiter" of fair outcomes and equitable wealth distribution; but only if the political "deciders" of what is fair are Liberal ideologues marching in lockstep with its agenda of failure.

Without the ignorance of the sheeple and these "victims", this cancer cannot survive. Imagine if people actually believed what our founders did regarding "limited" government and understood that the economy is truly finite and that there potential is unlimited through education and independence and self reliance.

There are two kinds of people who are attracted to the Liberal ideology; the intelligentsia who are convinced that they know better what is good for mankind and arrogantly presume they are smarter than everyone else on the planet and should be entitled to be the "deciders", and the useless ignorant dregs of society who fall for the paucity of such ideologues and gullibly believe that they are entitled to that which they have not earned.

This cancerous failed ideology survives in spite of its historically failed agendas only through deceipt and ignorance. It is a cancer that appears to be untreatable because it's message is simplistic and emotionally appealing to gullible simpletons.

The treatment for Progressive Liberalism is by constant vigilance of recognizing and identifying the symptoms whenever it rears its ugly head and persistent efforts to eradicate it through good education. Unfortunately this cancer has found its greatest success within our educational establishments which no longer tries to educate, but rather, indoctrinate. It's a difficult struggle due to the dishonest nature of this ideological disease; but a neccessary one if we are to preserve this greatest human experiment of democratic governance by man.

I know the economy is not finite. I know that there is not a limit to how many people can be economically secure. I also know that the current set up is unfair, because it makes it automatic for some people to be financially secure without hard work, and impossible for others to be financially secure, despite the amount of hard work. I believe in fighting to make equal opportunity for everyone, the child of a prostitute and the child of a President.
I know the economy is not finite. I know that there is not a limit to how many people can be economically secure. I also know that the current set up is unfair, because it makes it automatic for some people to be financially secure without hard work, and impossible for others to be financially secure, despite the amount of hard work. I believe in fighting to make equal opportunity for everyone, the child of a prostitute and the child of a President.

You make my case with each and every post. Please explain how the current "set up" (whatever that's supposed to mean) makes it impossible for someone to be financially secure no matter how hard they work.

Let's see how "intelligent" you really are and identify why you're really not very smart at all which is why you are an arrogant leftist ideologue who arrogantly presumes to know what is best for everyone.
Liberals think that in order for there to be rich, there must be many poor to support them.

Someone has to produce the goods and services the rich rely on. Someone has to work the(ir) factories, to build the country's great cities. And while these people certainly don't need to be poor, they need to exist to support the wealthy folk.
just as there is a bell curve of political thought, there is a bell curve for intelligence. The "average" IQ is 100. That means that fully half the population has double digit IQ's. For many of them, the high tech skills needed to succeed in many professions are simply beyond their God given ability to attain. As technology infuses itself into every nook and cranny in our economy, those people are left further and further behind. In Maine, I knew many many people who worked very long and "hard" at tough menial jobs... many of them worked more than one of those jobs just to try and put a roof over their family's heads and keep their children healthy and clothed. For many of them, "getting ahead" was an unattainable pipe dream. For them "getting by", "staying even", "keeping afloat" were their sometimes achievable aspirations. Without those people in our society, and in our workforce, hotels would not have clean rooms or clean bed linens, restaurants would not have clean dishes or bussed tables, and dinner orders would not be taken. Our food crops would not be harvested. We need them to succeed... we need them to get by, stay even, keep afloat, and it would benefit everyone if our society and our government took steps to see that they continue to do so. And, as my signature line says, it is a price we all should be more than willing to pay for domestic tranquility.
Someone has to produce the goods and services the rich rely on. Someone has to work the(ir) factories, to build the country's great cities. And while these people certainly don't need to be poor, they need to exist to support the wealthy folk.
So the wealthy take from the poor, is that it?
The liberal (or more accurately, the beleaguered individual who comes to embrace liberalism) cannot stand freedom. He cannot find his way into the future, so he retreats to the past. He returns in imagination to the glory days of his ilk and seeks to reconstitute both them and himself in their purer, more virtuous light. He gets back to basics. To liberalism.

How true!

Our beleaguered Founding Fathers established “Classical Liberalism” whereby they gave us our Constitution with its most LIBERAL “Bill Of Rights.” & constitutional limits on government.

What “beleaguered” sane, freedom loving man/woman does NOT long for ”GETTING BACK” to those “BASICS?????”
Someone has to produce the goods and services the rich rely on. Someone has to work the(ir) factories, to build the country's great cities. And while these people certainly don't need to be poor, they need to exist to support the wealthy folk.

That is a fascinating strawman you have constructed; who says we do not need factory workers?
just as there is a bell curve of political thought, there is a bell curve for intelligence. The "average" IQ is 100. That means that fully half the population has double digit IQ's. For many of them, the high tech skills needed to succeed in many professions are simply beyond their God given ability to attain. As technology infuses itself into every nook and cranny in our economy, those people are left further and further behind. In Maine, I knew many many people who worked very long and "hard" at tough menial jobs... many of them worked more than one of those jobs just to try and put a roof over their family's heads and keep their children healthy and clothed. For many of them, "getting ahead" was an unattainable pipe dream. For them "getting by", "staying even", "keeping afloat" were their sometimes achievable aspirations. Without those people in our society, and in our workforce, hotels would not have clean rooms or clean bed linens, restaurants would not have clean dishes or bussed tables, and dinner orders would not be taken. Our food crops would not be harvested. We need them to succeed... we need them to get by, stay even, keep afloat, and it would benefit everyone if our society and our government took steps to see that they continue to do so. And, as my signature line says, it is a price we all should be more than willing to pay for domestic tranquility.

Another amazing strawman argument; who is claiming workers are not needed Commander Dimwit?

But alas; Government cannot re-distribute wealth, or income or create opportunity. Historic efforts to use Government for such endeavors have failed miserably. But as you are evidence of the low information dunce class in the world, you stupidly believe that Government can still accomplish what it never has. Yay you!!

How's that working in Venezuela? In Cuba? In China?
Another amazing strawman argument; who is claiming workers are not needed Commander Dimwit?

But alas; Government cannot re-distribute wealth, or income or create opportunity. Historic efforts to use Government for such endeavors have failed miserably. But as you are evidence of the low information dunce class in the world, you stupidly believe that Government can still accomplish what it never has. Yay you!!

How's that working in Venezuela? In Cuba? In China?

MM's argument is telling about what liberals really want. The stated goal of The Obama is to have everyone go to college, so he doesn't want people making beds in hotel rooms. So apparently The Obama is lying, he really wants people to spend money to go to college, fail, then end up with debt, making beds in hotels.
MM's argument is telling about what liberals really want. The stated goal of The Obama is to have everyone go to college, so he doesn't want people making beds in hotel rooms. So apparently The Obama is lying, he really wants people to spend money to go to college, fail, then end up with debt, making beds in hotels.

Liberal versions of what education means is actually indoctrination. Democrats do not what an informed electorate; they could never get elected then.
